The India Page

Sanjeev Sabhlok
a 4th year Ph.D. student,
Department of Economics,
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles , California, USA 90089

SAS/RCF/10/98 dated the 1st of October, 1998.

Dear friend,

  1. This is my "other" home page, on the Research Computing Facility at USC. My term papers and dissertation proposal, etc., are linked here, in the Microsoft Word 6.0 / Word97/ Excel97 format. In case you need the paper/s in a some other format, such as postscript or PDF, please do not hesitate to request me by mail.

  2. Term Papers: Click here to access my term papers.

  3. Dissertation Proposal: My area of specialization will be economic demography. The dissertation proposal - which was approved by my Guidance Committee on the 1st of May, 1997 - and related material, can be obtained by clicking here. Here is Merrill Lynch forum's cash award scheme for doctoral dissertations!

  4. Academic resources These are my frequently used academic resources.

  5. Seminars/ Papers I am working on a paper for the Population Reference Bureau, to be presented a day prior to the Population Association of America meeting in Chicago in Spring, 1998 as part of the 1997-98 Fellows Program in Population Policy Communication.

    The following list of organizations/ associations is being collected for possible submission of papers/ seminars in the future:

    1. Western Economic Association International (WEA) (June 28th, Sunday to July 2nd, Thursday, Lake Tahoe, Nevada).
    2. Bill Goffe's Comprehensive list of Economic Societies and Associations
    3. PAA 1998 session (2nd April [Thursday] to the 4th April [Saturday], 1998, Chicago)
    4. PAA, 1999
    5. Pacific Sociological Association (PSA)
    6. American Economic Association
    7. Search the AEA members list
With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(Sanjeev Sabhlok)
My other home page

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