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Contributing to MobyGames

Hopefully you're asking yourself, "How can I contribute to MobyGames?" If you are, then we thank you, and offer these suggestions:

Add a game entry: MobyGames' greatest empowerment goes to the users who build it. Don't see your favorite game in the database that deserves treatment? You can add it. Just log in using your user account and select "Add Game to Database" on the actions list on the left side. The entire world will thank you.

Ratings and Reviews: A powerful MobyGames strength lies in the ability given to users to rank and review games that they see. See a game and think its MobyScore is too high? Rate it and contribute your opinion to the mix. Did you really like (or hate) a game in the database? Write a short review. Both ratings and reviews can be found as options on the main display page of a game.

Box covers and screenshots: Do you have a box that we don't have (or that we have a bad picture of)? Better yet, do you have a rare alternation version of a box, such as an earlier or European release? Or have you taken a screenshot that perfectly illustrates the game? You can help us out by scanning the front and back of the game box and contributing it to a game entry by selecting the "contribute" link on the left side of the game entry. We'll gladly take it, edit it if necessary, and put it into MobyGames. (Please scan no lower than 100 DPI, and compress the scan into JPEG format before you send it to us. For screenshots, please submit 256-color or less screenshots as a .gif, and 16-bit color or higher screenshots as a .jpg.)

Trivia, and Misc. items: If you have any other bits of information to contribute that appears missing from an entry--a developer bio, insider information, etc.--please don't hesitate to send it to contributions@mobygames.com.

Finally: If you'd like to see an entry added to the database but don't have the necessary information, feel free to email us. We have tons of work to do, but will happily push stuff up the queue for you.

\ MobyGames Copyright © 1999-2000, Jim Leonard and Brian Hirt
All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

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