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  Needed: English version Cybermaster CDROM
 Mario Ferrari
I shipped a Cybermaster to a friend in the US, but the version I got has the CDROM in Danish, so I'm looking for some help in getting a copy of the English version. Though I'm technically asking for a copy, in this case I think I'm not doing [...] (5 minutes ago, 19-Sep-00, to
  Re: 20" minifigure from S@H
 Larry Pieniazek
[...] Look on the bright side, this time it appeared not to work. Auction closed or ended with no bids. ++Lar (2 hours ago, 19-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,,,
  Re: Wal-Mart has Adventurers #5976 River Expedition at $24 USD
 Mark Sandlin
[...] Yes indeedy. I was out this weekend in the Lynnwood-Everett WA area, and the only sale to be found was a Slave I at Target for $15.88. :^( ~(((Mark))) (and further more,) (7 hours ago, 19-Sep-00, to
  Re: 2152 Robo Raptor
 Jason Bucholz
Hey Everyone, I'm looking for a Robo-Raptor, from the RoboForce series, if anyone has one they'd be interested in selling please e-mail me. (7 hours ago, 19-Sep-00, to

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