Assign Attrib BWBasic Chkdsk Choice Comp Copy Debug Defrag Deltree Diskcopy Edit Exe2bin Fc Fdisk Fdxms Find Format Freecom Help Install Kernel Keyb Label Mem Mirror Mode More Move Nansi Print Replace Scandisk Shcdex Sort Subst Tdsk Tree Unformat Xcopy bugtrack closed faq incoming trash wishlist

ID Summary Posted by
5 install program should write an install log
8 can the install program add a command line option?
12 adding package management to the Install program
31 Install Pgm. - colors hard to read on mono monitor
66 More often than not, the installation program can't make/find the appropriate directory.
67 Suggest that install.exe confirm which directories it will install to

Assign Attrib BWBasic Chkdsk Choice Comp Copy Debug Defrag Deltree Diskcopy Edit Exe2bin Fc Fdisk Fdxms Find Format Freecom Help Install Kernel Keyb Label Mem Mirror Mode More Move Nansi Print Replace Scandisk Shcdex Sort Subst Tdsk Tree Unformat Xcopy bugtrack closed faq incoming trash wishlist

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