Niella Ravane

My name is Niella Ravane. I'm from the tuatha'an people, tinkers to the outside.

I had a very happy childhood, traveling around, looking for the song, and i loved to dance and listen to songs and music.

the only thing that set me apart from everyone else in my tribe, was the fact that I'm overly curious."will that girl never stop asking "WHY?,HOW COME?"" was the general saying about me from an early age. i always had to investigate everything.

Like many tuatha'an i have long, black hair, and dark brown eyes. i love strong colours, especially red.

i have a sense of humour, and like to play tricks on people, something that often leads me into trouble.

I am 16 years old, and a few months ago i discovered that I'm able to channel. I do not know how strong I am in the power, nor what all my abilities are, but I do know I can sense if people are ill around me, or even if they are in pain. I feel sad about leaving my people, and fear i'll be lonely in the WhiteTower...How will the other novices feel about a tinker novice? what will it be like to live in the same place all the time? Will I who believe in the Way of the Leaf be able to work with members of the Green Ajah? will all the questions in my mind finally be answered? Maybe someone in Tar Valon will know the song? I look forward to starting my studies. I like to read, so i'll probable enjoy the library I've heard so much about. This is all like an adventure, but it will take a bit of getting used to the dicipline I've heard about.

When I qualify for the shawl, I think I'll choose Brown Ajah. Then I'll be able to ask as many WHY? questions i want, and I can aid my people in searching for the song too. One thing is sure, I will not choose Green, how can they use their wonderful powers on something as nasty as battles and violence? I guess there are some things about none Tuatha'ans I'll never really get used to...
"Light Illumine you child, I am Rodien Cal'dene Sedai, I wondering if you could perhaps make a riding dress for me."

"Yes of course, Rodien Sedai, which type of fabric would you like? My store room is full with new silks and linens, the finest of the new shipments."

"I would like something in yellow silk child, thank you."

"My pleasure Aes Sedai, excuse me, I'l' be right back with the silk."

Arelan's mother hurried to the store room to begin her search, and Arelan tried her hardest to seem like she was enthralled in her sewing, when she was really eyeing the Aes Sedai. Rodien walked closer to the front counter, and when she reached it, she eyed Arelan almost.... suspiciously.

"Greetings Child." Rodien spoke, "I'm sure you heard my introduction to your mother, Light, I came for a simple dress and, I find you."

"Pardon me, but what do you mean Aes Sedai?" Arelan said, a bit puzzled.

"Child, this may come as a shock, but I feel the spark of Saidar in you, and I have no choice but to take you to the tower, where you can properly tested and trained."

Arelan's head began to spin, was this a joke? Was she supposed to be laughing, what did this Aes Sedai really want, from her of all people?

"Aes Sedai I don't know wha...." Rodien cut her off abruptly.

"Don't argue with me child, I will take you to your home where you can pack whatever belongings you'd like to take to the tower with you, then I'll come back for the dress, go tell your mother what's happened, and we'll be on our way."

Arelan's head never had a chance to recover, one blow after anther, Saidar? a channeller? The TOWER? her mother... her mother.

What can I say to my mother? How can I tell her I can channel?

"Aes Sedai, must I tell my mother?"

"The choice is yours child, but make it quick, I have business to attend to, well are you ready?"

Arelan couldn't tell her mother this, much less her father, it would pain them too much, neither of her parents liked Aes Sedai, actually is why quite the opposite.

I have to do this....From the little Arelan knew of Aes Sedai, she knew the dangers of channeling without being taught, she herself would most likely die, or even worse, hurt those around her.

"Aes Sedai, I'm ready, I wish not to go home, or speak to my mother, it will be better this way."

"As you wish child, now follow me."

Rodien walked out of the shop with Arelan close behind. Tears began to sting her eyes, The tower was in plane view, and they were on a path straight for it.

* * *

Alarna came out the storeroom, the bolt of pale yellow silk folded across her arm, when she entered the front of the store, it was empty, she glanced around

It's completely empty, where's Arelan?

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