Half-Life First Look - (1/3)Mouse [07-Sep-2000]

System: Dreamcast
Developer: Gearbox Software/Captivation Digital Laboratories
Publisher: Havas Interactive

What’s this? Another Half-Life Dreamcast Preview? “What on earth are you playing at, EuroGamer?” you must surely be pondering, “And more to the point, what else could you possibly be able to tell us that you haven’t already covered in your previous preview?”. Well, this may seem an illogical step my young friends, but we can divulge and disseminate essential information to you which we couldn’t have previously commented on because we hadn’t played it. But now… oh yes… now we can finally lay to rest all your clamouring thoughts and troubles in one fell swoop with our hands-on preview of HLDC.

To be honest, I couldn’t quite believe my luck. Wandering about (as you do) this weeks ECTS exhibition in Olympia, I happened upon a small booth at the back of the hall proffering some interesting screens of visual delight. Inwards I ventured to find the usual humming PC’s displaying their wares - Tribes 2 flexing its muscles in one corner, and the unerringly pretty Gunman Half-Life expansion fluttering its eyelashes in this corner. All was usual until I turned the corner and discovered a TV attached to a Dreamcast running a playable Half-Life beta. Excellent, a prime opportunity to take some pictures and notes whilst these two fellows here are enjoying themselves. One of these gentlemen, obviously aware of my presence, turns to me and asks if he can help me out with any queries I might have. A quick glance at his name badge sparks all manner of switches and cogs to start whirring in my primitive mind until I realise who it is I’m speaking to..

Randy Pitchford, game designer and head of Gearbox Software (pre-Gearbox: Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior to name just a couple), is a surprisingly welcoming man, oozing confidence and a strongly apparent will to help me out and show off this thing he’s made. I wasn’t for one minute expecting to be sitting next to the man previously responsible for heading up the Opposing Force official expansion pack for Half-Life on the PC, and I expect I was visibly shocked at my predicament. Still, I jumped into my journalist pants and proceeded to fire off a few questions to Randy and his equally friendly and accommodating partner Brian Martel (Gearbox’s art “czar”) whilst I had a quick wander around the HL universe, lovingly squeezed into the little white box of tricks.