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Online coverage
Pro Tour London 1999
October 15-16-17

Round 10

      Op-Match PL-Duel Op-Duel Matches
Rank Name Points Win% Win% Win% P/W/D/B
1 Refsdal, Gunnar 27 62.2857 76 57.2531 10/9/0/0
2 Bregoli, Mike 27 56.7143 85.7143 53.4414 10/9/0/0
3 Mowshowitz, Zvi 25 60.9524 70.8333 57.6125 10/8/1/0
4 Rubin, Ben 25 60.0476 73.913 57.0004 10/8/1/0
5 Herms Pont, Roc 25 58.9524 69.2308 56.0747 10/8/1/0
6 Krakower, Gary 24 66.6667 69.2308 61.4803 10/8/0/0
7 Hubble, Bryan 24 64.3333 72 58.7487 10/8/0/0
8 Turian, Michael 24 63.9524 68 60.5795 10/8/0/0
9 Rose, Kyle 24 61.7619 73.913 58.3671 10/8/0/0
10 Shvartsman, Alex 24 59.5238 68 56.2823 10/8/0/0
11 Preyer, Thomas 24 58.4286 66.6667 55.8627 10/8/0/0
12 Hovi, Tommi 24 53.6667 77.2727 53.1538 10/8/0/0
13 Hidaka, Ayumi 24 53.1429 75 52.7128 10/8/0/0
14 OMS, Steven 23 60.9841 69.3333 59.416 10/7/2/0
15 Clegg, Daniel 23 53.3175 70.8333 55.4966 10/7/2/0
16 Pischner, Andreas 22 54.3333 66.6667 51.435 10/7/1/0
17 Budde, Kai 22 54.2381 66.6667 51.7575 10/7/1/0
18 Hernandez, Marc 22 53.0952 71.4286 50.4995 10/7/1/0
19 Gallitz, Donald 22 53.0317 64 55.2626 10/7/1/0
20 Kastle, Darwin 22 50.1587 68.1818 49.9413 9/6/1/1
21 Valkyser, Stephan 21 67.5238 60 62.2697 10/7/0/0
22 Jensen, William 21 66.1429 65.2174 60.6744 10/7/0/0
23 Snepvangers, Bram 21 65.381 58.3333 59.8369 10/7/0/0
24 Slemr, Jakub 21 61.8571 66.6667 59.411 10/7/0/0
25 Fuller, Ryan 21 60.9048 64 57.817 10/7/0/0
26 Frayman, Igor 21 60.4286 57.6923 56.3081 10/7/0/0
27 Nakamura, Satoshi 21 58.7619 57.6923 56.1044 10/7/0/0
28 Fujita, Osamu 21 58.4762 66.6667 53.8419 10/7/0/0
29 Cowley, Steve 21 55.7143 66.6667 55.7874 10/7/0/0
30 Steinaa, Jakob 21 55.381 68.1818 54.3002 10/7/0/0
31 Hacker, Brian 21 54 61.5385 52.8209 10/7/0/0
32 Schmidt, Karl 21 52.7143 66.6667 50.6441 10/7/0/0
33 Johnson, Andrew 21 49.381 65.2174 49.4379 10/7/0/0
34 Hellman, Kristian 20 67.5714 59.0909 61.6846 10/6/2/0
35 Odegaard, Oyvind 20 59.619 66.6667 59.5468 10/6/2/0
36 Cade, Chris 20 56.619 61.3333 56.3224 10/6/2/0
37 Krzywicki, Mike 20 53.1429 70 51.4442 10/6/2/0
38 Frangiosa, Rich 20 50.0952 64 50.3155 10/6/2/0
39 D'Hondt, Jean-Louis 20 50.0635 56 52.6932 10/6/2/0
40 Wallach, Ken 19 61.1429 65 56.0678 10/6/1/0
41 Levy, Raphael 19 59.7143 58.3333 57.1698 10/6/1/0
42 Geertsen, Svend 19 59.3175 56 57.4695 10/6/1/0
43 Jorstedt, Mattias 19 57.9048 66.6667 53.6648 10/6/1/0
44 Bearl, Ken 19 57.5238 55.5556 54.9332 10/6/1/0
45 Stanton, Jack 19 56.7196 68.1818 54.7911 9/5/1/1
46 Larkin, John 19 56.2381 56.5217 52.9336 10/6/1/0
47 Gary, Justin 19 54.2381 57.6923 53.0504 10/6/1/0
48 Baberowski, Dirk 19 53.1429 61.3333 50.1075 10/6/1/0
49 Wise, Gary 19 51.9048 58.3333 53.0562 10/6/1/0
50 Filipe, Antunio 19 51.1429 59.7222 52.0601 10/6/1/0
51 Bingen, Sturla 19 50.5238 62.5 49.9211 10/6/1/0
52 Weber, Joe 19 50.127 62.5 48.9151 10/6/1/0
53 Freneau, Philip 19 49.6032 66.6667 50.0728 10/6/1/0
54 Doyama, Tsuyoshi 19 48.381 57.6923 47.4252 10/6/1/0
55 Menard, Antoine 19 47.7619 55.1282 49.3637 10/6/1/0
56 Katz, Michael 18 61.381 56.5217 58.9564 10/6/0/0
57 Tsang, Gabriel 18 60.7143 57.6923 56.1952 10/6/0/0
58 Gemund, Tobias 18 59.3333 54.5455 55.8448 10/6/0/0
59 Vernyns, Linus 18 59.2857 54.1667 56.9004 10/6/0/0
60 Lewis, Mike 18 57.1905 58.3333 55.9272 10/6/0/0
61 Okamoto, Jin 18 54.1429 56.5217 50.7299 10/6/0/0
62 Pustilnik, Michael 18 50 57.1429 49.7025 10/6/0/0
63 Sylvain, Lauriol 17 59.2698 58.3333 56.6532 10/5/2/0
64 Waller, Sam 17 59.0952 55.5556 58.2751 10/5/2/0
65 Landriz, Erik 17 55.381 59.0909 55.6773 10/5/2/0
66 Lintamo, Mikko 17 54 60 52.5045 10/5/2/0
67 Blumke, Alexander 17 52.619 52.6316 51.8547 10/5/2/0
68 Lozoya, Pablo 17 51.6931 56.5217 50.3258 9/4/2/1
69 Froehlich, Eric 17 50.9524 62.5 50.788 10/5/2/0
70 Lo Moro, Raffaele 17 50 58.3333 49.6743 10/5/2/0
71 Cetl, Erwin 16 66.9048 50 62.0252 10/5/1/0
72 Parker, Brock 16 64.381 52.1739 60.0617 10/5/1/0
73 Dall Jensen, Thomas 16 61.3333 52 57.8289 10/5/1/0
74 Tan, Poy Kok 16 59.4286 54.5455 58.2109 10/5/1/0
75 Nitter, Eivind 16 56.9524 56.5217 56.1805 10/5/1/0
76 Bevand, Manuel 16 56.2381 46.1538 55.1434 10/5/1/0
77 Kornblith, Charles 16 55.2381 55.5556 55.495 10/5/1/0
78 Vergendo, Maurizio 16 54.619 47.8261 52.9121 10/5/1/0
79 Wolfman, Steven 16 54.381 56 53.6992 10/5/1/0
80 Linde, Matt 16 54 48 56.5979 10/5/1/0
81 Swan, Brad 16 52.3333 53.3333 53.9941 10/5/1/0
82 Desjardin, Pascal 16 52.1905 49.2063 52.4419 10/5/1/0
83 Manners, Chris 16 50.2857 48.1481 50.7701 10/5/1/0
84 Ljones, Christer 16 50.0317 52 51.3811 10/5/1/0
85 Dato, Federico 16 47.8095 48.1481 48.1109 10/5/1/0
86 Parke, Jamie 16 47.5714 52.1739 49.8695 10/5/1/0
87 Price, David 15 60.4233 52 57.1328 9/4/0/1
88 Soubrie, Gregoire 15 58.0952 46.1538 56.7661 10/5/0/0
89 Opalka, Jason 15 57.9524 52.1739 54.0885 10/5/0/0
90 Tanasini, Pietro 15 55.381 50 51.1629 10/5/0/0
91 Kitchen, Jeff 14 53.7619 47.0588 53.6346 10/4/2/0
92 Monsen, Haakon 14 48.7619 46.1538 52.2534 10/4/2/0
93 Cools, Pierre 13 58 45.4545 56.0305 10/4/1/0
94 Redi, Andrea 13 55.3333 44 53.5417 10/4/1/0
95 Klauser, Benedikt 13 53.8571 51.8519 52.3142 10/4/1/0
96 Rasmusen, Tim 13 48.0794 50 49.2016 10/4/1/0

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