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Pimply-faced Teen, Squeaky-voiced Teen

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Name:  Pimply-faced Teen, Squeaky-voiced Teen
Release Info:  Asst C rel. 12/2001
Item Code:  F0075
Description:  This minimum-wage-worker has it all… great hours, free food and tons of prestige. Ahh, that's the life.
Accessories:Krusty burger #2
 Krusty fries (small)
 Krusty shake (small)
 paper hat
Unique Phrases:  6
Compatibility Ratio:  2 / 16 environments
Packaging:  Boxed (playset)
Height & Weight:  4.68" [11.89 cm], 1.3 oz. [36.85 g]
Resistor Values:  18k & 39k


Arcade, Noiseland Arcade  "We got an air-hockey table."
 "Diane, I'm going to take my break now."
Krusty Burger  "Do ya want fries with that?"
 "We need some more secret sauce. Put this mayonnaise in the sun!"
 "Mr. Wembly, it happened again!"
 "Sir, it's a felony to tease the order box."
Total Phrases
(including duplicates):

Verified Incompatible Environments:

Living Room
Power Plant, Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
Springfield Elementary
Treehouse of Horror I, Springfield Cemetary
Krusty/Krusty-Lu Studios
Town Hall
Bowl-a-Rama, Barney's
Comic Book Shop, the Android's Dungeon
Church, First Church of Springfield
Lunar Base, Radioactive Man's Lunar Base
Treehouse of Horror II, Alien Ship
Family Christmas
Simpsons Kitchen

Total Verified Incompatible:  14

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