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WEB BUILDERS: Tired of hacks and versioning? Write valid markup and code. Our Tips Page can assist you in planning the best strategy for your site.

Valid HTML 4.01. No big deal.


The Upgrade campaign encourages developers to learn about and use web standards even if the resulting sites look less than optimal in older browsers. It acknowledges that many sites can’t do this, and provides three levels of developer participation: hardcore DOM sniffing, a “kinder, gentler” method that enables all viewers to access content, and the option to simply link to the page, with or without a tiny banner ad.

The “kinder, gentler” method has been used in the A List Apart redesign (February 2001), which is accessible to any browser or device—from Netcape 1.0 to Palm Pilots to Lynx. ALA issue No. 99 provides the rationale behind the upgrade, answers possible objections, and shows the methods used to transform the site from table hacks to CSS.

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The Web Standards Project.