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We Believe

From Our Porch

By Thomas and Sherri Waller



The modern day prophet has said it - “On or before the arrival of the year 2000 the world as we know it will cease to be - disaster is approaching!” Volumes of periodicals and books have been written to tell us what is going to happen and then how to avoid the crisis within our own families. Many believers and non-believers are selling everything they have and getting out of debt. Others are storing provisions and even weapons to get them through. There is an undercurrent of fear gripping believers, this nation, and the world.


There are many sobering facts concerning Y2K and we’ve yet to hear any convincing argument against any of them. If there was a quick fix, then it would have already been fixed, right? An aunt in Tupelo, MS recently went into her bank and asked one of the managers what they were doing to prepare for Y2K. His response was, “What’s Y2K?”. Frightening isn’t it?


In talking to our neighbor, he shared his belief that it would only be YHWH’s mercy for everything to crash in the year 2000. He believes that YHWH’s judgement is upon us now because He has turned many over to their own worldly lust (Rm. 1:28).


Others hope this crisis will be a great time of revival as many fall to their knees in desperation. There are those we are close to who have had life-threatening events occur who began to walk “the straight and narrow” because they felt YHWH had given them a “wake-up call”. However when the crisis was over they returned to their former lifestyle. We have also witnessed people scurrying around looking for their non-electric, non-plumbed, Y2K houses saying, “Man, I hope I’m not living like this 5 years from now.”


We have grown accustomed to the worlds standard and when that standard is jeopardized we become fearful. The question is - are we fearful of YHWH’s judgement or are we fearful of a crisis that may include not being able to take a hot shower? Mal 3:16 says, Then they that feared YHWH spake often one to another and YHWH hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared YHWH, and that thought upon His Name. Do our thoughts and conversations to others represent a fear of a Holy Elohim?


Our fear of suffering has become intensified by the things the world says we must have. We have become trapped in bondage to what someone 100, or even 50, years ago would consider excessive. Someone recently said, “You can’t live without indoor plumbing and a septic system! You would expose your family to many dangerous germs!” With at least 2 million Israelites in the wilderness, it’s a wonder they made it across the Jordan without our modern necessities.


The suffering that Y2K brings will not come close to the suffering that we will experience in the name of Yahshua our Messiah. Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My Name’s sake (Mt 5:11). Are we prepared to stand in our faith to the point of death? How can “the church” of today be persecuted when it represents a mirror image of world standards? A church that believes that YHWH’s precepts were done away with on the cross. How much does our Messiah grieve when He witnesses the teachings of those that portray Him as one who would come to destroy His Father’s work?


YHWH is good, a stronghold in the days of trouble and He knoweth them that trust in Him (Nah 1:17). The evangelistic hope of Y2K could be a wonderful offspring of a great crisis, but when a man’s wife and children are hungry and there is no bread to eat because he has stood in the name of Messiah, his new-found faith will be sorely tested. In that day it will be difficult for the mature and strong to stand, how will the young and weak? What could be a floodgate of desperate souls in 2000 could turn into a trickle as the test of true faith is sent to purify the body. How narrow can the way to righteousness be? During the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust precious few were willing to attach themselves to the nation of Israel. Many Jews denied their own faith for fear of persecution. How much greater would the exodus of new Messianic believers be when the price is so high? Consider the cost.


That is the scene set by YHWH for the year 2000. But Halleluyah, YHWH has been at work bringing judgement on the world. He simultaneously has been bringing deliverance to His people!


As for me and my house, YHWH has gradually brought us through so many transitions to prepare us for this day and hour. He has turned our hearts toward our children and our home, has removed selfish ambition from us and replaced it with a desire to live simply. We dropped the 2 income, 2 child, 2 car culturally acceptable lifestyle to embrace the fullness of YHWH’s design. The husband as the provider, the wife as the nurturer, both caring for the “blessings” of their union. YHWH proves His word is true by miraculously providing for our every need.


The clothes line is no longer just a booby trap in the yard, the air conditioners have been replaced by box fans, the dishwasher is a pair of human hands. It is hard to express the deep sense of satisfaction and preparedness simply cooking a pot of beans on the woodstove brings. Most changes have been postponed as long as possible and inevitably when the dreaded task is tackled the mountain crumbles to a mole hill.


Now we face the challenges of a non-electric world. Yes, YHWH has sold our house and is moving us to a non-electric community. For months we have struggled with what direction to take and by continuing to study his Torah and waiting on Him, He has directed our path. YHWH in His loving kindness has given us our jubilee! He has released us from the shackles of debt and given us a wonderful homestead in the country. What YHWH put in our hearts, He is bringing about.


Would it be out of line to encourage you to get out of debt? The Torah makes provision for short-term (7 year) debt (Deut. 15), so it is not sin, however, it is called a curse (Deut. 28:44). We are commanded in Romans 13:8 to owe no man anything except our love to one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. The Hebrew word for debt is arab, one who wants to posses what he does not own. Our culture has trained us to live like Philistines, enemies of Israel, adversaries of YHWH! Brothers and Sisters this is no time to cling to this world, cut the strings... and move on.


Does that sound like “Y2K Panic”? Is YHWH worrying about “the crash”? No, He is methodically preparing His people. Will everyone’s preparation be the same? Absolutely not. YHWH is preparing a bride, not a paranoid survivalist. That is why it is imperative for you and I to get on our faces and seek YHWH’s will for our individual families. There is no longer a place for the masses to be instructed by a man. Your instruction must come from YHWH. As Moses encouraged Joshua, in this day and hour we must be bold, be strong, for YHWH our Elohim is with us.


We look to the future with sobriety. YHWH’s Word says, The steps of a good man are ordered by YHWH. Ps. 37:23 We are placing all our trust in that. This direction has taken us to an unknown place away from things comfortable and familiar to us. It is with great heartache and tears that we realize weekly fellowship here in Lebanon will be impossible. The ties that bind are strong, the fruit of our time together is that we, lost sheep of Israel, have been added to the flock for which we are forever grateful. We must go to a foreign pasture to share what we know while continuing to learn from others whose hearts are being turned towards Him. We long for the day when we all will be gathered to Israel. May you and your house be guided by His unseen hand.


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