

Computing Terms

File Associations -

A file association is an association between a file and a program. That helps, doesn't it? Let's look at an example.

Let's say you have some Word documents floating around your hard drive.
Now let's say you double-click one. Since it's associated with MS Word, Word automatically runs and opens the Word Doc you just doubled clicked.

This applies to just about every type of file out there, not just Word Docs (in today's tip, you'll learn how to change these file associations).

Also, you may find you need to set up an association from time to time.
If you've ever clicked a file and got a screen asking you what program to open it with, you've run into this problem.

Now, you may actually have a program on your hard drive that can open the file (notepad is good for system files), but chances are that in order to open the file in question, you'll need new software of some sort.

Here's a link to a page with tons of different file extensions for you to look at. They can help you find the type of file you're trying to open and maybe tell you what to open it with. Click Here.

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