
2.4.2003 BraveTree Images Featured on GarageGames Image of the Day
Images of the 'light tank' model from our game ThinkTanks posted on GarageGames Development SnapShot Gallery.

2.3.2003 BraveTree Releases Jetbike.
Bravetree releases the fourth installment in our ever growing lne of Content Packs for the Torque Game Engine.

1.27.2003 BraveTree Relases WarSparrow Content Pack.
Check out the latest installment in our series of content packs at GarageGames.

1.19.2003 Mac Build of ThinkTanks working!
Check out the GarageGames Image of the Day.

1.18.2003 BraveTree Ships it's second Content Pack!
Check it out on GarageGames.

1.9.2003 BraveTree Content Packs now for Sale!
We have just released the first of many content packs deigned for use with the Torque Game Engine. The Tree Pack Pro is fully Torque compatible. At only $24.95, this product makes game development with the TGE that much easier.

1.6.2003 ThinkTanks gets speed boost!
Optimizations for our game have been released back to the community. BraveTree technical director Clark Fagot tells all about it in his .plan.

12.29.2002 - Added a movie of the IndieCon build of ThinkTanks to the Games page.

12.21.2002 - BraveTree Website gets updated.
The BraveTree Website has been updated with more information, including the team bios, our past game credits, as well as a little bit of information about our game ThinkTanks. We are working hard on getting the Gallery into a presentable state.

12.13.2002 - GarageGames Players Site goes live!
The full press release can be found on GameSpy.

12.12.2002 - ThinkTanks screenshots posted at MacGamer.
Screenshots of ThinkTanks from the IndieGamesCon are posted on MacGamer in Nicolas Quinjano's IndieCon Diary. Read the entire article here.

11.30.2002 - BraveTree Creative Director Joe Maruschak Particpates in developer roundtable, "Fun vs. Tech- where to focus."
Joe Maruschak will voice his thoughts and opinions about the challenge of trying to stay abreast of the ever changing technology while creating entertainment software. The full story can be found here. A log of the chat can be found at the GarageGames Chatlog Index at Cyprmedia.

11.06.2002 - ThinkTanks ScreenShot on GarageGames Daily SnapShot.

11.03.2002 - BraveTree takes second place at the IndieGamesCon
On November 3, 2002 BraveTree Productions took second place in the IndieGamesCon 2002 ShowOFF contest with their game ThinkTanks. Check out the article on GameSpy Daily. For more information about ThinkTanks, please see our Games page.

9.18.2002 - Joe Maruschak, Creative Director of BraveTree to present at the IndieGameCon.
BraveTree's Creative Director Joe Maruschak will be presenting a session on using the Torque Exporter tools and also chairing a roundtable discussion on making it as an independent artist in the games industry. BraveTree will also be showing off an early aplha build of their game ThinkTanks.

8.29.2002 -ThinkTanks concept art on GargeGames DailySnapshot.