Volksfront is an organization with many views and many issues related to race, workers, enviroment and topics which affect the advancement of European civilization.
  • Volksfront on Race
  • Volksfront on Revolution & Terrorism
  • Volksfront on Crime
  • Volksfront on Abortion
  • Volksfront on Enviroment
  • Volksfront on Zionism
  • Volksfront on Drugs
  • Volksfront on Religion
  • Volksfront on Personal Conduct and Character
  • Volksfront on Violence
  • Volksfront on Labor
  • Volksfront on the "Scene" and State of the Movement
  • Volksfront on Women and Children

    Volksfront on Race, Culture and Heritage

    Volksfront believes all races have the inherant right to exist in freedom. We believe that culture and heritage are worth preservation. We seek not to enslave or impose tyranny on any people. We acknowledge the inherant differences in each race and embrace those differences as valuable and worth preserving. We feel miscegenation ( race-mixing ) will lead to the death of our culture and create a world of identical zombies in a one world state without culture, heritage, or beauty. We believe all people should honor their ancestors and the sacrifices made by them to ensure their posteritys' success.

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    Volksfront on Terrorism & Revolution

    Terrorism, the use of violence and terror against non-military targets is the most cowardly form of political persuasion and oppression. Sadly, the United States government regularly employs such "terrorist" tactics against peoples and nations throughout the world. Volksfront condemns the terrorist actions of our government as well as those by others. A military or political victory bought through dishonor and terrorism is a defeat of morality and the code of honor which seperates the Aryan ideal from the base beliefs of our enemies. Never will Volksfront condone the attacking of civilian populations or use of terrorism by any government or organization to obtain political power. The Revolution sought by Volksfront is one of ideals, conduct and thought. Volksfront supports and defends the Constitution of the United States as created by the Founding Fathers. Volksfront completely opposes unconstitutional amendments and laws such as the "Patriot Act" and the enforcement of Federal Policies on individual states. We support State's Rights and the right of the Amercian people to live free from oppression. We are aware that sometimes "Terrorism" is the weapon of the poor and subjegated against those with overwhelming military and economic power. We believe that media often defines the just acts of Freedom Fighters as "Terrorism". It is interesting to note that the media has never portrayed Nelson Mandela (who ironically now holds a Nobel Peace Prize) as a terrorist despite the fact the ANC regularly bombed civilian targets and murdered innocents. Apparently the term 'terrorism' only applies to those whom the system has decreed as enemies. Terrorism when used by Zionists or the economic/political elite is always given a politer name.

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    Volksfront on Crime and Criminality

    We believe crime is a symptom of a weak national social structure and lack of punishment due to modern liberal corrections philosophy. We fully support capital punishment of drug dealers, rapists, child molestors, corrupt public servants, and those who harm children, women, and the elderly. Volksfront supports, for example, removing the hand of a person caught stealing. We feel that without strict and severe punishment crime will continue unabated. Crime often follows economic trends, to effectively stop crime we must also ensure the basic needs of the populace. By ensuring our peoples' basic needs and inflicting severe punishment on the offender we can bring nearly all crime and corruption to a halt. Loss of moral instruction also contributes greatly to crime amongst our youth, we will give our youth the moral foundation to resist the temptation of crime and drugs.

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    Volksfront on Abortion

    We feel that given our race's declining pertcentage of world population and in recognition of the sanctity of human life that abortion is a crime. Abortion when used as a method of convenience or birth control is paramount to child murder. Only in cases of rape, incest, fetus retardation, or immediate threat to the mother's life should it ever be considered. Being a Folkish organization we feel the most valuable asset of our folk is our children. In our children lay the only hope for our race's survival.

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    Volksfront on Enviroment

    Volksfront will end control of public governemntal agencies by corporations. We will compromise in no way matters of enviromental health to satisfy corporate greed. Our enviroment is our home and a legacy to our children, by destroying the earth we murder our decendants. We will preserve all existing species at any cost. All natural water ways must be restored and we must enforce strict control over them and severely punish those who abuse them. The research, developement, and production of alternative energy sources is critical to the survival of all species on this planet we call home. The preservation, establishment, and growth of forrest land is also critical in ensuring a healthy home for mankind.

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    Volksfront on Zionism and Israel

    Volksfront views Israel as a criminal racist state which is conducting systematic genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people. Zionism influences most major governments and international organizations. Zionism is the belief that the Jews are god's "chosen" people and that Jews must dominate world culture, economics, media, government and religion. Zionism is the international support system which props up the criminal and racist government of Israel. We demand freedom and a return of Israel and all areas occupied by Jewish forces to the Palestinian people. Volksfront supports all Palestinian freedom organizations. The influence of Zionist groups in North American government is dominating our way of life. Zionists back current legislature banning certain firearms, promoting abortion (although Jews are against abortion for their own people), the increase in governmental police power to stop pro-White and pro-freedom orgaizations. They welcome foreign immigration which they feel will suppress our people's ability to oppose them. Zionism also promotes the myth of six million Jews being killed in the mythical holocaust. Pre-war census figures of Europe put the number of Jews in Occupied Europe at under 5 million. After the war over 1.5 million Jews emmigrated to Israel from Europe, approximately 1 million emmigrated to the United States, near 2 million remained in Europe. Holocaust reparations are Israels number one source of funding. The holocaust has been extremely profitable for the Israeli state. Israel officially lowered it's death count of the holocaust to 1.6 million yet U.S. Zionists still promote the six million myth. The holocaust is a genius propaganda operation which has funneled trillions of dollars to the Israeli government. Volksfront does not hate the individual Jew, we oppose international Zionism and Israel.

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    Volksfront on Drugs

    Drugs and alcohol are the plague of White youth. Volksfront seeks to replace the fantasy world of drugs and crime with a love of Folk and work ethic. The rampant drug use by our youth is a symptom of a society concerned more with capitalism and foreign causes than it's own future. Drugs and alcohol are the leading cause of death and crime among our youth and young adults. Those who distribute drugs to our Folk are the lowest form of vermin. An intoxicated and drugged populace has little concern for the ills affecting our society. The Federal Government could easily halt the majority of drugs entering the United States but due to corruption and the need for continued funding for police forces and prisons they allow it to continue. Corrections is one of the top growth industries in the United States. The governemnt allow it to enter our nation, drugs the population, arrests them, incarcerates them, releases them on parole then begins the cycle anew. Drug siezures and property confiscation is also a big source of government revenue. Drugs and alcohol are the number ones causes of theft, burglary, rape, domestic violence, child abuse, and auto deaths. It is a cycle of death and degradation of our Folk.

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    Volksfront on Religion

    Religion is a basic foundation in the preservation of our society and promotion of our cultural moral character in our youth. There are several religions which promote the Folkish lifestyle, Christian Identity, Asatru/ Odinism, and Creativity. Volksfront feels a man's faith is his own and does not exclude those who practice folk religions for membership. Volksfront allows atheism, Christian Identity, Asatru, and Creativity faiths. Jews and satanists are excluded from membership per the Volksfront Constitution, since we feel these faiths are not beneficial to our cause.

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    Volksfront on Personal Conduct and Character

    Volksfront feels a persons actions reflect on that person and the depths of their belief in our cuase. Those who act with peronal dishonour and cowardice reflect on that persons true values. Those with ego and serving purposes as their motivation for being in this movement must be eliminated from our ranks. To many people feel this movement or organizations is merely a gang to back up their personal issues. So many mafia wannabe's have tried to make this movement into a means of making personal empires for the power hungry egos. This same ego problem hold true for many band members who see our movement as an easy way to fame and the pop star lifestyle they seek. A persons convictions are truly shown by their actions, not words. This cause we fight for is one of honor and it is time men of honor take it back. To many individuals and groups let personal issues turn our movement into a soap opera of sex, violence, money, and fame. We at Volksfront judge our peers by their deeds not the working of their tongue.

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    Volksfront on Violence and Force

    In a violent world force must be sometimes used if we are to remain a free people. Volksfront does not condone or use illegal force or violence. We do exercise our rights to go where we will in a free land and will use force to defend that right if attacked by our enemies. Volksfront discourages violence as a means to change the hearts of our enemies, kicking in someones head will not make them our political allies. Volksfront members proudly exercise their right to "keep and bare arms". We know that violence created by stupidity or machoism will and can destroy organizations, we will not allow this in Volksfront. We speak our minds as free men and women on issues affecting honor and duty, if you choose to attack us it's at your risk.

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    Volksfront on Labor and the White Working Class

    The White working class is the social and economic backbone of the world economy. Through taxation, immigration, media propaganda, and governemntal oppression the White working class is being destroyed and replaced with immigrant slave labor and third world slave factories. The White working class represents the only viable threat to the Zionist monopoly of government, economics, media, culture and new world order of the United Nations. Some White males in this country are taxed over 50% of their gross wage to support government infringement of their freedoms, social programs for immigrants and the dead weight of society. Very often our tax dollars are used to train immigrants to take our jobs from us at a far lower wage with worse working conditions. With the White working class gone their will be no resistance to a One World Zionist Police State. Workers are less likely to be fooled by social dreams spouted by leftist and reactionary politicians. We man the nations military and technolgy sectors as well as provide the moral character which has prevented complete destruction of our constitutional rights until recently. Slowly and methodically the White working class is being destroyed and replaced with uneducated cheap immigrant labor. Unions are also being hit hard by government and lobbyists. Union type organizations provide the most resistance to a complete destruction of our rights and freedoms as workers. Labor, like any market, is a matter of supply and demand, the more workers there are the less valuable a worker is. The labor markets are flooded with third world labor, which is willing to work for 20% or less of the wage an American or European worker is. The reality is this, our jobs our moving to the third world, and third world workers are moving here, putting the existence of the working and middle classes at stake. Our enemies are destroying their only resistance by attrition, we can survive long in the One World Economy where labor is worth pennies an hour and we have no jobs left here even at that. A bleak future? Yes indeed. Thats why Volksfront is pro-union and supports buying goods made in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. We honor the American worker and will fight to save his livelyhood.

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    Volksfront on the "Scene" and State of the Movement

    The social aspect of the movement, often called the "scene" has fallen into disarray in recent years. The plague of drugs, sexual deviancy, gang mentality and criminalty has begun to insert itself into the local scenes of many areas of the country. A movement divided by organizational ego and lust for power and profits can do little to resist this disease. Volksfront is working ceaselessy to return the scene to one of honor, comradeship and unity. A scene where standards are enforced across organizational lines is a complete neccesity. The scene belongs to the people of the struggle, not to record labels, merchandizers and power hungry "mini-fuhrers". Reclaiming and rebuilding a healthy social scene is absolutely neccesary to resist the infusion of social misfits who are infiltrating our cause.

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    Volksfront on Women and Children

    Volksfront feels our most precious assets are our women and children. Those who degrade our women are not welcome. Those who act like the drunken fool in front of their children and give them a poor impression of European manhood have no place among us. Women are the life-bearers of our race, we have only honor for them. Many groups are in a homo-erotic mind set where any good woman is either turned into a whore or run off for refusing to sleep with every one. These types of groups and individuals are not Aryan or honorable. If you degrade our women and children, you deserve only one reward...

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