Historic Kwajalein, RMI page forDavid R. Huskins
Click on my name to e-mail me.


   The URL for this page is ~ http://www.uakron.edu/majuro/Oldpix/Kwaj1.html

Click here to return to my University page  -  http://GoZips.uakron.edu/~dhuskin/


Yokwe.  This is a relatively long page with lots of images, but nothing fancy.  (No cookies, but a few modest java applets.)  It should load, eventually.  Photos can be used, if credited, for non-commercial purposes. Below are two undated (unmailed) postcards of Kwajalein. Click on either to enlarge.


Sands Bachelor Quarters     Dish on Roi-Namur

The postcards (left, then right) read:


Giant radar "saucer" on the island of Roi-Namur, KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS 922-C.

The postcards were both produced by Dexter Press (either L.A., California, or W. Nyack, N.Y.)

This MAY be the company website (Dexter Press, Aurora, MO.)

Historic (late W.W.II.) photos of Kwajalein
[Republic of the Marshall Islands]

Below are a series of photos from either 1944 or 1945 from Kwajalein.  To the best of my knowledge, these images are unique and constituted a private collection.  The sole exception is the last image, which is obviously a photo snapped of other photos.  I do not know the exact dates or specifics of any of the photographs.  Many of the photos were labeled in pencil (generally May-June, 1994) and had an imprinted data (I assumed done by the developer) from 1945.  [Historians, or former residents may contact me, and I can provide high resolution TIF images, which should show more detail.]

I retained the sepia color of the photos, but presented the first in both true sepia and greyscale.  The photos had clearly faded, and many showed evidence of being mounted in a scrapbook.  I'm sorry if the thumbnail images are blotchy.  The high resolution images are much better.

I welcome any information you may send.  If you have original photos of the Marshalls of this sort that you'd like added, please contact me and I will consider appending them to this page, or creating another.

Click on any photo to see a higher resolution enlargement.




















My other pages (more eventually)
Majuro, Marshall Islands frontpage (links and images)
Cholera Information Page - in Marshallese and English
RMI Development Page - (My 2001 NCSA Paper)
Images of Traditional Marshallese Woven Crafts
Images of Shells from Majuro Atoll
Images of Laura and Woja, Rural Majuro Atoll
Images of Delap, Urban Majuro
Images of a Shipwreck on the Majuro Reef
Images from the NOAA Archives
NASA Satellite Images of the RMI
Historic Images of Kwajalein
Adoption Safeguards - general information
Aerial Photos of Majuro  New
David Huskins - neglected University homepage
Mi página de fotos de Antigua, Guatemala
Mi página de fotos de lugares diferente en El Salvador

Select University pages I've authored
Books for Africa - Ghanaian Library Project
Ohio Census 2000 Data Pages
Historic Ohio and Great Lakes Maritime Postcards
Downtown images of Akron - More Akron images
Useful Data/Research link roster
My photo and official stuff...

Marshall Islands and Kwajalein links:
Yokwe Online - RMI Messageboards, Links and News  THE most comprehensive RMI link pages
Pacific Islands Report (University of Hawaii) News updated daily
Charles Sturt University ~ Resources on the Marshall Islands Cultural, Historical, Cartographic information by Dr. Dirk Spennemann (lots of images)
Jane's Photo Galleries of the Pacific (various places, inc. Kwaj.)
Kwajalein Missile Range (KMR) - US Army
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ~ Kwajalein (see my NOAA site above)
National Air Traffic Controllers Association Kwajalein Site
Bob Hampton's Kwaj. Shipwrecks (see my shipwreck page above also)
Bob Seedorf's W.W.II. Experiences
Kwajalein Youth Alliance
Greenpeace RMI News (I generally support their efforts, but some of their statements here are either simplistic, or biased.)
Katomlap L'Enty former Marshallese Peace Corps Volunteer
Ships that visited Kwajalein in years past USS Auriga & USS Appalachian

Marshallese Crafts subpages for:
Mats.....Purses ... Jewelry.....Baskets  ....    Bowls/Platters.....Shells  ...  Ornaments

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The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author, and probably obnoxious.  The contents of this page have not been reviewed by The University of Akron.   [Additionally, the views and opinions of the University of Akron are not necessarily those of Mr. Huskins either.]

e-mail me at: (dhuskin@uakron.edu) 

                                 This page was last modified/altered/corrupted/repaired on February 5th, 2003 AD.

Click here to return to my University page  -  http://GoZips.uakron.edu/~dhuskin/

I wish this was not necessary, but:

This site, including sub-pages and including the photos, is considered copywritten.  I possess all of the photographic negatives and dated backups burned to CD, so if it comes down to it, I will not have difficulty proving that the photos are mine.  Links to this site are welcome, and photos can be used elsewhere if you include the proper credit/link.

"Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in fixed form. The copyright in the work of authorship immediately becomes the property of the author who created the work. Only the author or those deriving their rights through the author can rightfully claim copyright."  U.S. Copyright Office - Library of Congress (Copywrite Basics)

U.S. Copyright Office - Library of Congress