You might need some more information before taking the decision to invest your time, energy and finances in a Peace Ambassador Program. The following are links to some of the online material that will best give you an idea of what to expect at the Peace Ambassador program, and will help you decide whether this program is for you.

Flower of Life ( - This Website has information on Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life which will be taught at the course and forms the spiritual framework for the subsequent energy activations at Washington DC sites.

Gregg Braden - Gregg Braden is the author of the Isaiah Effect and Awakening to Zero Point). His website provides important information on the power of prayer and the biomagnetic grid system that is found around the planet. Braden's work show how powerful prayer can be for transforming the world around us.

Masaru Emoto -. Dr Masaru Emoto has provided powerful empirical support for the idea that water reflects human consciousness. His work is solid evidence that as individuals emerge from the program, they literally become Peace Ambassadors by radiating their consciousness onto the world.

Barbara Brennan - Dr Barbara Brennan is a pioneer in the study of the human chakra and energy body system. She runs an internationally respected complementary health program based on her seminal writings and insights. Her understanding of the chakra and energy body system will be featured in the early part of the Peace Ambassador Program.

Carolyn Myss -. Dr Carolyn Myss is the best selling author of Anatomy of the Spirit and other pioneering works that deal with the Human Energy Body. Her work is very important for cleansing the energy body of past traumas and toxic memories that limit the expression of one's powers. 'Opening the heart' is only possible if past traumas are adequately processed, and will be especially emphasized in the early part of the Peace Ambassador Program.