Faith Once Delivered
Table of Contents

Cults & Mind Control

Misc. Articles

Bible Meditations

Life Parables

Ten Commandments

Holidays &
Holy Days

Book Reviews


Cults and Mind Control

  1. A Tribute to the Leopard: The New Worldwide Church of God
  2. Cleaning My Bible
  3. Cults, Pimps & Other Creeps, by L. L.
  4. Cults & Memes: An Overview of Mind Control, by L. L.
  5. Lying with the Truth: Deception and Mind Control in the Worldwide Church of God (booklet-length article)
  6. The Hell-Fire and Damnation Preacher vs HWA: Fanaticism meets Something Worse
  7. The Prophetess and the Apostle: A Tale of Two Cult Leaders
  8. The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: The Deceptively Humble Man


  1. An Encounter with God: A Healing Story
  2. God's Little Joke on the Church: Governing Like a Bride!
  3. Messianic Gentiles: Just Jewish Wannabe's?

Bible Meditations

  1. Sabbath Meditation: In Earing Time and in Harvest
  2. Read a Great Book Lately? There are more than Religious Reasons to Read the Bible
  3. How Satan Steals Our Lives
  4. If Your Right Hand Offend You (Artists in the Church)

Life Parables

  1. The Couple with Perfect Lives
  2. The Potter & the Clay (With a hint of "Pearl of Great Price")
  3. Princess Diana & Mother Teresa: the Fallacy of Outward Appearances

Ten Commandments

  1. Why These Ten Commandments? An Introduction to the Law of God
  2. How do we Divide the 10 Commandments?
  3. Which Commandment is the Pivot Between Love towards God and Love towards Man?
  4. Ten by Ten: Each Commandment Reflected Within Every Other
  5. The Ten Commandments were not given on Pentecost!
  6. The Ten Commandments of a Marriage Covenant: link to Dr. Samuele Bacchiochi's "The Marriage Commandments".
  7. From Sabbath To Sunday: How Did It Come About? -- link Dr. Samuele Bacchiochi's new concise summary of his famous dissertation.

Holidays and Holy Days

  1. Holidays 101, From Chaos to Clarity: Using North American Holidays to clarify Christian, Jewish, and Biblical Holidays!
  2. A Fresh Look at Holidays: The Spirit of Celebration
  3. Christian Celebrations: Examining All the Options
  4. It's My Party, I Can Cry if I want to...(Dreading the Holy Days)

Book Reviews

  1. Because There Was No Shepherd
  2. Burned Out on Being Good
  3. Following Jesus without Embarrassing God
  4. Shattered Dreams
  5. Shorter Reviews of Various Good Books


  1. For a positive guide to recovery from cult abuse, see Exit & Support Network's Recovery Page, particularly aimed at people dealing with recovery from the Worldwide Church of God and its offshoots, though people recovering from other groups will probably find many general principles helpful for their own healing.

  2. Joyce Meyer: Life in the Word. This website has a lot of good information on emotional healing and inner growth, including developing emotional and spiritual maturity. There are many good articles on a number of issues, particularly in the "Help for the Hurting" section.

  3. For many helpful articles on Biblical topics, see Keith Hunt's Biblical Studies: Restoration of All Things. He is also working on an interesting series, a New Testament Bible Story.

  4. Useful articles and books on topics such as the Sabbath and Christian Living, see Dr. Samuele Bacchiochi's Biblical Perspectives.

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