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August 14, 2003
Google's new calculator is a fun diversion, with several undocumented new features. Here's a few. (Kottke has some more impractical uses. Please post more as you find them.)

- How long can you play a 30GB iPod without repeating a song? Answer: 18.2 days
- How much hard drive space does one hour of 128kbps MP3s consume? Answer: 56.25 megabytes
- How many seconds in a decade? Answer: 315,569,260
- 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in Celsius? Answer: 37 degrees
- How many feet in a smoot? Answer: 5.58 (via Ryan)
- What's the answer to life, the universe and everything? Answer: 42
- What's the answer to life, the universe and everything multiplied by the speed of light divided by three teaspoons? Answer: 8.51523871 × 1014 m-2 s-1
- What's the speed of a Delorean going back in time? Answer: 47,600,819,200 m3 kg/s4 (via Cam)

I hadn't realized they had implemented this feature until yesterday when someone asked me how many miles were in a light year (he was having an argument about whether the Star Trek Voyager could make it back to Earth).

No dice: "What is the average airspeed of an unladen swallow?".

posted by Andre Torrez on August 14, 2003 11:35 AM

"ERROR: African or European?"
posted by Andy Baio on August 14, 2003 11:39 AM

More no dice: "head of pin / angels"

A continuing absence of dice: "weight of rock god cannot lift"

Dicelessness: "roads a man must walk down"

posted by Greg Knauss on August 14, 2003 11:46 AM

No for:

wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could
chuck wood
licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop
the loneliest number
maids a' milking
deadly sins

Those Stanford Ph.D nerds at Google aren't even trying.
posted by jkottke on August 14, 2003 11:54 AM

Another hole in the google calculator that misses one of life's great riddles: Can Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that even he could not eat it?
posted by Matt Haughey on August 14, 2003 12:14 PM

I'm assuming that Google just hooked in an existing calculator program, and have been desperately searching the net to figure out which one, but I can't find it! GNU Units is close, but not quite it, I don't think.
posted by steve minutillo on August 14, 2003 12:32 PM

posted by Ryan on August 14, 2003 12:34 PM

The question is not whether an MIT Alumnus developed the Google calculator, but which one.
posted by cameron on August 14, 2003 01:05 PM

The answer depends on how excited you get. What's the answer to life the universe and everything!? Answer: 1.40500612 x 10^51
posted by Geoff Finger on August 14, 2003 11:17 PM

Having this available on my cell phone looks to be very handy indeed... I'm sure we'll see a Google magic 8 ball very soon.
posted by Adam on August 15, 2003 12:36 AM

If you enter "3867*2," click Search, and then turn your monitor upside-down, it say aich-ee-double-hockey-sticks. Hee hee!
posted by Matthew Baldwin on August 15, 2003 12:03 PM

It was implemented in-house by someone who did not attend MIT.
posted by anon on August 15, 2003 04:41 PM

Is being a geek a bad thing? :)
posted by ravensong on August 18, 2003 03:06 AM

For the Delorean traveling through time you should divide by the weight of a Delorean in Kgs which gives you 37 778 427.9 m3 / s4 which makes sense if you consider the fact that you would be traveling in 4th dimensional space
posted by Schroedinger's Cat on August 19, 2003 05:37 PM

"Is being a geek a bad thing? :) ravensong" Na, it's what we're here for :)
posted by AlphaGeek on August 19, 2003 10:10 PM

Got this one from scribot: answer to life the universe and everything = 42
posted by Andrew White on August 20, 2003 06:33 AM

It also knows what a Googol is, and knows numbers all the way up to one vigintillion.
posted by steve minutillo on August 20, 2003 09:39 AM

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