Big5 中的問題字

Big5 codepoint Unicode codepoint CNS11643 codepoint Glyph Font Comment
B+C255 U+5F5E C+1-7641 C+1-7641 C,K,U [From K]
U+5F5D C+3-5764 C+3-5764 A,E,M,U [From A]. This is also the mapping in the current glibc, which should be fixed.
B+F6DD U+21FD2 x3 K [From K]
x2 A [From A]
x1 M,U From Edward Lee: [li18nux-big5:93], also in font Mingliu.ttc according to Witch Five [li18nux-big5:97].
U+5DD5 C+2-6D4B x3 C,E,U From Edward Lee: [li18nux-big5:93].
x2 From Edward Lee: [li18nux-big5:93].
B+E67C U+2486F U+7361 MOE Kai A,K,M,U [From K]
U+7361 C+2-5226 U+7361 with slash C,E,U From Edward Lee: [li18nux-big5:93], and also in Simsun.ttf and Arialuni.ttf (arial unicode MS) according to Witch Five [li18nux-big5:97].
B+EC75 U+9B87 C+2-5E23 U+9B87: wei MOE Kai A,C,E,K,M,U [From K] Pronounced as "Wei", this is a kind of fish.
U+4C45 C+4-5541 U+9B87: muo fish C,U From Edward Lee: [li18nux-big5:93], (pronounced as "Muo"), this is a different kind of fish. Note that in older standard of MoE (教育部), the BIG5 B+EC75 is mapped to this character (according to J.W.Lin).
B+A14B U+2026 C+1-212C U+2026 [From U]
U+22EF U+22EF [From U]
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Last updated: 1 April 2003.