Historic Background

A. Broadcasted email in 2001

B. The Museum Building Project

C.Includes the following (next index page):

1. Interview with Iris Chang, Author of The Rape of Nanking
2. Letter to and from the Japanese Ambassador Published in Ronza, a magazine associated with the major Japanese newspaper, Asahi Shimbun
3. The Lipinski Bill (HCR126)
4. Two books online
A.  Unit 731: Japan's Biological Warfare against China

B.  Historic, Geographic, and Legal Basis that Dioyutai are Chinese Territories
5.  The book B, on Dioyutai (in Chinese)is now available, at $10/copy.
6.   Additional resources

D. Some important developments between 1999 and 2001
1. Text of Bill S1902 in the Senate
Bill S1902 in the Senate (the "Japanese Imperial Army Disclosure Act") introduced in the US Senate by Senator Dianne Feinstein of CA on November 11, 1999.
Senator Dianne Feinstein's speech and letter upon introducing S1902 in the Senate.
2. HR 3561 Text
The Resolution HR 3561 in the House
3. Text of AJR 27
Text of the passed resolution of AJR 27 in CA (California State Assembly Joint Resolution No. 27)
Assemblyman Mike Honda's speech on why he submitted the bill and why should it be passed.
4. Blumenthal article A
New York Times March 4, 1999,: Japanese Germ-War Atrocities : A Half-Century of Stonewalling the World By Ralph Blumenthal.
5. Blumenthal Article B
New York Times March 7, 1999: World War II Atrocities: Comparing the Unspeakable to the Unthinkable, By Ralph Blumenthal.
6. Cooper's Article
Japan Must Address the Actions of Its Wartime 'Killing Machine' War crimes: Japan conducted medical experiments on prisoners; this issue has never been publicly examined. By Abraham Cooper. Rabbi Cooper is the Director of the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, CA.
7. Triplett article: Japan has yet to offer a formal apology for their actions in WWII
"A LOOK AT ... The Legacy of War Crimes, Meanwhile, Japan's War Criminals Are All but Ignored" By William Triplett, Sunday, March 23, 1997; Page C03, Washington Post.
8. An open letter by 10,000 Chinese Citizens to the Japanese Congress ( In Chinese).
9. The history of the development of Chinese rocketry, satellite technology and the nuclear bomb technology before and after the WWII.
An article from the magazine "Chinese Bibliography Literature" volume 76, page 60, by Huen Reo Wang. (Published in Taiwan) (On a talk when the Chinese celebrated their three modern military accomplishments on October 1, 1999: rocketry, satellite technology and nuclear bomb technology.) Title: "Tsien Hsuen-Shen (also know as Qian Xuesen) the ‘father of Chinese rocketry" remembers the three Chinese great philosophers."
10. "Peace Treaty and Its Wartime Responsibilities: Breaking the Treaty Defense" - By Prof. Etsuro Totsuka

Other related web sites:
Nanjing Massacre at China News Digest
USF Center for the Pacific Rim
Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War
Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia
“Rape of Nanking” Redress Coalition

Dr. W. Chang, President