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Grassroots Radio Ads In Milwaukee
Submitted by Quintus on Sun, 02/15/2004 - 13:00.
The Democratic Presidential debate is happening today at 6:30pm EST on MSNBC

Two grassroots radio ads are being played on black radio station WNOV in Milwaukee. They've been on the air since Friday and are continuing until the primary there on Tuesday. These ads are being run by truthandhope.org, an organization that began to place radio ads about Howard Dean in the days before the Washington caucus that took place on Feb 7. Since then, the organization has received thousands of dollars in donations, and has run ads in additional states.

The ads on WNOV are testimonials of two black supporters of Dean. The ads are part of an African American media budget that truthandhope started last week, which has raised about $1600 as of today.

If you would like to contribute to the African American media budget, click here . Whatever isn't spent in Milwaukee will be rolled over for purchasing ads in other media markets where voting is taking place soon.

Remember to watch the debate this afternoon, and keep your eyes on what happens in Wisconsin. If you live nearby, go to Wisconin for a day trip to help. This is an important day of the campaign. Help however you can.


transcripts of the ads are below:


Yeah, I looked at them all before I decided. Most of them, they talk a lot but you just KNOW they're not going to do anything. It's like they'll say anything to get your vote.

Howard Dean, he’s actually about something. He speaks his mind and says the way you deal with racism is that you have to educate white folks. That’s how you change things. The other white politicians they’re not doing that! I’ve listened to them. I’ve watched them.

Dean’s opponents are promising to do things they've NEVER done. But Howard Dean, he was about the business when he was governor of Vermont. He balanced budgets, created jobs and delivered health care benefits. He spoke out against Bush and this war in Iraq, when other Democrats were too scared.

Dean can back up his words with a record. He’s the one that’s gonna light Bush up. That's why he has my vote. All the other candidates are soft and would get ripped apart by the Republicans. Howard Dean is the real choice and the real voice. My name’s Mattie. I’m not an actor. I’m from Milwaukee.

VO: Paid for by truthandhope.org not approved by any candidate or committee


Well, I was raised in Milwaukee -- but now I live in Vermont. I have two boys-- AJ and Sam. Vermont is the only place I know where all the children are covered for health insurance. Affordable health insurance. That’s because of Howard Dean. He’s the only candidate for President that’s actually delivered that.

If your child needs a prescription or a trip to the doctor, you can count on it being there. You can't beat that. And it's all because of Howard Dean. He’s why all kids get their vaccines and why working parents have affordable child care.

The man’s a medical doctor. He cares about people. And he’s delivered health care, created jobs, and balanced the budget. Things which make Vermont a great place to live and raise kids. He’ll do the responsible thing, and he’ll get the job done. My name’s Jeff. I’m not an actor. I am voting for the real choice. Howard Dean.

VO: Paid for by truthandhope.org not approved by any candidate or committee
Good Job On The Ads
Posted by Oscar In Louisville on Mon, 02/16/2004 - 21:20.
These are good - they get the message across in the vernacular.

On a completely different subject, would it be appropriate for us to link to Aaron McGruder's cartoon "The Boondocks" at http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks/ - he doesn't seem to have endorsed any candidate yet.
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