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 Welcome to the F1RST2 Hotap Portal
Think you're fast ? Prove it !!

Welcome to the F1RST2 Hotlap Portal.

From this portal you can get the latest news on hotlaps and updates to the hotlap system.

 Latest News
Problems ?

Well the hotlap system has been live for approx 12 hours now, and i have heard no problems so far... Surely this can't be right !

The single most important thing to report to me if things go wrong is the room log after you leave the game following a hotlap session.

Use the "disk" button in the room so save the room text, and email me this txt file.

Also, please use the Hotlaps forum to report any feedback, good or bad. At the moment I'm wondering if anything's changed at all !

 dude  2003-12-01

New Hotlap System Goes Live

Contrary to the last news post, F1RST has been updated for all users to allow Hotlapping on the new corner validation system.

All old hotlaps are now gone, and we start again on a clean sheat.

There could be problems. The system is very new and has had minimal (but sucessful testing) on a few tracks.

Report any problems, and please be patient while we iron out any problems that may arise.


 dude  2003-11-30

New Hotlap System

Welcome to the new F1RST Hotlaps Portal.

Big changes are happening...

The biggest of which is that work on Hotlap checking for "cut corners" is almost complete. This will put an end to the arguments about invalid laps, and we will then know that all laps driven are "clean".

Once the work on cut corners is complete, ALL HOTLAPS WILL BE DELETED ! You were warned about this at the launch of the original hotlaps system once the corner validation was complete. This time is now almost upon us.

After the corner checking system is complete Hotlaps will be temporarily disabled from the F1RST Client software, and a select few will gain access to the hotlap system to test that the new checkers work as expected. Once we are happy everything is as it should be, Hotlaps will be re-enabled to all.


 Dude  2003-11-28

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