Notice to Readers

For some, all the news is still not quite enough. These news junkies -- with their almost insatiable appetite for the latest information, the smartest analysis and the deepest research -- were the people we had in mind when we added a subscription-level of content to Insider Edition.

The creation of Insider Edition is the latest milestone in the growth and evolution of The Globe and Mail as an online news organization. Many of the world's leading newspapers have already introduced significant subscriber content to their online editions, including The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times so we are in good company. The Globe itself has for many years offered a mix of free and paid content with the premium investor site globeinvestorGOLD being our largest subscription Internet product.

As an Insider Edition subscriber, you will receive:

For readers who don't need access to our enhanced Insider Edition, we still offer Canada's best news website free of charge to registered users who will receive breaking news, all the stories from the current edition of The Globe and Mail and access to stories published in the past seven days. Other free features include our popular Day in Pictures; the weekly news quiz; all the investing tools on and and much more.

The choice is yours: Insider Edition subscriber or free registered member of Whichever product is right for you, rest assured you will continue to receive the same high-quality journalism you have come to expect from The Globe and Mail.

Phillip Crawley
Publisher and CEO
The Globe and Mail