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Rahmat Ali issued his Pakistan Declaration, "Now or Never", on January 28, 1933 from his student address in Cambridge. This was a critical document in the history of Pakistan: the word "PAKSTAN" was used for the first time; a clear and comprehensive case was made for the creation of the country.
"PAKSTAN -- by which we mean the five Northern units of India, viz.: Punjab, North-West Frontier Province (Afghan Province), Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan," Rahmat Ali, January 28, 1933. Note that this was seven years before the Lahore or Pakistan Resolution of March 1940 (which, incidentally, doesn't even mention the word Pakistan).


A Cambridge University law student, Choudhary Rahmat Ali, played a crucial role in the history of Pakistan. Rahmat Ali coined the name 'PAKISTAN' and initiated a movement for its realisation in 1933 with the publication of his Pakistan Declaration (Now or Never), which led to the establishment of the country in 1947. He ranks among Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Father of Pakistan) and Allama Iqbal (Poet-Philosopher).

Pakistan: The word Pakistan
Pakistan Declaration: Now or Never, January 28, 1933
Chronology: Rahmat Ali, 1897-1951.
Biography: Introduction , Intellectual , Lawyer , Visionary , Hero , Obituary , Pakistan Movement
Photographs: PortraitsGrave in Cambridge , Lahore Complex 

Rahmat Ali Links: Shelley's page ,  Universal Books ,

Last updated: August 21, 2004.

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Rahmat Ali (1897-1951). Creator of the name "Pakistan, but Pakistan's "Forgotten Hero". Studied, lived and died in Cambridge. He is buried in the City's Newmarket Road cemetery (near Marshalls Airport).
"They can suppress me if they like; but they cannot silence me while I am alive. They can finish my life, which has been dedicated to the cause since 1932, but they cannot finish my Mission. For this Mission is inspired by the eternal Islamic truths; ad it will, therefore, even after my death, call the Paks to the cause of the Faith, Fatherland, and Fraternity," Rahmat Ali, January 28, 1950.