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Copyright Y2K Interstate Robotics, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Welcome to Interstate Robotics, Incorporated - developers of visual programming tools, direct device interfacesâ, reusable software components, hand-held gaming devices, and web appliances. 

Cyclops is a visual programming tool providing an alternative to the tedious and arcane tasks associated with using traditional programming languages. Application programs are created by drawing box-and-wire diagrams. Boxes represent reusable software components, wires define their input-output relationships. Visual programming using reusable software components significantly reduces technical risk, provides the economies of scale and scope, and partitions the set of problems involved in application program development into manageable pieces. 

Popular operating systems typically provide application programs with a common interface to physical devices using three scheduled processes - an API (application program interface), device driver, and kernel.  A DDI (direct device interface) provides this service using only a single process in order to reduce latency and computer resource utilization.  Furthermore, DDIs provide a means of dynamically extending Win16S/32S services.  Win16S and Win32S are the lower layers of Windows 3.X and 9.X, respectively, which run in DOS protected mode independently of the upper layers.

DOS, Win16S, and Win32S are non-proprietary, communally defined, user-extendible, and shared by a world-wide network of developers without belonging to anyone.  If history repeats itself, the impact will be similar to when non-proprietary hardware (the IBM PC) banished proprietary systems (Amega, Commodore, DEC) from the marketplace.

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