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Why choose our Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Latest ad campaignThe world of business and management is undergoing rapid and profound change. Theories, practices and strategies which seemingly worked yesterday may not do so today. Institutional leaders, policy makers and managers everywhere are increasingly confronted by apparently novel situations which may appear to have no historical precedent, and which therefore precipitate a call for 'new knowledge'.

At the same time the nature and reliability of management knowledge is being criticised, with a requirement for knowledge to be more quickly translated into practice. Such circumstances call not only for heightened research activity, but pose questions about the nature of enquiry itself. This has brought challenges for management education.

It is in this context that the University of South Australia has developed and continually updates its doctoral programs: an innovative post-MBA professional doctorate, the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), and its well established research doctorate, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business and Management.

RankingsThese doctoral programs extend the scope of higher management education and research, and provide a relevant choice for candidates pursuing doctoral studies in the field of business and management.
