"What? I'm not so nice and I like to gossip!"

Sylvia 5.1 The Morning After

Welcome to the Really Unofficial Nanny Home Page!!

This page is designed for fans of The Nanny to gather, share ideas, rehash episodes, and gossip about the show. It will only work if you, the fans of the show, contribute your ideas. Please e-mail me with your additions, and I'll update the page frequently!!

Latest News Fan Fiction Episode Guide Years 1 thru 3 Episode Guide Years 4 thru 6 Great Moments
Trivia Quiz Franatical Miscellanous Discussion Board Chat Links

The Latest News
A place for news about Fran Drescher, Charles Shaughnessy and the rest of The Nanny cast, the latest stuff we've seen in magazines, roles in movies coming up, the syndicated schedule and any other information we've run into lately.

Fan Fiction --- Last updated 1/16/05
Did you write any story lines or script ideas for The Nanny? This is the place to publish your latest wonderful story idea or just a fantasy of what you would like to see, even though you know it could never happen. Be warned, these may range from great to lousy, I don't edit unless it is deemed offensive. And don't submit anything that is copyrighted or you might want to copyright sometime. It might get stolen.

Episode Guide Years One Thru Three
An episode guide to The Nanny, including our ratings and comments, for the first through third season.

Episode Guide Years Four Thru Six
An episode guide to The Nanny, including our ratings and comments, for the fourth through sixth season.

Great Moments in Nanny History
A pictorial episode guide and the Hall of Fame from our favorite moments in Nanny history.

Trivia Quiz
Think you know your The Nanny Trivia? See if we can stump you!

Franatical --- Last updated 1/16/05
Those things the fanatics care about: favorite quotes, milestones, bloopers, computer wallpapers, autographs and old magazine articles.

Miscellaneous Stuff --- Last updated 02/09/03
A revolving display of things that don't really fit anywhere else, but I like them anyway. Mostly pictures, plus the lyrics to the theme song and the address for fan mail.

Discussion Board
A threaded discussion board to talk about Nanny stuff!

Nanny Chat
Join us to discuss the show with your fellow fans!

Other Links --- Last updated 10/10/04
Done? Wanna leave? Here's some other Nanny stuff other places on the Net.

The Nanny is a copyright of Sony Pictures, Tri-Star Television, High School Sweethearts, Sternin and Fraser's Ink, Inc. and CBS Television. No infringement of rights is meant or implied. This site is run by a fan for fun only.

webmaster: Barb Ritchie ~ ritchie56@aol.com

"The Nanny Named Fran" ~ sequenced by Roberto
Words and Music by Ann Hampton Callaway