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Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw), Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Bières de Chimay (Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont), Baileux (Chimay), Belgium, beer reviews, beer ratings, beer styles, brewery, brewpub, alcohol content
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Beers Reviews & Ratings

Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw)

A Belgian Strong Dark Ale brewed by Bières de Chimay (Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont) in Baileux (Chimay), Belgium

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reviews   341
overall   4.23 / 5
review avg   4.25 / 5 ; stD: 0.45
high / low   5 / 1.85
style score   91
alcohol   9.00% ABV
availability   year round
Overall Score
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Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) aquaderek ( Santa Barbara, UCSB, California )
overall: 4.9

One word sums it up, wow!!! I am so glad this beer is at my local TJ's store. Bought this beer in the 75cl bottle, and poured into a nice tulip glass. This is what all beers should aspire to look like. Pours with a nice head that dwindles down to a perfect creamy lace. The dark color, the carbonation is a beautiful thing to look at. The nose and taste is incredibly complex, just as complex as any good red wine that I have had. On the nose you get a nice sweetness, maybe figs??? Some of the medicinal phenol. man, this is some good stuff. Rasins some nice hoppiness, the question is what can't you smell, this is really complex. This goes for the taste as well. Sweetness, with a nice bite at the end. I have died and gone to beer heaven, I would love to pair this beer with some real gammy meat. Maybe rabbit, venison, or duck. This beer is GRRREAT!!!

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 207588 / 02-05-2005 04:51:07
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appearance: 5
smell: 5
taste: 5
mouthfeel: 5
drinkability: 4
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) mmmbeer ( Harrisonburg, Virginia )
overall: 4.55

When I first read reviews of this beer it was well into the top 100 rated beers, but has since fallen short. 330 mL bottle with no year on the bottle as I hear they usually do for the blue. Pours into the Chimay chalice a dark dark brown with a hint of red and a 2 finger tan head that reduces to a creamy blanket of foam and leaves nice lacing. Has a fruity aroma with bananas, raisins, lemons, cloves, spiciness, nuts, and yeast. The beer tastes sweet with cloves, phenols, alcohol, and hops in the background. Leaves a warming sensation. Lots of flavor that is blended well and is slightly cloying. Beer feels somewhat thick and has a crisp carbonation at first that becomes very creamy. Drinkability is crazy for a 9% beer - couldn't put it down. Wish it were a 750 mL bottle. Great beer, especially for cold winter nights.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 207377 / 02-04-2005 04:43:29
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appearance: 4.5
smell: 4.5
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 5
drinkability: 4.5
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) Billolick Zealot of Beer in The Halls of Beerdom ( Play Disc Golf, New York )
overall: 4.25

500th beer reviewed...been saving this one the past week or so to take the honor. Small bottle w/o freshness dating. Pours very dark, cloudy and murky, almost black. Fairly large bubble head at first, puffy and lumpy. Head slowly morphs to a 1/8th inch thick tiny bubble film Thick sticky lacing left on the glass. Nose is of powered sugar, fresh fruit, and concord grapes. Smooth medium bodied Belgian, notes of yeast, peppery spicing, tons of sweet malt and more fruity notes, warming alcohol late seals the deal. World class, classic for good reason. Cheers!

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 207338 / 02-04-2005 02:02:24
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appearance: 4
smell: 4
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 4.5
drinkability: 4
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) Cwrw Initiate in The Halls of Beerdom ( Airdrie, Alberta )
overall: 4.5

Looking at my reviewed beers, I was surprised to find that I had not reviewed Chimay Blue yet, as it is probably the Belgian I drink most regularly. When I get a bottle, I just want to sit down and enjoy it with friends, not sit in front of a computer and rate it; and I suppose that is just the type of beer this is: a sociable, delicious and truly enjoyable drink.

The simple but attractive blue-labelled Chimay bottle with a best before of 2008 on the back right corner poured a dark chestnut liquid into my chalice, topped with a head befitting for a Trappist. A dark beer, untransparent, dense and full looking. Held to the light the red becomes apparent, as does the caramel-tinged edges. Against a purely white background though, this beer is dark rosewood or chestnut. A very light brown head, dark cream coloured. At first it was a good mixture of medium and small sized bubbles; after a few sips, the head formed up and became dense and solid, though not exceptionally large. From above, this beer could pass for the top of a moccha coffee. Swirling the glass creates a lighter-coloured swirl, like a hurricane seen from the top. Fine screen lacing that fragments quickly. The nose is all fruits and malt at first. I get some green apple peel, figs, prunes, red grapes(red wine for that matter), and raisins. The malt translates as light caramel, fresh yeast, extremely sweet chocolate, but NOT the same chocolate character as in some stouts. The mustiness of the yeast is also present, but only behind the sweet malt and yeasty esters. As in all complex beers, there are some aromas that seem to defy identification. Little hop presence in aroma, or taste. The taste is sweet, but less so than the aroma may have led you to expect. Instead, the alcohol is quite noticeable, gently abrasive to the tongue. Grapes and malty sugar at first on the tongue, the phenols in the middle, and some metallic maltiness in the aftertaste, also leaving some unexpected bitterness, but it does not taste like hop dryness--this is more metallic in nature, like iron or some wines. Indeed, the finish is slightly bitter in a red-wine manner, leaving a red wine taste on the palate quite strongly. A medium carbonation, perfect for the style, sufficiently creamy but tingling in the mouth; and for a strongly flavoured Trappist, the drinkability is magnificent. This pairs agreeably with aged cheddar, or even medium cheddar. This is a Trappist that needs to be tasted repeatedly, as all the nuances can simply not be detected on the first try. In addition, different food pairings can make this beer exciting and different almost perpetually.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 206718 / 02-01-2005 06:33:29
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appearance: 4.5
smell: 4.5
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 4.5
drinkability: 4.5
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) RenoZymurgist Initiate in The Halls of Beerdom ( Reno, Nevada )
overall: 4.25

Had a 2000 magnum taking up space in my cellar so I decided that 5 years aging was probably enough.
Poured a dark, reddish that is very clear and a white two inch fluffy head that subsided to a thin ring. Aroma was dry with a nice mineral character mingling with dark fruity esters. The flavor is very smooth and clean with more of the malt flavor dominating than in a fresh example. Rich dark fruit flavors interplay with a subdued dry malt flavor that is more balanced in the aged version. As this bottle aged I believe that it attenuated a bit more which resulted in an overall cleaner impression of the flavor. CO2 levels are high but the beer still remains smooth with no carbonic bite. Overall a very enjoyable ale that having been aged takes on a smoother more drinkable nature while also gaining a touch of oxidation which imparts a subtle raisin flavor. The flavor seems more round than a in a fresh example and having had this one I would recommend that all chimays of adequate strength be aged for at least a year.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 206561 / 01-31-2005 19:03:46
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appearance: 4
smell: 4
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 4.5
drinkability: 4
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) steinlifter Initiate in The Halls of Beerdom ( Springfield, Massachusetts )
overall: 4.75

This poured a dark amber, nice thick head, that diminished, but left rocky peaks all the way down, smell was fruity and complex, raisin scent present, taste was full complex fruit,... again I distinguish a raisin flavor, a bit of tartness, but finishes smooth, bit of spiciness as well, in my opinion these quality beers, are very hard to describe, beautiful, say's it all, mouthfeel was high carbonated bubbles that tickled the tongue, and a rich creaminess, drinkability is as with all the Trappist biers, X-cellent! Highly Recommended!

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 205955 / 01-29-2005 03:26:19
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appearance: 5
smell: 4.5
taste: 5
mouthfeel: 4
drinkability: 4.5
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) beersarang ( Los Angeles, California )
overall: 3.95

Pours a dark auburn, with a generous light tan head.

Smells great, aromas of raisin and sweet malts.

Tastes complex, many malt flavors cover the palate. Very fruity, finishes with sweet aftertaste.

Mouthfeel is that of vibrant carbonation, not too thick.

Drinkability suffers a little because of the sweetness and slight overcarbonation.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 204938 / 01-24-2005 03:01:10
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appearance: 4
smell: 4.5
taste: 4
mouthfeel: 3.5
drinkability: 3
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) rajendra82 Disciple in The Halls of Beerdom ( Alpharettta, Georgia )
overall: 4.25

Out of the stubby little 33 cl. brown bottle, and into a tulip, the beer looked dark red, with a two inch thick foamy head fed by lively carbonation beneath. The fruity, spicy, chocolaty aroma accentuated the malty nature of the brew. The taste was warming and mellow with the very sweet fruity malt chasing the dusty yeast and powered cocoa into the background. It was not as complex as other Trappist ales, but was quite satisfying in its own way. Full bodied and sticky, with a lingering spicy dry aftertaste, and just a touch of grassy hops. Alcohol warmth is felt long after the glass is drained, making this a wonderful beer to cap one of those cold winter nights.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 204670 / 01-23-2005 03:24:20
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appearance: 4
smell: 4
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 4
drinkability: 4.5
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) Franchise ( Lowell, Massachusetts )
overall: 4.3

As I poured the beer my first thought is oh my! The beer pours a dark brown, with a light tan color for the head. The smell is of figs,prune, and raisins. At 9% abv you can faintly smell the alcohol but it is not overpowering. The taste is delicious, if you hold the beer on your palate...the sweet carmel flavors, and spices are really present. This is a very well crafted beer one you can sip all night.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 204606 / 01-23-2005 00:00:15
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appearance: 4.5
smell: 4
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 4
drinkability: 4
Beer Mail this user about their beer review and beer ratings of Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw) studentofbeer ( San Francisco, California )
overall: 4.4

pours a dark tea color with a nice tan head. good redish glow, though a bit murky. vinous, yeasty nose with some black cherry, cinammon, toasted malt, and a healthy dose of alcohol. very nice and complex when served at ~60 degrees.

taste has raisin and plum--plenty of darm fruit--some musty/woody flavor, warm alcohol, cinammon, with currant aftertaste. Candy sweetness comes through with the warm alcohol. A nice, lasting bitterness comes through on the back of the tongue, leading to a very full aftertaste.

this is a big but subtle beer, with tons of complexity. a very nice treat.

[ serving type: bottle ]
user review id: 204342 / 01-22-2005 01:03:49
report review to site admins
appearance: 4
smell: 4.5
taste: 4.5
mouthfeel: 4.5
drinkability: 4.5
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    Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue / Blauw), Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Bières de Chimay (Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont), Baileux (Chimay), Belgium, beer reviews, beer ratings, beer styles, brewery, brewpub, alcohol content