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No True Lies Sequel, Says Curtis
"True Lies 2 will never get made. You know why?"
- Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to do it, and Tom Arnold wants to do it, but Jamie Lee Curtis says it'll never happen. It looks like the True Lies may never get made at all.

In a recent interview with IGN FilmForce, Schwarzenegger said a script was ready, but that problems had arisen, since the story involves a climactic jumbo jet fight scene and crash. It sounded like it might be something that could be rewritten, but this week, Jamie Lee Curtis stated that the project was dead and would not go ahead.

"True Lies 2 will never get made. Never happen," Curtis said in an interview with Coming Soon. Curtis, who played the unwitting wife of Schwarzenegger's spy character in the original 1994 hit, said that the problem has to do with Americans' new perceptions of "terrorists." "Terrorists aren't funny anymore. They never were, but, it was distant enough from our psyche that we could make it funny. It'll never be funny again. I just think that that is over, that kind of humor is over." Which is unfortunate, since it sounds like they were nearly ready to begin.

That doesn't necessarily rule out a different True Lies 2 storyline, but that's a remote possibility. "Unless they come up with some sort of businessman, make it about Republican businessmen who are evil, and then, you know, then we can make it. Maybe they'll make it about...I know, an American presidency, with kind of, I know, and we'll have the guy not be so bright, oh, that's great!" joked Curtis. And with some more serious speculation, added: "Based on the original concede [sic], it'll be that somehow a bad guy group is doing something bad to humanity and the world."

But unless Curtis gets a phone call soon telling her that a new story's been written, don't expect to see a True Lies 2 in theaters.

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