Facilitation to make your NGO work
PF. 701/178
e-mail: zhaba@ecn.cz

ZHABA Homepage

Who is ZHABA?

ZHABA services

ZHABA organisation

ZHABA and money

Examples of ZHABA work

What is a facilitator?

Workshop? Why not a seminar or training?

The transformational approach

ZHABA materials

ZHABA favourite links


is an affiliate of the
IAF - International Association of Facilitators
International Association of Facilitators


© ZHABA September, 2002

We encourage NGOs to use these materials. No part of these pages may, however, be reproduced or translated without written permission from ZHABA.

last update: 03/09/02










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The ZHABA collective's organisation

The ZHABA collective is organised as a not for profit Foundation under Dutch law. This does not mean that ZHABA is running grants programmes! Foundation under Dutch law refers to the structure of the organisation: it is not a members organisation, but one which is run formally by a board.

ZHABA has a flat horizontal structure, which means that all responsibilities of the organisation are equally spread over all people that are connected to ZHABA. Decisions within ZHABA are normally taken in consensus.


  1. Facilitators pool
  2. The most important part of the organisation. The facilitators pool consists of trained and experienced facilitators from all over Europe. Some of them are completely depending for their income from the work they do in the framework of ZHABA; for others it is a part-time, partly income activity.

    Besides the steady pool, there is a large group of facilitators, which received training from ZHABA before and worked together with ZHABA facilitators. They also can be invited to do assignments in the framework of ZHABA.

  3. General and Executive Board
  4. The General Board keeps overview of the long-term development of ZHABA, whereas the Executive Board keeps track of the day-to-day functioning. At present, the Board has 8 members, from which 3 are active in the Executive Board. Both boards meet regularly over e-mail and once every two years face to face.

  5. The "office"
  6. ZHABA has its formal office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The rest of the office only exists virtually: The ZHABA facilitators and board members are connected with e-mail and Internet.

  7. The foundation
  8. ZHABA is a not for profit Foundation under Dutch law. This means that it is in everyday terms an NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) or a CSO (Civil Society Organisation). The legal term "Foundation" does not mean, that ZHABA is providing money for projects. We do not have granting programmes. "Foundation" only refers to its organisational structure.


ZHABA's details:

PF. 701/178

tel.:/fax: +420.312.693 612

e-mail: zhaba@ecn.cz
internet: http://www.zhaba.cz

Bank relation: POSTBANK Amsterdam
Account number: 74 14 055, ZHABA, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands
SWIFT number Postbank: INGB NL 2A