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Public Licences

Residential TV Licence

A TV Licence is required if you operate or have, on any premise owned or occupied by you, TV sets or any equipment that is capable of receiving broadcasting services. The TV Licence is valid for a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December and is renewable on a yearly basis thereafter. The annual licence fee is S$110.

For new TV Licences that are applied for in any part of the year after 1 January, the licence fee payable will be pro-rated from the date of application to 31 December. If the TV Licence is taken up between 1 November and 31 December, the licence fee payable will be pro-rated to 31 December of the following year, i.e. it will be inclusive of the following year's licence fee as well. This is to minimise the inconvenience to licence applicants.

You can apply for a TV Licence at any Singapore Post Office. Please complete the TV Licence Application Form. Applicants must produce their identity cards or passports at the point of application.

In Singapore, vehicle owners are able to install TV sets and radios in their vehicles. However, you would need to apply for the Vehicle TV Licence or Vehicle Radio Licence if you would like to install TV sets or radio receivers in your vehicle respectively.

Vehicle Radio Licence

A Vehicle Radio Licence is required for a radio receiver installed in a vehicle. A new Vehicle Radio Licence, the licence is valid for a period of one year from the date of application and is renewable on a half-yearly or yearly basis thereafter. The annual licence fee payable for a Vehicle Radio Licence is S$27.

You may apply for a vehicle radio licence at any Singapore Post Office. Applicants should complete the Radio Licence Application Form and have with them their Vehicle Log Book at the point of application. The Vehicle Radio Licence should be applied for in the name of the vehicle's registered owner.

Vehicle TV Licence

A Vehicle TV Licence is required if a TV set is installed in a vehicle. The Vehicle TV Licence is valid for a year commencing from the date of application and is renewable on a yearly basis thereafter. The annual licence fee payable for a Vehicle TV Licence is S$110 per vehicle, and it also covers the radio receiver installed in the same vehicle, if any.

The Vehicle TV Licence should be applied for in the name of the vehicle's registered owner. Please complete the TV Licence Application Form and send it to us.

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Last updated on 18 February 2005
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