About censorship and freedom of expression, in Australia and elsewhere.

The State of Censorship: Australia
Information about the history and state of censorship of films, publications and computer games in a State of censorship - Australia. Includes the 'Ken Park' Controversy, 'Romance' unBanned, The Rabelais Case and The X-Rated Hoax. More...
The Net Censorship Dilemma: Liberty or Tyranny
Comprehensive information about the issues and attempts to censor the Internet, particularly in Australia. More...
The Net Censorship Delusion: Saviour or Devil
PICS, like the now dead CDA that kindled it, threatens to torch a large segment of the Net community - reasons for the view that PICS is the devil, rather than our saviour. More...

(This site was previously known as "Burning Issues", pre October 2000.)

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