Friedrich Hayek's Bibliography
F.A. Hayek 1924-1931





1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931
1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941
1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951
1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
  • 1924 : Das stabilisierungsproblem in goldwährungsländern, Zeitschrift für Völkswirtschaft und soziälpolitik, New series, 4, pp365-390,

  • 1924 Diskontpolitik und warenpreise, Der Österreichische Volkswirt, 17, (1,2), Vienna (Discount policy and commodity prices)

  • 1925, Die währünspolitik der vereinigten Staaten seit der überwindung der krise von 1920, Zeitschrift für volkswirtschaft und sozialpolitik, New series, vol 1-3 pp23-63, vol 4-6 pp254-317
    • English translation (partly) in 1984, The monetary policy of the United States after the recovery from the 1920 crisis, in Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays, Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp5-33

  • 1925, Book review of Leo Schönfeld's book, [Grenznutzen und Wirtschaftsrechnung, Vienna, 1924], Archiv für Sozialwissenschaften, 54/2, pp547-552
    • English translation in 1984, Marginal utility and economic calculation : a review, In "Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays", Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp183-189

  • 1925, Das amerikanische bankwesen seit der reform von 1914, Der Östereich Volkswirt, Vienna, 17, n°29-32, april 18 & 25; May 9 & 16 (The american banking system since the reform of 1914)

  • 1926, Bemerkungen zum Zurechungsproblem, Jahrbücher für nationalökonomie und statistik, 124, 3rd ser, vol 69, pp1-18
    • English translation in 1984, Some remarks on the problem of imputation, in "Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays", Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp33-54

  • 1926, Friedrich Freiherr von Wieser, jahrbücher für nationalökonomie und statistik, vol 125, pp513-530
    • Reprinted with minor alterations in Gesammelte Abhandlungen, F. Wieser, ed F.A Hayek, 1929, Tübungen : J.C.B Mohr
    • English translation with minor alterations in 1951 and in 1962, In The development of economic thought : great economists in perspective, Henry William Spiegel, ed, New York & London : John Wiley & sons
    • English translation by Grete Heinz and by Ralph Raico in 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp108-125

  • 1926, Von gestern auf heurte : Professor Dr Friedrich Wieser zu seinem 75. Geburtstag, Wiener Neueste Nachrichten, july 10

  • 1926, Die bedeutung der Konjunkturforschung für das Wirtschaftsleben, Der Österreichische Volkswirt, 19(2), Vienna (The meaning of business cycle research for economic life)

  • 1927, Introduction, In Hermann Heinrich Gossen, Entwicklung der gesetze des meschlichen verkhrs und der daraus fliessenden regeln für menschliches handeln. 3rd ed Berlin : Prager, ppix-xxiii (The laws of human relationships and of the rules to be derived therefrom for human action)
    • English translation by Ralph Raico in 1991 in The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek, vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp352-371

  • 1927, Zur problemstellung der zinstheorie, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, vol 58, pp517-532
    • English translation in 1984, On the problem of the theory of interest, in Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays, Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp55-70

  • 1927, Konjunkturforschung in Östereich, Die industry, 32(30), Vienna (Business cycle research in Austria)

  • 1928, Das intertemporale gleichgewichtsystem der preise und die dewegungen des 'geldwertes', Weltwirtschaftliches archiv, Jena, vol 28, n°1, july, pp33-76
    • English translation in 1984, Intertemporal price equilibrium and movements in the value of money, in Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays, Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp71-117

  • 1928, Das Mieterschutzproblem, Nationalökonomische Betrachtungen, Vienna

  • 1928, Einige Bemerkungen über das Verhältnis der Geldtheorie zur Konjunkturtheorie, Schrifen des vereins für Socialpolitik, vol 173/2, pp247-294

  • 1928, Diskussionsbemerkungen über 'Kredi und Konjunktur', Schriften des vereins für Sozialpolitik, 175, Verhandlungen (Discussion comments on 'credits and business cycle'

  • 1929, Das Mieterschutzproblem, Nationalökonomische Betrachtungen, Vienne, Steyrermühl-Verlag, Bibliothek für Volkswirtschaft und politik, n°2 (The rent control problem, political economic considerations)

  • 1929, Introduction, In Friedrich Freiherr von Wieser, Gesammelte abhandlungen, Tübingen (Germany) Mohr, ppv-xxxiv

  • 1929, Geldtheorie und könjunkturtheorie, Vienne, J. Springer,
    • English translation by N. Kaldor & H M Croome en 1933, Monetary theory and The trade Cycle, London, Jonathan Cape
      • Reprinted in 1966, New York : Augustus M. Kelley
      • Reprinted in 1978
    • Japanese translation in 1935
    • Spannish translation in 1936, La teoría monetaria y el ciclo económico (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1936)

  • 1929, Gibt es einen 'widersinn des sparens' ?, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Bd 1, heft III, 15 november, pp387-429
    • English translation in 1931 by Nicholas Kaldor and Georg Tugendhat, Economica, "the paradox of saving", vol 11, n°32, may, pp125-169
    • Reprinted with minor revisions In Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations, 1939, Londres, Routledge, appendix, pp199-263

  • 1929, Theorie der preistaxen (in hungrarian, reprint in german), Häzgasdasagi Enciclopedia, Budapest

  • 1929, Book review, Richard von Strigl, Angewandte Lohntheorie : Untersuchungen über die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der Sozialpolitik, Zeitschrift für Nationalokönomie, vol 1, n°1, may, pp175-177
    • English translation in 1992 by Grete Heinz and Ralph Raico, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp170-171

  • 1929, Book review of Hans Neisser's book, [Der Tauschwert des Geldes, Jena, 1928], Weltwirtschafliches, 29/1, pp103-106
    • English translation in 1984, The exchange value of money : a review, In "Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays", Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp190-194

  • 1929, Book review, Wilhem Röpke, Die theorie der kapitalbildung, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, vol 1, n°3, pp474-475
    • English translation in 1992 by W.W. Bartley III, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp198-199

  • 1930, Wirkungen der Mietzinsbeschränkungen, Munich : Schriften des vereins für sozialpolitik 182 (The repercussions of rent restrictions)

  • 1930, Bemerkungen zur vorstehenden Erwiderung prof Emil Lederers, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 1(5), (Comments on the preceding reply of Prof Emil Lederer)

  • 1931, Introduction. In Richard Cantillon : Abhandlung über die natur des handelns im allgemeinen, Jena, Gustav Fischer, translation from French by Hella von Hayek
    • Italian translation in 1932 by Luigi Einaudi, Riforma sociale, July
    • French translation in 1936 par Moïse Moisseev, Richard Cantillon, sa vie, son oeuvre, Revue de sciences économiques, Li&eagrave;ge, paril, june, ocotber
    • English translation in 1985 by Micheal O Suilleabhain, Journal of libertarian studies, vol 7, n°2, Fall, pp217-247
    • English translation in 1991, by Grete Heinz, Richard Cantillon (c.1680-1734) in The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek, vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp245-127-154

  • 1931, Prices and production, London, Routledge
      • 2nd edition, revision and enlargement in 1935, London, Routledge et Kegan Paul
      • Reprinted in 1978, New York : Kelley,
    • Austrian printing in 1931, Preise und produktion, J. Springer, Vienne, sept
    • French translation, Prix et production, Paris, Calmann-Levy in 1975, reprinted in 1985,
    • Japanse translation in 1934, corrected in 1935, reproduced in 1941 and in 1946
    • Chinese translation in 1966

  • 1931, Reflections on the pure theory of money of Mr J.M. Keynes, Economica, part I, vol 11, n°33, august, pp270-295
    • Reprinted in "Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments", John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 1, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 1, pp1-23

  • 1931, A rejoinder to Mr Keynes, Economica, vol 11, n°34, november, pp398-403
    • Reprinted in "Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments", John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 1, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 5, pp60-64

  • 1932
F.A Hayek 1932-1941
1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941
  • 1932, Reflections on the pure theory of money of Mr J.M. Keynes, part II, Economica, vol 12, n°35, february, pp22-44
    • Reprinted in Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments, John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N. Woods, eds, vol 1, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 6, pp65-85

  • 1932, Hermann Heinrich Gossen, in Encyclopaedia of the social sciences, New York : Mc Millan, vol 6, p3

  • 1932, Kapitalaufzehrung. Weltwirtschaftliches archiv, vol 36, n°2, july, pp86-108
    • English translation in 1984, Capital consumption, in Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays, Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp136-158

  • 1932, Money and capital : a reply to Mr Sraffa, Economic Journal, vol 42, n°166, june, pp237-249
    • Reprinted in Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments, John C. Wood and Ronald N. Woods, eds, vol 1, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 9, pp102-112

  • 1932, A note on the development of the doctrine of "forced saving", Quarterly journal of economics, vol 47, november, pp123-133
    • Reprinted in Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations, 1939, Londres, Routledge, ch VII, pp183-197

  • 1932, Was der goldwährung geschehen ist, Ein Bericht aus dem Jahre 1932 mit zwei Ergänzungen. Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institut, Der deutsche volkswirt, n°20, pp642-645
    • French translation in 1966, L'étalon-or et son évolution, Revue d'économie politique, 76(6), pp1091-1117
    • English translation in 1984, The fate of the gold standard, in Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays, Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp118-135

  • 1932, Das Shicksal der Goldwährung, Der Deutsche Volkswirt, 6(20) (The fate of the gold standard)

  • 1932, Book review from English translation of Richard Cantillon's book, Essai sur la nature du commerce en général par Henry Higgs (London : MacMillan, 1931), Economic journal vol 42, march, pp61-63
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp290-293

  • 1932, Foreign exchange restrictions, The economist, 6

  • 1933, Saving, In "Encyclopaedia of the social sciences", New York : McMillan
    • Reprinted in 1934 with minor alterations, In "Encyclopaedia of the social sciences", vol 13, pp548-552, New York : McMillan
    • Reprinted in "Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations", 1939, Londres, Routledge, ch V, pp157-170

  • 1933, Uber 'neutrales geld', Zeitschrift für nationalökonomie, vol 4, n°5, pp659-661, october
    • English translation in 1984, On Neutral money, in "Money, capital and fluctuations: early essays, Roy McCloughry, ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp159-162

  • 1933, The trend of economic thinking, Economica, vol 13, n°40, pp121-137, may
    • Reprinte d in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, pp121-137
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The collected works of F. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III and S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp17-34

  • 1933, Foreword In "Beiträge zur Geldtheorie" (by Marco Fanno, Marius W. Holtrop, Johan G. Koopmans, Gunnar Myrdal, Knut Wicksell), Vienna

  • 1933, Beiträge zur geldtheorie, ed, Vienne, Julius Springer
    (with contributions of M. Fanno, M.W Holtrop, J.G Koopmans, G. Myrdal, K. Wicksell)

  • 1933, Der stand und die nächste zukunft der Konjunktur forschung, Festchrift für Arthur Spiethoff, Gustav Clausing, ed, Munich, Duncker & Humblot
    • English translation, The present state and immediate prospects of the study of industrial fluctuations, In "Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations", 1939, Londres, Routledge, ch VI, pp171-182

  • 1933, George W. Norman, Encyclopaedia of the social sciences, vol XI, New York

  • 1933, Macleod Henry D. Encyclopaedia of the social sciences, vol II, New York, p30

  • 1934, Capital and industrial fluctuations. A reply to criticisms, Econometrica, vol 2, pp152-167, april
    • Reprinted in "Prices and production", 1935, 2nd ed, London : Routledge et Kegan Paul, pp132-62
    • Reprinted in "Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments", John C. Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 1, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 13, pp148-163

  • 1934, Introduction, In Carl Menger, "The Collected works of carl Menger", vol 1 Grundsätze der volkswirtschaftslehre (1871), reprints of scarce tracts in economics and political science, vol 17; London : The London school of economics and political science, ppv-xxxviii.
      • Reprinted and enhanced in German in 1965, In "Lebensbilder Grosser Nationalökonomen", H.C Recktenwald, ed, Cologne : Kiepeneuer & Witsch
      • Reprinted in the new edition in 1968, Tübingen
    • English translation in 1934, Carl Menger, Economica New series, 1:393-420, november
      • Reprinted in 1952 in "The development of economic thought : great economists in perspective", Henry William Spiegel, ed, New York : John Wiley & Sons, pp527-553
      • Reprinted in 1981 in "Principles of economics" of Karl Menger (1871) translated by J. Dingwall et B.F Hoselitz, New York : New York University press, pp11-36
      • Reprinted in 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp61-96

  • 1934, On the relationship between investment and output, Economic journal, vol 44, n°174, pp207-231, june

  • 1934, Philippovich von Philippsberg Eugen, In Encyclopaedia of the social sciences, vol XI, New York, vol 12, p116

  • 1934, Book review of Jules Dupuit, De l'utilité: et de sa mesure, 1933, Turin : La riforma soziale, The economist Montly book supplement, june 9, p47
    • Reprinted in 1991 in The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek, vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp350-352

  • 1934, The outlook for interest rates, The economist, 7

  • 1934, Stable prices or neutral money, The economist, 7

  • 1935, Collectivist economic planning : critical studies on the possibilities of socialism. ed F.V Hayek, Londres, Routledge & sons; New York : Kelley
    • New edition in 1974 by Kelley
    • New edition in 1978,
    • French translation in 1939, l'économie dirigée en régime collectiviste, Paris, Médicis, La nature et l'historique du problème
    • Italian translation in 1946

  • 1935, Socialist calculation I : The nature and history of the problem, In Collectivist economic planning : critical studies on the possibilities of socialism. ed F.V Hayek, Londres, Routledge et New York : Kelley
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 7, pp119-147
    • Reprinted in 1976, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul

  • 1935, Socialist calculation II : The state of the debate, In Collectivist economic planning : critical studies on the possibilities of socialism. ed F.V Hayek, Londres, Routledge et New York : Kelley
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 8, pp148-180
    • Reprinted in 1976, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul

  • 1935, Socialist calculation III : The competitive solution, In "Collectivist economic planning : critical studies on the possibilities of socialism". ed F.V Hayek, Londres, Routledge et New York : Kelley
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 9, pp181-208
    • Reprinted in 1976, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul

  • 1935, Preiserwartungen Monetäre störungen und Fehlinvestitionen, Nationalökonomisk Tidskrift, vol 73, n°3, Lecture at the "sozialökonomisk Samfund" at Copenhague, 1933 december 7
    • English translation, Price expectations, monetary disturbances and malinvestments, In "Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations", 1939, Londres, Routledge, ch IV, pp135-156
      • Reprinted in 1944, In "Readings in business cycle theory", G; Haberler, ed, Londres, Georges Routledge and sons, New York : Augustus M. Kelley, pp350-366
      • Reprinted in 1963, In "Business fluctuations, growth and ecoinomic stabilization", JJ Clark and M Cohen, eds, New York : Random House, pp439-451
    • French translation in 1935, "Prévisions de prix, perturbations monétaires et faux investissements", Revue des sciences économiques, Liège, october, vol 1

  • 1935, The maintenance of capital, Economica, august, vol 2 pp241-276,
    • Reprinted in "Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations", 1939, Londres, Routledge, ch III, pp83-134

  • 1935, Foreword, in "Economic Planning in Soviet Russia", Brutzkus Boris, London : George Routledge & sons

  • 1935, Henry D. Macleod, Encyclopaedia of the social sciences, vol X, New York

  • 1935, Edwin Cannan (Obituary), Zeitschrift für nationalökonomie, 6:246-250

  • 1935, Spor miedzy szkola "currency" i szkola "banking", Ekonomista (Warsaw), 55

  • 1935, A regulated gold standard, The economist, 11 may

  • 1936, The mythology of capital, Quarterly Journal of economics, 50:199-228
    • Reprinted in 1946, In "Readings in the theory of income distribution", W. Fellner et B.F Haley, eds, American Economic Association eds, Philadelphie
    • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol II, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, pp63-92

  • 1936, Technischer fortschritt und überkapazität, österreichische Zeitschrift für bankwesen, vol 1, pp9-23
    • English translation in 1984, Technical progress and e xcess capacity, in "Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays", Roy McCloughry ed, Londres : Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp163-180

  • 1936, Utility analysis and interest, Economic Journal, vol 46, n°181, pp44-60

  • 1936, La situation monétaire internationale, Bulletin périodique de la société belge d'études et d'expansion, Bruxelles, n°103

  • 1936, Book review, Bibliography of economics, 1751-1775, prepared for the British academy by Henry Higgs G.B (Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press 1935), Economica, February, pp99-100
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp293-294

  • 1937, Economics and knowledge, Economica, February, vol 4, n°13, pp33-54, Lecture given at the London Economic club, 1936 November 10th
    • Reprinted in 1939 in "Profit, Interest and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations", Londres, Routledge, ch II, pp73-82
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 2 , pp33-56
    • Reprinted in 1973, In "L.S.E Essays on cost", J.M Buchanan et G.F Thirlby,eds, New York et Londres, New York University press, ch 3
    • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian economics", Littlechild S, ed, vol 3, pp28-49

  • 1937, Investment that raises the demand for capital, Review of economic statistics, vol 19, n°4, november, pp174-177,
    • Reprinted in 1990, In "Entrepreneurship, international library of critical writings in economics", Cassan Mark, ed, n°3, Aldershot, UK & Brookfield, Elgar, pp59-80

  • 1937, Monetary nationalism and international stability, Institut universitaire des hautes études internationales, Genève,
    • 2nd edition in 1939, London, Longmans, Green and co
    • Reprinted in 1964, in 1971, in 1989, New York : Augustus M. Kelley

  • 1937, Einleitung zu einer kapitaltheorie, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 8, pp1-9 (Introduction to a theory of capital)

  • 1937, Das goldproblem, Österreichische Zeitchrift für Bankwesen, 2

  • 1937, Book review, Predecessors of Adam Smith. The growth of British economic thought, E.A J. Johnson, New York : Prentice-Hall, 1937), Economica, vol 4, n°16, november, pp465-466

  • 1938, Freedom and the economic system, Contemporary review, april
    • Reprinted in 1939, Public policy pamphlet n°29, Harry D. Gideonse, ed, University of Chicago press

  • 1938, Book review, Adam Smith as student and professor, William Robert Scott, Glasgow university publications, vol 46 (Glasgow Jackson 1937), Economica, vol 5, pp359-361
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp122-124

  • 1939, Introduction, In "An inquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of great britain (1802)", Henry Thornton, London : Allen & Unwin, pp11-63
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp295-344

  • 1939, Profits, interest and investment, In "Profits, interest and investment and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations", London, Routledge, ch I, pp3-72

  • 1939, Profit, Interest and investment and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations, Londres, Routledge,
    • Reprinted in 1969 and in 1975, New York; Augustus M. Kelley

  • 1939, The Economic conditions of inter-state federalism, New Commonwealth Quaterly, London, vol 5, n°2, september, pp131-149
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 12, pp255-272

  • 1939, Pricing versus rationing, The Banker, London, 51, september

  • 1939, The economy of capital, The banker, 52, London, October

  • 1939, Book review, John Bates Clark : a memorial (privately printed by Columbia University press, 1938), Economica, vol 6, pp223-224
    • Reprinted in 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp38-39

  • 1939, Mr Keynes and war costs, The spectator, Londres, 24 novembre

  • 1940, Book review, Lindahl's "Studies in the theory of money and capital", Economica, august, vol 7, n°27, pp332-333

  • 1940, Book review, Carl Syner's "Capitalism the creator", Economica, November, vol 7, n°28, pp437-439

  • 1940, Socialist calculation : the competitive 'solution', Economica, vol 7, n°26, pp125-149
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Chicago, university of Chicago press
    • Reprinted in 1990 in "Austrian Economics", vol 3, Littlechild S, ed, Edward Elgar, pp295-319

  • 1941, The counter-revolution of science, 1st part, Economica, Vol 8, n°29, pp9-36,
    • Reprinted in 1952, In "The Counter revolution of science", Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, 2nd part

  • 1941, The counter-revolution of science, 2nd part, Economica, Vol 8, n°30, pp119-150
    • Reprinted in 1952, In "The Counter revolution of science", Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, 2nd part

  • 1941, The counter-revolution of science, 3rd part, Economica, Vol 8, n°31, pp281-320
    • Reprinted in 1952, In "The Counter revolution of science", Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, 2nd part

  • 1941, The pure theory of capital, Chicago University School ; London : McMillan,
    • Reprinted in 1950,
    • Paperback edition, 1975, University of Chicago press
    • Spannish translation in 1946, La teoría pura del capital, Madrid: M. Aguilar, 1946)
      • reprinted in 1952

  • 1941, Maintening capital intact : a reply to professor Pigou, Economica, vol 8, n°31, august, pp276-280
    • Reprinted in 1986, In "Readings in the concept and measurement of income", R.H Parker, GG Harcourt and G. Wihilkinson eds, 2nd ed, Oxford, pp139-143
    • Reprinted in "Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments", John C. Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 1, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 24, pp 268-272

  • 1941, Planning, Science and freedom, Nature, 148, november 15

  • 1941, Book review of Mises's Nationalokönomie : theorie des handelns und des wirtschaftens (Geneva : editions union, 1940), Economic journal, vol 51, april, pp124-127
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp149-152

  • 1941, Knowledge of Germany, The spectator, London, december 26


F.A Hayek 1942-1951

  • 1942, Introduction, John Stuart Mill at the age of twenty-four, In "John Stuart Mill, The spirit of the age", University of Chicago press

  • 1942, The Ricardo effect, Economica, 9(34):127-152, may,
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 11, Three elucidations of the Ricardo effects, pp220-254

  • 1942, A comment on an article of Mr Kaldor : Pr Hayek and concertina effect, Economica, 9(36), nov, pp383-385
    • Reprinted in "Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments", John C. Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 2, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 26, pp26-29

  • 1942, The subjective character of the Data of the social science, 1st part, Economica, vol 9, pp267-291,
    • Reprinted in 1953, In "The Counter revolution of science", Ch III, Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, pp41-60
    • Reprinted in 1990, In " Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, Edward Elgar, pp256-276
    • French translation by Raymond Barre in "Scientisme et sciences sociales", Paris, collection Agora, Plon, 1953

  • 1943, A commodity reserve currency, Economic Journal, vol 53, n°210, june-sept, 176-84,
    • Reprinted in 1944, "Material relating to proposals for an international commodity reserve currency", submitted to the International Monetary Commodity Reserve and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, n°380, F. Harper archives at the Institute for Humane Studies
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 10, pp209-219

  • 1943, Compositive methods of the social sciences, 2nd part, Economica, 10:34-63,
    • Reprinted in 1953, In "The Counter revolution of science", ch IV, Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, pp61-76
    • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, pp277-292

  • 1943, The facts of the social sciences, Ethics, oct, 54(1), pp1-13,
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 3, pp57-76

  • 1943, John Rae and John Stuart Mill : a correspondance, Economica, 10:253-255

  • 1943, Scientism and the study of society : rejoinder, Economica, 10:188-89

  • 1943, Comment on Lutz : Professor Hayek's theory of interest, Economica, vol 10 n°37, pp321

  • 1943, The geometrical representation of complementarity, Review of economic studies, 10(2), pp122-25

  • 1943, Gospodarka planowa a idea planowia prawa, Economista Polski, London

  • 1943, The economic position of South Tyrol, In "Justice for South Tyrol", London

  • 1944, The road to serfdom, London : Routledge, Chicago : University of Chicago press.
      • Paperback edition in 1956, University of Chicago press,
      • Reprinted in 1975
    • French translation by G. Blumberg, La route de la servitude, Paris, Medicis, 1946
      • Reprinted in 1985, Presse Universitaire de France, Collection Quadrige
    • Austrian Edition in 1944
    • Swedish translation in 1944 F.A Hayek 1942-1951

      • 1942, Introduction, John Stuart Mill at the age of twenty-four, In "John Stuart Mill, The spirit of the age", U niversity of Chicago press

      • 1942, The Ricardo effect, Economica, 9(34):127-152, may,
        • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 11, Three elucidations of the Ricardo effects, pp220-254

      • 1942, A comment on an article of Mr Kaldor : Pr Hayek and concertina effect, Economica, 9(36), nov, pp383-385
        • Reprinted in "Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments", John C. Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 2, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 26, pp26-29

      • 1942, The subjective character of the Data of the social science, 1st part, Economica, vol 9, pp267-291,
        • Reprinted in 1953, In "The Counter revolution of science", Ch III, Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, pp41-60
        • Reprinted in 1990, In " Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, Edward Elgar, pp256-276
        • French translation by Raymond Barre in "Scientisme et sciences sociales", Paris, collection Agora, Plon, 1953

      • 1943, A commodity reserve currency, Economic Journal, vol 53, n°210, june-sept, 176-84,
        • Reprinted in 1944, "Material relating to proposals for an international commodity reserve currency", submitted to the International Monetary Commodity Reserve and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, n°380, F. Harper archives at the Institute for Humane Studies
        • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 10, pp209-219

      • 1943, Compositive methods of the social sciences, 2nd part, Economica, 10:34-63,
        • Reprinted in 1953, In "The Counter revolution of science", ch IV, Free press of Glencoe, Collier-MacmIllan, London, pp61-76
        • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, pp277-292

      • 1943, The facts of the social sciences, Ethics, oct, 54(1), pp1-13,
        • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 3, pp57-76

      • 1943, John Rae and John Stuart Mill : a correspondance, Economica, 10:253-255

      • 1943, Scientism and the study of society : rejoinder, Economica, 10:188-89

      • 1943, Comment on Lutz : Professor Hayek's theory of interest, Economica, vol 10 n°37, pp321

      • 1943, The geometrical representation of complementarity, Review of economic studies, 10(2), pp122-25

      • 1943, Gospodarka planowa a idea planowia prawa, Economista Polski, London

      • 1943, The economic position of South Tyrol, In "Justice for South Tyrol", London

      • 1944, The road to serfdom, London : Routledge, Chicago : University of Chicago press.
          • Paperback edition in 1956, University of Chicago press,
          • Reprinted in 1975
        • French translation by G. Blumberg, La route de la servitude, Paris, Medicis, 1946
          • Reprinted in 1985, Presse Universitaire de France, Collection Quadrige
        • Austrian Edition in 1944
        • Swedish translation in 1944 Vägen till träldom Till socialister i alla partier
        • German translation in 1945 by Eva Röpke, Der weg zur Knechtschaft
        • Danish translation in 1946
        • Portuguese translation in 1946
        • Spannish translation in 1946
        • Dutch translation in 1948
        • Italian translation in 1948
        • Norvegian translation in 1949
        • Japanese translation in 1954
        • Chinese translation (Taïpei) in 1956, 1965, 1966
        • Icelandic translation in 1980

      • 1944, Scientism and the study of society, 3rd part, Economica, 11:27-39

      • 1944, The case of the Tyrol, London : Committee on justice for the South Tyrol

      • 1944, Richard von Strigl (obituary), Economic Journal, vol 54, june-september, pp284-286
        • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp168-170

      • 1944, Book review of John H. Hallowell, The decline of liberalism as an ideology, with particular reference to german politico-legal thought, Economica, vol 11, august, p159
        • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp199-200

      • 1944, Good and bad unemployment policies, Sunday Times, London, 30 april
        • Reprinted in 1972, A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation. A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edited by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4, pp124-127

      • 1944, No totalitarianism by the back door, Sunday Times, London, 21 may

      • 1944, The facts of the social sciences, Ethics, 54, 1

      • 1945, The use of knowledge in society, American Economic Review, september, vol 35, n°4, pp519-530
        • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 4, pp77-91
        • Reprinted in 1972 in "South Bend", Indiana : Gateway Editions Ltd, University press
        • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp211-224
        • Reprinted in 1985, In "Comparative economic systems : modes and cases", Bornstein Morris, ed, 5ed, Irwin Publications in economic series Homewood Ill, Irwin, pp29-40
        • Reprinted in 1990 in "Austrian economics", 1990, vol 3, S. Littlechild, Edward Elgard, pp320-331
        • Reprinted in 1991, "Austrian economics : a reader", Champions of freedom, The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series, vol 18, Ebeling R., ed, Michigan, Hillsdale College Press, pp247-263
        • Reprinted in 1996, In Myers, P. S. (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Organizational Design, 7-15. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. 
        • French translation in 1986, by V. de Mareüil : "L'utilisation de l'information dans la société", Revue Française d'Economie, vol. I, n° 2, automne 1986, pp. 117-140

      • 1945, Notes on NW Senior's political economy by JS Mill, Economica, vol 12, pp134-139

      • 1945, Time-preference and productivity : a reconsideration, Economica, vol 12, n°45, pp22-25, feb

      • 1945, Book review of Edmond Vermeil, Three Reichs (London : A. Dakers, 1944), Time and Tide, march 24, pp249-245
        • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp219-222

      • 1945, A plan for the future of Germany, The saturday review of literature, June 23, pp7-9, 39-40
        • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp223-233

      • 1945, The future of Austria, The Spectator, London, april 6, pp306-307
        • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp234-236

      • 1945, Report on the changes in the cost of living in Gilbratar 1939-1944 and on wages and salaries, Gibraltar

      • 1945, Nationalities and States in Central Europe, Central European trade review, 3, London, pp134-139

      • 1945, Notes on the way, Time and Tide, 6 january, 13 january, 20 january

      • 1945, Genius for compromise, The spectator, London, 26 january

      • 1945, Is there a german Nation ?, Time and Tide, 24 march

      • 1945, The future of Austria, The spectator, London, 6 april

      • 1945, Tomorrow's world : is it going left ?, The new York Magazine, 26 april

      • 1945, State Boss makes slaves, Sunday Chronicle, 17 june

      • 1945, A plan for the future of Germany, Sunday Review of Literature

      • 1945, Book review of Sir William Beveridge, Full employment in a free society, Fortune, march
        • Reprinted in 1972, in "A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation". A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edited by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4, pp135-139

      • 1946, Individualism : true and false, Dublin, Hodges, Figgis & co, and B.H Blackwell Ltd, Oxford, The 12th Finlay lecture,
        • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch I, pp1-32
        • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp131-159
        • German translation in 1948, Wahrer und Falscher Individualismus, Ordo 1
        • Spannish translation in 1968

      • 1946, The London School of economics 1895-1945, Economica, vol 13, n°49, february, pp1-31

      • 1946, Fuld Beskaeftigelse, Nationalökonomisk Tidsskrift, 84, pp1-31

      • 1946, Socialism must face dangers of Statism, New Leader, 14 august

      • 1946, Austria : advance post in Europe, The commercial and Financial chronicle, 28 november

      • 1946, Full employment illusions, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Vol 164, n°4508, New York, 18 july
        • Reprinted in 1972, in "A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation". A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edoted by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4, pp127-135

      • 1947, Probleme und Schwierigkeiten der englischen wirtschaft, Schweizer Monatshefte, 27 (Problems and difficulties of the english economy)

      • 1947, Full employment illusions, The commercial and financial Chronicle, 18 july

      • 1947, This is our only way, Evening Standard, 28 january

      • 1947, Re-Nazification at work, The spectator, London, 31 jan

      • 1947, Sound advice, Time and tide, 1 november

      • 1948, Individualism and economic order, Londres, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Chicago, University of Chicago press
        • Reprinted in 1949, Routledge & Kegan Paul,
          • reprinted in 1960 and in 1976
        • German translation in 1952
        • Norwegian translation in 1953
        • Spannish translation in 1968

      • 1948, The meaning of competition, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 5, pp92-106
        • Reprinted in 1990, in "Austrian Economics", vol 3, S. Little child, ed, pp185-196
        • Reprinted in 1991 in "Austrian economics : a reader", Ebeling R., ed, Champions of freedom, The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series, vol 18, Michigan, Hillsdale College Press, pp264-280

      • 1948, Free Enterprise and competitive Order, In "Individualism and economic order", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 6, pp107-118

      • 1948, Wesley Clair Mitchell 1874-1948, obituary , Journal of the royal statistical society, 111:254-255
        • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp40-41

      • 1948, Freedom and the economic system, University of chicago press

      • 1948, Le plein emploi, Economie appliquée, vol 1, n°2-3, Genève, Droz, avril-septembre, pp197-210

      • 1948, The tragedy of organized humanity, Book review of Bertrand de Jouvenel, Power : the natural history of its growth (London and New York : Hutchinson), Time and tide, november 6, p119
        • Reprinted in 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp249-252

      • 1948, The Webbs and their work, Book review of Beatrice Webb, Our paternship, Economica, august
        • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, annexe, pp341-344

      • 1948, Der Mensch in der Planwirtschaft, In "Weltbild und Menschenbild", Insbbrunck and Vienna (Man in the planned economy), Simon Moser, ed,

      • 1948, Die politischen Folgen der Planwirtschaft, Die Industrie, Zeitschrift der Vereingung Österreicher industrieller, n°3, Vienna, January (The political effects of the planned economy)

      • 1949, The intellectuals and socialism, The University of Chicago Law review, vol 16, n°3, spring, pp417-433
          • Reprinted in 1960, George B. de Huszar ed., The Intellectuals: A Controversial Portrait, Glencoe, Illinois: the Free Press, pp371-84.
          • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 12, pp178-194
          • Reprinted in 1971 by the Institute of Human Studies
        • Norwegian translation in 1951

      • 1949, The economics of development charges, The Financial Times, 26, 27, 28 april
        • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 25, pp321-338

      • 1950, Full employment, planning and inflation, Institute of public affairs review, Melbourne, Australia, vol 4, n°6
          • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 19, pp270-279
        • German translation in 1951
        • Spannish translation in 1960

      • 1950, Ricardo David, In "Chamber's Encyclopaedia", vol 11, pp680-681, New York : Oxford University press

      • 1950, Economics : a survey, In "Chamber's Encyclopaedia", vol 4, pp771-775, New York : Oxford University press

      • 1951, Comte and Hegel, Measure (Chicago), 2, july, pp324-342
        • Reprinted in 1952, In " The counter evolution of science", studies in the abuse of reason, Glencoe, Illinois : The free press
        • Italian translation in 1965, L'industria, n°1

      • 1951, ed, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor : their friendship and subsequent marriage, New York, Kelley et London, Routledge and Kegan Paul
        • Reprinted in 1969, Chicago : Chicago University press

      • 1951, Die überlieferung der ideale der wirtschaftsfreiheit, Schweizer Monastshefte, vol 31, n°6, september, (The transmission of the ideals of economic freedom)
        • English translation in 1951, The ideals of economic freedom : a liberal inheritance, The Owl, London, 1951, pp7-12
        • Reprinted in 1952, A rebirth of liberalism, The Freeman, July, pp729-731
        • Reprinted and enhanced in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 13, pp195-200

      • 1951, Capitalism and the proletariat, Farmand, 7, n°56, 17 february

      • 1951, Gleichheit und gerechtigkeit, Jahresbericht der Zürücher Volkswirtschaftichen Gesellschaft (Equality and justice)

      • 1951, Comments on 'The Economics and Politics of the modern corporation', The University of Chicago Law School, Conference Series n°8, 7 december

      • 1951, Worldwide Shortcomings of wartime planning, Commercial and financial chronicle, 18 april


    • German translation in 1945 by Eva Röpke, Der weg zur Knechtschaft
    • Danish translation in 1946
    • Portuguese translation in 1946
    • Spannish translation in 1946
    • Dutch translation in 1948
    • Italian translation in 1948
    • Norvegian translation in 1949
    • Japanese translation in 1954
    • Chinese translation (Taïpei) in 1956, 1965, 1966
    • Icelandic translation in 1980

  • 1944, Scientism and the study of society, 3rd part, Economica, 11:27-39

  • 1944, The case of the Tyrol, London : Committee on justice for the South Tyrol

  • 1944, Richard von Strigl (obituary), Economic Journal, vol 54, june-september, pp284-286
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp168-170

  • 1944, Book review of John H. Hallowell, The decline of liberalism as an ideology, with particular reference to german politico-legal thought, Economica, vol 11, august, p159
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp199-200

  • 1944, Good and bad unemployment policies, Sunday Times, London, 30 april
    • Reprinted in 1972, A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation. A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edited by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4, pp124-127

  • 1944, No totalitarianism by the back door, Sunday Times, London, 21 may

  • 1944, The facts of the social sciences, Ethics, 54, 1

  • 1945, The use of knowledge in society, American Economic Review, september, vol 35, n°4, pp519-530
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 4, pp77-91
    • Reprinted in 1972 in "South Bend", Indiana : Gateway Editions Ltd, University press
    • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford Uni versity, pp211-224
    • Reprinted in 1985, In "Comparative economic systems : modes and cases", Bornstein Morris, ed, 5ed, Irwin Publications in economic series Homewood Ill, Irwin, pp29-40
    • Reprinted in 1990 in "Austrian economics", 1990, vol 3, S. Littlechild, Edward Elgard, pp320-331
    • Reprinted in 1991, "Austrian economics : a reader", Champions of freedom, The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series, vol 18, Ebeling R., ed, Michigan, Hillsdale College Press, pp247-263
    • Reprinted in 1996, In Myers, P. S. (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Organizational Design, 7-15. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. 
    • French translation in 1986, by V. de Mareüil : "L'utilisation de l'information dans la société", Revue Française d'Economie, vol. I, n° 2, automne 1986, pp. 117-140

  • 1945, Notes on NW Senior's political economy by JS Mill, Economica, vol 12, pp134-139

  • 1945, Time-preference and productivity : a reconsideration, Economica, vol 12, n°45, pp22-25, feb

  • 1945, Book review of Edmond Vermeil, Three Reichs (London : A. Dakers, 1944), Time and Tide, march 24, pp249-245
    • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp219-222

  • 1945, A plan for the future of Germany, The saturday review of literature, June 23, pp7-9, 39-40
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp223-233

  • 1945, The future of Austria, The Spectator, London, april 6, pp306-307
    • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp234-236

  • 1945, Report on the changes in the cost of living in Gilbratar 1939-1944 and on wages and salaries, Gibraltar

  • 1945, Nationalities and States in Central Europe, Central European trade review, 3, London, pp134-139

  • 1945, Notes on the way, Time and Tide, 6 january, 13 january, 20 january

  • 1945, Genius for compromise, The spectator, London, 26 january

  • 1945, Is there a german Nation ?, Time and Tide, 24 march

  • 1945, The future of Austria, The spectator, London, 6 april

  • 1945, Tomorrow's world : is it going left ?, The new York Magazine, 26 april

  • 1945, State Boss makes slaves, Sunday Chronicle, 17 june

  • 1945, A plan for the future of Germany, Sunday Review of Literature

  • 1945, Book review of Sir William Beveridge, Full employment in a free society, Fortune, march
    • Reprinted in 1972, in "A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation". A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edited by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4, pp135-139

  • 1946, Individualism : true and false, Dublin, Hodges, Figgis & co, and B.H Blackwell Ltd, Oxford, The 12th Finlay lecture,
    • Reprinted in 1948, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch I, pp1-32
    • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp131- 159
    • German translation in 1948, Wahrer und Falscher Individualismus, Ordo 1
    • Spannish translation in 1968

  • 1946, The London School of economics 1895-1945, Economica, vol 13, n°49, february, pp1-31

  • 1946, Fuld Beskaeftigelse, Nationalökonomisk Tidsskrift, 84, pp1-31

  • 1946, Socialism must face dangers of Statism, New Leader, 14 august

  • 1946, Austria : advance post in Europe, The commercial and Financial chronicle, 28 november

  • 1946, Full employment illusions, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Vol 164, n°4508, New York, 18 july
    • Reprinted in 1972, in "A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation". A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edoted by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4, pp127-135

  • 1947, Probleme und Schwierigkeiten der englischen wirtschaft, Schweizer Monatshefte, 27 (Problems and difficulties of the english economy)

  • 1947, Full employment illusions, The commercial and financial Chronicle, 18 july

  • 1947, This is our only way, Evening Standard, 28 january

  • 1947, Re-Nazification at work, The spectator, London, 31 jan

  • 1947, Sound advice, Time and tide, 1 november

  • 1948, Individualism and economic order, Londres, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Chicago, University of Chicago press
    • Reprinted in 1949, Routledge & Kegan Paul,
      • reprinted in 1960 and in 1976
    • German translation in 1952
    • Norwegian translation in 1953
    • Spannish translation in 1968

  • 1948, The meaning of competition, In "Individualism and economic order", Londres : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 5, pp92-106
    • Reprinted in 1990, in "Austrian Economics", vol 3, S. Littlechild, ed, pp185-196
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "Austrian economics : a reader", Ebeling R., ed, Champions of freedom, The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series, vol 18, Michigan, Hillsdale College Press, pp264-280

  • 1948, Free Enterprise and competitive Order, In "Individualism and economic order", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, ch 6, pp107-118

  • 1948, Wesley Clair Mitchell 1874-1948, obituary , Journal of the royal statistical society, 111:254-255
    • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp40-41

  • 1948, Freedom and the economic system, University of chicago press

  • 1948, Le plein emploi, Economie appliquée, vol 1, n°2-3, Genève, Droz, avril-septembre, pp197-210

  • 1948, The tragedy of organized humanity, Book review of Bertrand de Jouvenel, Power : the natural history of its growth (London and New York : Hutchinson), Time and tide, november 6, p119
    • Reprinted in 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp249-252

  • 1948, The Webbs and their work, Book review of Beatrice Webb, Our paternship, Economica, august
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, annexe, pp341-344

  • 1948, Der Mensch in der Planwirtschaft, In "Weltbild und Menschenbild", Insbbrunck and Vienna (Man in the planned economy), Simon Moser, ed,

  • 1948, Die politischen Folg en der Planwirtschaft, Die Industrie, Zeitschrift der Vereingung Österreicher industrieller, n°3, Vienna, January (The political effects of the planned economy)

  • 1949, The intellectuals and socialism, The University of Chicago Law review, vol 16, n°3, spring, pp417-433
      • Reprinted in 1960, George B. de Huszar ed., The Intellectuals: A Controversial Portrait, Glencoe, Illinois: the Free Press, pp371-84.
      • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 12, pp178-194
      • Reprinted in 1971 by the Institute of Human Studies
    • Norwegian translation in 1951

  • 1949, The economics of development charges, The Financial Times, 26, 27, 28 april
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 25, pp321-338

  • 1950, Full employment, planning and inflation, Institute of public affairs review, Melbourne, Australia, vol 4, n°6
      • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 19, pp270-279
    • German translation in 1951
    • Spannish translation in 1960

  • 1950, Ricardo David, In "Chamber's Encyclopaedia", vol 11, pp680-681, New York : Oxford University press

  • 1950, Economics : a survey, In "Chamber's Encyclopaedia", vol 4, pp771-775, New York : Oxford University press

  • 1951, Comte and Hegel, Measure (Chicago), 2, july, pp324-342
    • Reprinted in 1952, In "The counter evolution of science", studies in the abuse of reason, Glencoe, Illinois : The free press
    • Italian translation in 1965, L'industria, n°1

  • 1951, ed, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor : their friendship and subsequent marriage, New York, Kelley et London, Routledge and Kegan Paul
    • Reprinted in 1969, Chicago : Chicago University press

  • 1951, Die überlieferung der ideale der wirtschaftsfreiheit, Schweizer Monastshefte, vol 31, n°6, september, (The transmission of the ideals of economic freedom)
    • English translation in 1951, The ideals of economic freedom : a liberal inheritance, The Owl, London, 1951, pp7-12
    • Reprinted in 1952, A rebirth of liberalism, The Freeman, July, pp729-731
    • Reprinted and enhanced in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 13, pp195-200

  • 1951, Capitalism and the proletariat, Farmand, 7, n°56, 17 february

  • 1951, Gleichheit und gerechtigkeit, Jahresbericht der Zürücher Volkswirtschaftichen Gesellschaft (Equality and justice)

  • 1951, Comments on 'The Economics and Politics of the modern corporation', The University of Chicago Law School, Conference Series n°8, 7 december

  • 1951, Worldwide Shortcomings of wartime planning, Commercial and financial chronicle, 18 april


F.A Hayek 1952-1961

  • 1952, The counter-revolution of science : studies in the abuse of reason, Glencoe, Illinois : The free press,
    • 2nd edition in 1959, New York Free press
    • New edition in 1964, New York
    • New edition in 1979, Indianapolis : Liberty press
    • German translation in 1959, Missbrauch und verfall der vernunft, Frankfurt am main edition
      • Reprinted in 1979, Salzburg : Philosophia Verlag
    • French Translation (partly) in 1955, by Raymond Barre, "Scientisme et sciences sociales : essai sur le mauvais usage de la raison", Paris, Plon
    • Italian translation in 1967

  • 1952, The sensory order : an inquiry into the foundations of theoretical psychology, London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press.
    • Reprinted in 1963, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, Phoenix books
    • Paperback edition in 1976, University of Chicago press

  • 1952, Wieser, In "The development of economic thought : great economists in perspective", Spiegel HW, ed, New York, John Wiley and Sons, inc, pp554-567

  • 1952, Harrod's Life of Keynes, Book review of R.F Harrod, The life of John Maynard Keynes, Journal of modern history, vol XXiV, n°2, june, pp195-198
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, annexe, pp344-348

  • 1952, Die Ungerechtigkeit der Steuerprogression, Schweizer Monatshefte, 32, November (The injustice of the progressive income tax)

  • 1953, The Actonian revival, Books reviews of Gertrude Himmelfarb, Lord Acton : a study in conscience and politics (Chicago : University of Chicago press, 1952) and of G. E. Fasnacht, Acton's Political philosophy : an analysis (New York : Viking, 1953), The Freeman, March 23, pp461-462
    • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp216-218

  • 1953, The case against progressive income taxes, The Freeman, 4, 28 december, pp229-232

  • 1953, Leftist Foreign correspondent, The Freeman, 3, 12 january, p275

  • 1953, Decline of the Rule of Law, Part I, The Freeman, 3, 20 april, pp518-520

  • 1953, Decline of the Rule of Law, Part II, The Freeman, 3, 4 may, pp561-563

  • 1953, Substitute for foreign aid, The Freeman, 3, 6 april, pp482-484

  • 1953, Entstehung und verfall des Rechtsstaatsideales, In "Wirtschaft Ohne Wunder", Albert Hunold, ed, Volkswirtschaftliche Studien für das Schweizerrische Institut für Auslandsforshung, Zurich (The rise and fall of the ideal of the constitutional state)

  • 1954, ed, Capitalism and the historians, London : Routledge Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press
    • Reprinted in 1963

  • 1954, Introduction : History and politics", In "Capitalism and the historians", F. Hayek ed, London : Routledge Kegan Paul, University of Chicago press
      • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 14, pp201-215
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp160-175
      • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of Friedrich Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp56-72
    • German translation in 1955, Wirtschaftsgeseschichte und politik, ORDO, 7, march (Economic history and politics), pp3-22

  • 1954, Schumpeter on the history of economics, Book review of Joseph Schumpeter, History of economic analysis, The Freeman
    • Reprinted and enlarged in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, annexe, pp339-341

  • 1954, Markwirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik, ORDO, 6, february, pp3-18 (market economy and economic policy)

  • 1954, Economic myth, The Wall Street Journal, 4 february

  • 1954, Capitalism : myth v fact, University of Chicago magazine, may

  • 1955, Degrees of explanation, British journal for the philosophy of science, vol 6 , n°23, pp209-225
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 1, pp3-21

  • 1955, The political ideal of the rule of Law, Cairo : National bank of Egypt, fiftieth anniversary commemorative lectures
    • Reprinted partly in 1975, In "The rule of law", Menlo park, Californie : Institute for human studies

  • 1955, Towards a theory of economic growth, Discussion of Simon Kuznets' paper, In "National Policy for economic welfare at home and aborad", New York : Columbia University Bicentennial conference

  • 1955, Comments, In "Congress for cultural freedom", Science and freedom, London : Proceedings of the Hamburg Conference of the congress for cultural freedom

  • 1956, The dilemma of specialization, In "The state of the social sciences", Leonard D. White, ed, University of Chicago press,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 8, pp122-132

  • 1956, The road to serfdom after twelve years, Foreword to the paperback edition : The Road of Serfdom, University of Chicago presss,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 15, pp216-228

  • 1956, Reconsideration of progressive taxation , In "On freedom and free enterprise", Essays in honour of Ludwig von Mises, Mary Sennholz,ed, Princeton

  • 1956, Über den "sinn" sozialer institutionen, Schweizer Monatshefte, 36, October, (On the meaning of social institutions)

  • 1956, Freedom and the rule of law (The third programme BBC Radio, 1st of two talks), The listener, 13 december

  • 1957, Was Ist und was heisst "sozial" ? In "Masse und Demokratie", Zurich, ed Albert Hunold
    • English translation in 1961 without the authorisation of F. Hayek, What is 'social' ?- What does it mean ?, In "Freedom and serfdom", ed A. Hunold, Dordrecht
    • English translation and correction in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 17, pp237-247

  • 1957, Book Review of J.C Rees, Mill and his early critics, Leicester : University College of Leicester, Journal of modern history, june, p54

  • 1957, Grundtatsachen des Forts chritts, ORDO, 9, pp19-42 (The fundamental facts of progress)

  • 1958, Inflation resulting from the downward inflexibility of wages, In "Problems of United States Economic Development", vol 1, Committee for economic development, ed, New York, pp147-152
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 21 pp295-299

  • 1958, Freedom, reason and tradition, Ethics, 68, pp229-245

  • 1958, Legal positivism and the separation of Law and morals, Havard Law review, LXXI

  • 1958, La libertad, La economia palnificada y el derecho, Temas contemporaneos, Buenos Aires, 3, (Liberty, the planned economy, and the law)

  • 1958, Das individuum im wandel der Wirtschaftsornung, Der Volkswirt, n°51-52, Frankfurt and Main (The individual and change of economic system)

  • 1958, The creative powers of a free civilization, In "Essays in individuality", Felix Morley, ed, Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania press

  • 1958, Gleichheit, Wert und Verdienst, ORDO, 10, pp5-29 (Equality, value and profit)

  • 1958, Attualità di un insegnamento, In "Il Maestro dell'economia di domani", Angelo Dalle Molle, ed, Festschrift for Luigi Einaudi on his 85th birthday, Verona, pp20-24

  • 1959, Unions, inflation and profits, In "The public stake in union power", Philip D. Bradley, ed, Charlottesville, va,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 20, pp280-294

  • 1959, An Röpke, In "Gegen die brandung : zeugnisse eines gelehrtenlebens unserer zeit", Albert Hunold, ed, Erlenbach-Zurich : Eugen Rentsch, pp25-28,
    • English translation by Grete Heinz in 1992, "Tribute to Röpke", In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp195-197

  • 1959, Contribution to "symposium on Keynes : why ?", The christian science monitor, 11 september

  • 1959, Liberalismus (1) Politischer Liberalismus, Handwörterbach der Sozialwissenschaften, 6, Stuttgart-Tübungen-Göttingen

  • 1959, Bernard Mandeville, Handwörterbach der Sozialwissenschaften, 7, Stuttgart-Tübungen-Göttingen

  • 1959, Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit, Schweizer Monatshefte, 39, (Freedom and independence)

  • 1959, Verantwortlichkeit und Freheit, In "Erziebung zur Freiheit", Albert Hunold, ed, Erlenbach-Zurich : E. Rentsch, pp147-170

  • 1959, Marktwirtschaft und Strukturpolitik, Dis Aussprache, 9, (Market Economy and structural Policy)

  • 1959, The free market economy : the most efficient way of solving economic problems, Human events, 16, n°50, 16 december
    • Reprinted in 1962, In "Two essays on free enterprise", Bombay, Forum of free enterprise

  • 1959, Inflation and welfare-state-ism, Commercial and financial chronicle, 19 march

  • 1960, The constitution of liberty, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, Toronto : The university of Toronto press
    • Paperback edition in 1972, Chicago : Henry Regnery co, Gateway edition
    • Reprinted in 1978, Chicago and London, University of Chicago press/Routledge & Kegan Paul, Phoenix edition
    • German translation in 1971, Die Verfassung der Freihet, T&u; uml;bingen : Walter Eucken Institut
    • Spannish translation in 1961
    • Italian translation in 1971
    • Chinese translation in 1975
    • French translation by Raoul Audouin, Jacques Garello and Guy Millière in 1993, La constitution de la liberté, Paris, LITEC, collection L.I.B.E.R.A.L.I.A

  • 1960, Why I am Not a conservative, In "The constitution of liberty", appendix
    • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp281-298

  • 1960, The corporation in a democratic society : in whose interest ought it to and will it be run ?, In "Management and corporations", M. Anshen and G.L Bach, eds, New York, McGraw Hill Company
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 22, pp300-312

  • 1960, Francis Bacon : Progenitor of scientism, book review of J.G Crowther, Francis Bacon, The first statesman of science, London : Cresset Press 1960, National Review, July 16, pp23-24
    • Reprinted in 1991in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp75-78

  • 1960, The economics of abundance, In "The critics of keynesian economics", Henry Hazlitt, ed, Princeton and London : Van Nostrand co, pp126-130

  • 1960, The social environment, In "Man's contracting world in an expanding Universe", B.H Bagdikian, ed, Providence R.I

  • 1960, Freedom, Reason and Tradition, Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting, The Western Conference of prepaid medical service plans, Winnipeg

  • 1960, Gobierno democratico y actividad economica, Esperjo 1, Mexico City, (Democratic Government and economic activity)

  • 1961, Mandeville Bernard, In Handwörterbuch der sozialwissenschaften, vol 7, pp116-117, Stuttgart : Fisher

  • 1961, The non sequitur of the dependence effect, Southern economic journal, vol 27, n°4, april, pp346-348,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 23, pp313-317

  • 1961, Freedom and coercion : Some comments and Mr Hamowy's Criticism, The new individualist review, vol 1, n°2, summer, pp28-32
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, annexe, pp348-350

  • 1961, Die Ursachen der Ständigen Gefährdung der Freiheit, ORDO, 12, pp103-112 (The origins of the constant danger to freedom)

  • 1961, How much education at public expense ?, Context 1, Chicago

  • 1962
F.A Hayek 1962-1971

  • 1962, Rules, Perception and intelligibility, Proceedings of the British Academy, vol 48, pp321-344
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 3, pp43-65

  • 1962, The moral element in free enterprise, In "The spiritual and moral element in free enterprise", National association of manufacturers, eds, New York,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 16, pp229-236

  • 1962,The uses of 'Gresham's Law' as an illustration of 'historical theory', History and theory, vol 1
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 24, pp318-320

  • 1962, Two essays on free enterprise, Bombay, Forum of free enterprise

  • 1962, Wiener schule, In "Handwörterbuch der sozialwissenschaften", vol 12, Stuttgart : gustav Fisher, pp68-71; Tübingen : J.C.B Mohr (Paul Siebeck); Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

  • 1963, The legal and political philosophy of David Hume (1711-1776), Il politico, university of Pavia, Italy, vol 28, n°4, pp691-704
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 7, pp106-121
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic Thinking. The Collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol III, edited by W.W. Bartkley III et S. Kresge, 1991, London, Routledge, pp101-118
    • German translation in 1969, in "Freiburger Studien, Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1963, Wirschaft, Wissenschaft und politik, Freiburger Universitätsreden, N.F Heft 34, Freiburg im Breisgau : H.F Schulz,
    • English translation in 1967, The economy, Science, and Politics, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 18, pp251-269

  • 1963, Alte Wahrheiten und neue Irrtümer, In "Internationales Institut der Sparkassen, ed, Das Sparwersen der Welt", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Savings Banks, Amsterdam (Old truths ans new errors)
    • Italian translation in 1963, Il Risparmio, 11, Milan
    • Reprinted in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1963, Arten der Ordnung, ORDO, 14
      • Reprinted in 1969, in "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck
    • English translation in 1964, Kinds or order in Society, New individualist review, vol 3, n°2, pp3-12
      • Reprinted in 1979, In "The politicization of society", K.S Templeton Jr, ed, Indianapolis, Indiana, Liberty press

  • 1963, Recht, Gesetz und Wirtschaftsfreiheit, In "Hundert Jahre Industrie und Handelskammer zu Dortmund 1863-1963", Dortmund (Right, Law, and Economic Freedom)
    • Reprinted in 1969, in "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1963, Introduction to "The earlier letters of John Stuart Mill", In "John Stuart Mill", vol XII, F.E Mineka, ed, Toronto : Toronto University Press and London : Routledge and Kegan Paul

  • 1964, The theory of complex phenomena, In "The critical approach to science and philosophy. Essays in Honor of Karl R. Popper", Mario Bunge, ed, New York : The free press, Glencoe, Ill,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 2, pp22-42
    • German translation in 1972, Die theorie komplexer phänomene, Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institut, Vorträge und aufsätze 36

  • 1964, Book Review of Mises' Epistemological problems of economics, Teachers college record, march, pp556-557
    • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp147-149

  • 1964, Introduction In "Frédéric Bastiat, Selected essays on political economy", Princeton NJ, D. Van Nostrand, ppix-xii
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp347-350

  • 1964, Parts of 'Commerce, History of', Encyclopaedia Britannica, VI, Chicago

  • 1965, Kinds of rationalism, The economic studies quarterly, Tokyo, vol 15, n°3,
    • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 5, pp82-95
    • German translation in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1965, Was der Goldwährung gesechehen ist. Ein Bericht aus dem Jahre 1932 mit zwei Ergänzungen. (Walter Eucken Institut : Vorträge und Aufsätze, 12), Tübingen, 33p

  • 1965, Die Anschauungen der Mehrheit und die Zeitgenössische Demokratie, ORDO, 15/16, pp19-41 (The perception of the majority and contemporary democracy)
    • Reprinted in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1966, Résultat de l'action des hommes mais non de leurs desseins [in french], In "Les fondements philosophiques des systèmes économiques", Textes de Jacques Rueff et essais rédigés en son honneur, Paris: Payot, pp98-106
    • English translation in 1967, The results of human action but not of human design, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 6, pp96-105
      • Reprinted in 1991, In "Austrian economics : a reader", Champions of freedom, The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series, vol 18, Ebeling R., ed, Michigan, Hillsdale College Press, pp134-149
    • German translation in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck


  • 1966, Dr Mandeville Bernard (1670-1733), British academy proceeding, vol 52, pp125-141
    • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, ch 15, pp249-266
    • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp176-194
    • Reprinted in 1991 in "The Trend of Economic Thinking. The Collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol III, edited by W.W. Bartkley III et S. Kresge, 1991, London, Routledge, pp79-100
  • German translation in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck
  • Spannish translation in 1986, In Estudios publicos, Santiago, Chile

  • 1966, The misconception of human rights as positive claims, Farmand, anniversary issue, II/12,, Oslo, pp32-35

  • 1966, The principles of a liberal social order, Il politico, vol 31, n°4, pp601-618, december,
      • Reprinted in 1967, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 11, pp160-177
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp363-381
    • German translation in 1967, ORDO, 18
      • Reprinted in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1966, Personal recollections of Keynes and the keynesian revolution, The Oriental economist, Tokyo, june, vol 34
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 18, pp283-289
    • German translation in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1966, L'étalon Or - Son évolution, Revue d'économie politique, 76

  • 1967, Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics, London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press
    • Paperback edition in 1969, Simon & Schuster, New York, Clarion books

  • 1967, Notes on the evolution of systems of rules of Conduct, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 4, pp66-81

  • 1967, Historians and the future of Europe, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 9, pp135-147,
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp201-215

  • 1967, Opening address to a conference at Mont Pèlèrin, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Toronto : University of Toronto press, ch 10, pp148-159
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp237-248

  • 1967, Diskussionsbemerkung über 'Ernst Mach und das sozialwissenschaftliche denkën in Wien, In "Todestages von Ernst Mach", Ernst Mach in stitut, ed, symposium aus Anlass des 50, Freiburg : Ernst Mach Institut
    • English translation in 1992 by Grete Heinz, Ernst Mach (1838-1916) and the social sciences in Vienna, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp172-175

  • 1967, Schumpeter on the history of economics, In "Studies in philosophy, politics, and economics", London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, Chicago, University of Chicago press, pp339-341
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp161-165

  • 1967, The constitution of a liberal state, Il Politico, Turin, vol 32, n°1, pp455-461
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas, University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 7, pp98-104
    • German translation in 1968, ORDO, 19
      • Reprinted in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1967, Rechtsordnung und Handelnsordnung, In "Zur Einheit der Rechts-und Staatswissenschaften", vol 27, Eric Streissler, ed, Karlsruhe (Legal order and commercial order)
    • Reprinted in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1968, Bruno Leoni, the scholar, Il politico, University of Pavia, Italy,vol 33 , n°1, march, pp21-25
    • Italian translation in 1968, Bruno Leoni lo studioso, Il Politico, 33, n°1, mars, pp26-30
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp253-258

  • 1968, Competition as a discovery procedure, Kieler Vorträge, Kiel, vol 56
    • German translation in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck
    • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 12, pp179-190
    • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp254-265

  • 1968, Economic thought : VI Austrian school, In "International encyclopaedia of the social sciences", vol 4, edited by David L. Sills, New York : McMillan and free press, pp458-462
    • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, Edward Elgar, pp4-8
    • Reprinted and enhanced in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp42-60

  • 1968, Menger, Carl, In "International encyclopaedia of the social sciences", vol 10, pp124-127, edited by David L. Sills, New York : McMillan and free press
    • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, p47-50

  • 1968, Wieser Friedrich von, In "International encyclopaedia of the social sciences", vol 16, edited by David L. Sills, New York : McMillan and free press, pp549-550

  • 1968, The confusion of language in political thought, with some suggestions for remydying it, Institute of economic affairs, London, Occasional paper n°20
    • Reprinted in 1976,
    • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Stud ies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 6, pp71-97
    • German translation in 1969, Die Sprachverwirrung im politischen Denken, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1968, A self-generating order for society, In "Towards world community"; John Nef, ed, The Hague

  • 1968, Der Wettbewerb als Entdeckungsverfahren, Kiel : Kieler Vorträge, NS 56,
      • Reprinted in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck
    • English translation and enlargement in 1978, Competition as a discovery procedure, In "New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the history of ideas", Chicago, University of Chicago Press, Routledge & Kegan Paul
    • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp254-265

  • 1968, What's past is prologue : a commemorative evening to the foundation for economic education on the occasion of Leonard Read's seventieth birthday, Irvington-on-Hudson, Foundation For Economic Education, pp37-43
    • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp259-262

  • 1968, Ordinamento giuridico e ordine sociale, Il Politico, 33, n°4, december, pp693-724

  • 1969, Freiburger Studien, Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1969, The primacy of the abstract, In "Beyound reductionism", Arthur Koestler and J.R Smythies, eds, London : Hutchinson, pp309-323
    • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 3, pp35-49

  • 1969, Three elucidations for the Ricardo effect, Journal of Political economy, march/april, 77(2):274-285,
    • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 11, pp165-178
    • German translation in 1969, In "Freiburger Studien", Gesammelte aufsätze, Tübingen, Walter Eucken Institut, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

  • 1969, La societa libera, Firenze, Sansoni

  • 1969, Szientismus, In "Wörterbuch der Soziologie", W. Bernsdorf, ed,
    • 2nd ed, Stuttgart (Scientism)

  • 1969, Marktwirtschaft oder syndikalismus ?, In "Protokoll der Wirtschaftages der CDU/DSU", Bonn (Market economy or syndicalism ?)

  • 1970, Die irrtümer des konstruktivismus und die grundlagen legitimer kritik gesellschftlicvher gebilde, Munich-Salzbourg W. Fink
    • Reprinted in 1975, Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institut (Vorträge und Aufsätze 51)
    • Italian translation in 1971
    • English translation in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, ch 1, pp3-22

  • 1970, Il sistema concorrentiale come strumento di conoscenza, L'industria, 1, Turin, January-March, pp34-50

  • 1971, ed, Towards liberty : essays in honor of LV Mises, Menlo Park, 2 vols

  • 1971, Principles or expediency, In Towards Liberty, vol 1, pp29-45
    • Reprinted in 1984, In The essence of Hayek, Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp299-317

  • 1971, Nature v. nurture once again, a comment on C.D Darlington, The evolution of man and society, London, 1962
    • Reprinted in 1971, Encounter, february
    • Reprinted in 1978, In New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas, University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 19, pp290-294

  • 1971, Introduction of Louis Rougier's book, The genius of the west, Los Angeles : Nash Publishing, published for the principles of freedom committee, ppxv-xviii

  • 1971, Liberale und Konservative, Frankfurter Allemagne Zeitung, 6 Octobre

    1972 F.A Hayek 1972-1981

    • 1972, A tiger by the tail : the keynesian legacy of inflation. A 40 years' running commentary on keynesianism by F.A Hayek, edited by Shuda R. Shenoy, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart paperback n°4
      • Reprinted in 1978
      • Reprinted in 1979, The Cato Papers serie n°6, Cato Institute,
      • Reprinted in 1978, In New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas, University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 113, pp191-231
      • Reprinted in Economic Freedom, 1991, London : Basil Blackwell, pp1-123

    • 1972, Die stellung von Menger's Grundsätzen' in der geschichte der volkswirtschaftslehre, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, vol 32, n°2, pp3-9
      • English translation in 1973, The place of Menger's Grunsätze in the history of economic thought, In "Carl Menger and the Austrian school of economics", Hicks J.R et Weber W. (eds), Oxford, pp1-14
        • Reprinted in 1978, In New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas, University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 17, pp270-282
        • Reprinted in 1984, In The essence of Hayek, Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp195-207
        • Reprinted in 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp96-107

    • 1972, Verdict on rent control, Arthur Seldon, ed, London : Institute of economic affairs

    • 1972, The illusion of a just incomes Policy, The Financial Times, London, 19 april

    • 1973, Law, Legislation and Liberty : a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy, vol 1, Rules and order, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Routledge & Kegan Paul
      • German translation in 1978
      • French translation in 1980 by Raoul Audouin, Droit, Législation et Liberté, une nouvelle formulation des principes libéraux de justice et d'économie politique, vol 1, Règles et ordre, Paris, PUF
        • Reprinted in 1985
      • Italian translation in 1989, Legge, legislazione e libertà. Una nuova enunciazione dei principi liberali della giustizia, eds A, Petroni, S.Monti Bragadin. Milano, Il Saggiatore

    • 1973, Tribute to von Mises, Vienna years, National review, november, 9, pp1244-1246 and 1260
      • Reprinted in 1992, Ludwig von Mises : an overview, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp126-129

    • 1973, In memoriam Ludwig von Mises 1881-1973, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, vol 33

    • 1973, Economic freedom and representative government, fourth Wincott memorial lecture delivered at the Royal Society of Arts, 31 octobre 1973, London, Institute of economic affairs, occasional paper n°39, pp7-22,
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 8, pp105-118
      • Reprinted in 1990, in "Austrian Economics", vol 3, S. Littlechild, ed, pp439-454

    • 1973, Talk at the Mont Pélèrin, Newsletter of the Mont Pélèrin Society, 3, Luxembourg

    • 1974, Inflation : the path to unemployment, The Daily Telegraph, London, 15 and 16 October
      • Reprinted in 1974, in "Inflation causes consequences, cures : discourses on the debate between the monetary and the trade union interpretations", L. Robbins et al, eds, London, The institute for economic affairs, IEA readings n°14, pp115-120

    • 1974, Keynesian kaleidics, letter to The times literary supplement, February 8

    • 1974, Inflation and unemployment, The Daily Telegraph, London
      • Reprinted in 1974, New York Times, 15 november

    • 1975, The pretence of knowledge, Nobel memorial lecture at Stockholm 11 december 1974, In "Les Prix Nobel en 1974", Stockholm : Nobel Foundation
      • German translation in 1975, Die Anmassung von Wissen, ORDO, vol 26, pp12-21
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, F.A Hayek, ed, ch 2, pp23-34
      • Reprinted in 1979, In "Unemployment and monetary policy : government as generator of the "business cycle", Cato Papers, n°3, San Francisco, Cato Institute, pp23-36
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp266-277
      • Reprinted in 1989, American Economic Review, 79(6), dec, pp3-7
      • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol 1, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, pp138-149

    • 1975, Types of mind, Encounter, vol 45, september
      • Reprinted and enlarged in 1991 In "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of Friedrich Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp49-55

    • 1975, Full Employment at any price ?, Institute of Economic Affairs, London, occasional paper n°45
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, F.A Hayek, ed, ch 13
      • Reprinted in 1979, Unemployment and monetary policy, San Francisco : Cato Institute, Cato Paper n°3
      • Italian translation in 1975, Quale prezzo per la piena occupazione ?, 1st part, Bancaria, 31(10), oct, pp995-1002 ; 2nd part, Bancaria, 31(11), nov, pp1099-1109

    • 1975, A discussion with Friedrich von Hayek, Washington DC : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

    • 1975, Inflation, the misdirection of labour, and unemployment, occasional paper 45, Institute of economic affairs, july,
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp3-17

    • 1975, The repercussions of rent restriction, In "Rent control : a popular paradox, Evidence on the effects of rent control", F.A Hayek, Milton Friedman et al, eds, Vancouver, The Fraser Institute, pp67-83

    • 1975, Freedom and equality in contemporary society, PHP, 4, The PHP Institute, Tokyo

    • 1975, Economics, Politics and Freedom : an Interview with F.A Hayek, Interview conducted by Tibor Machan in Salzburg, Austria, Reason, 6, february, pp4-12

    • 1975, Die Erhaltung des liberalen gedankengutes, In "Der Striet um die Gesellschaftsordnung", Friedrich A. Lutz, ed, Zurich (The preservation of the liberal ideal of thought)

    • 1975, Politicians can't be trusted with money, The Daily Telegraph, part I, London, 30 septembre

    • 1975, Financial power to the people, The Daily Telegraph, part II, London, 1 October

    • 1976, Choice in currency : a way to stop inflation, occasional paper 48, London : Institute of economic affairs
      • Reprinted in 1977
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "N ew Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, F.A Hayek, ed, ch 13, &4, pp218-231
      • Reprinted in 1991 in "Economic Freedom", London, Basil Blackwell, pp245-266

    • 1976, Law, Legislation and Liberty : a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy, vol 2, The mirage of social justice, Chicago and London : Unversity of Chicago press, Routledge & Kegan Paul
      • German translation in 1979
      • French translation by Raoul Audouin in 1981, Droit, Législation et Liberté, une nouvelle formulation des principes libéraux de justice et d'économie politique, vol 2, Le mirage de la justicer sociale, Paris, PUF
        • reprinted in 1985
      • Italian translation in 1986, Milano, Il Saggiatore

    • 1976, Denationalization of money : an analysis of the theory and practice of concurrent currencies, London : Institute of economic affairs, Hobart special paper 70
      • Reprinted and enlarged in 1978, Denationalization of money-the agument refined, Hobart paper 70, London : Institute of economic affairs

    • 1976, The new confusion about planning, Morgan Guaranty Trust, New York, January, pp4-13
      • German translation in 1976, Die Industrie, 10
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, F.A Hayek, ed, ch 14, pp232-246
      • Reprinted in "Economic Freedom", London, Basil Blackwell, pp125-235

    • 1976, Foreword of Ludwig von Mises's book, Kritik des interventionismus : Unterschungen zur Wirtchaftspolitik und wirtschaftsideologie der gegenwart and verstaatlichung des kredits ?, Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
      • Reprinted in 1992, in "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp143-147

    • 1976, Adam Smith and the open society, Daily telegraph, London, 9, March
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, F.A Hayek, ed, ch 16, pp267-269
      • Reprinted in 1991 In "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp119-122

    • 1976, Socialism and science, Institute of public affairs review (F.A Hayek issue), vol 30, n°4, pp87-96,
      • Reprinted in 1978, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas, University of Chicago press, 1978, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 20, pp295-308
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp114-127

    • 1976, Institutions may fail, but democracy survives, US News and world Report, 8 march

    • 1976, Il problema della moneta oggi, Academia Nationale dei Lincei. Atti de Convegni Rome (The problem of money today)

    • 1976, Why we are getting poorer all the time, Daily Telegraph, London, 26 august

    • 1977, Remembering my cousin Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Encounter, august, pp20-22
      • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp176-181

    • 1977, Foreword of Gerald O'Driscoll's, Economics as a coordination problem : the contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek, Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McNeal, ppxi-xii

    • 1977 , Drei vorlesungen über demokratie, Gerechtigkeit und Soizialismus, Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institut, Vorträge und Aufsätze 63 B. Mohr/P. Siebeck (Three lectures on democracy, justice and socialism)

    • 1978, New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the history of ideas, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, Routledge & Kegan Paul
      • Reprinted in 1985

    • 1978, The atavism of social justice, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, In F.A Hayek, ed, ch 5, pp57-68

    • 1978, Liberalism, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, ch 9, pp119-151
      • Italien translation in 1978 In "Enciclopedia del novicento"
      • German translation in 1979 by Eva von Malchus, "Liberalismus", Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institut, Vorträge and aufsätze 72, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck

    • 1978, Whither democracy ?, In "New Studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas", University of Chicago press, ch 10, pp152-162
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp352-362

    • 1978, The New Confusion About Planning, in "New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas". Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978, pp. 232-246.
    • 1978, The Miscarriage of the Democratic Ideal, Encounter, March, vol 1, n°3, pp14-17


    • 1978, The three sources of human values, London : London school of economics and political science, L T Hobhouse memorial trust lecture, n°44,
      • Reprinted in 1979, In "Law, Legislation and Liberty : a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy", vol 3, The political economy of free people, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Londres : Routledge & Kegan Paul
      • German translation in 1979, Die drei quellen der menschlichen werte, Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institut, Vorträge und aufsätze 70, J.C Mohr/P. Siebeck

    • 1978, The reactionary character of the socialist conception, Hoover Institution, Standford University

    • 1978, Economic progress in an open society, Seoul, Korea : Korea international economic institute, Seminar series n°16

    • 1978, Introduction of Ludwig von Mises' book, Erinnerungen von Ludwig von Mises, Stuttgart and New York : Gustav Fisher, ppxi-xvi
      • English translation by Hans-Hermann Hoppe in 1988, Austrian economics newsletter, vol 10, n°1, fall, pp1-3
      • English translation in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp153-159

    • 1978, Coping with ignorance, Imprimis, vol 7, n°7, july, pp1-6
      • Reprinted in 1979 In "Champions of Freedom", Hillsdale, Mich : Hillsdale College Press, 1979

    • 1979, Toward a free-market monetary system, The Journal of libertarian studies, vol II, n°1, summer, pp1-8
      • Reprinted in "The search for stable money", Edited by James A. Dorn et Anna J. Schwartz, Chicago : University of Chicago press, pp383-90.
      • Reprinted in 1990, In "Austrian Economics", vol II, Stephen Littlechild, ed, Edward Elgar, pp262-269

    • 1979, Law, Legislation and Liberty : a new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy, vol 3, The political economy of free people, Chicago : University of Chicago press, Londres : Routledge & Kegan Paul
      • German translation in 1981
      • French translation in 1983 by Raoul Audouin, Droit, Législation et Liberté, une nouvelle formulation des principes libéraux de justice et d'économie politique, vol 3, L'ordre politique d'un peuple libre, Paris, Presse Universitaire de France
        • 2ed 1985
      • Italian translation in 1986, Milano, Il Saggiatore

    • 1979, Unemployment and monetary policy : government as generator of the "business cycle", Cato Papers, n°3, San Francisco, Cato Institute

    • 1979, The reactionary character of the socialist conception, Hoover institute press

    • 1979, Foreword of Pascal Salin's book, L'union monétaire européenne : au profit de qui ?, Paris, Economica,

    • 1979, A conversation with Friedrich A. von Hayek, Washington D.C, American Enterprise institute

    • 1979, Social injustice, socialism and democracy, Sidney, Australia

    • 1979, Wissenschaft und sozialismus. Tübingen : Walter Eucken Institute, Vorträge und aufsätze 71, J.C.B Mohr/P. Siebeck (Science and socialism)

    • 1980, Foreword of Joseph Schumpeter's book translated in English, Methodological individualism, Brussels : Institutum Europaeum, Das Wesen und des Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie, Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot, 1908
      • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp160-161

    • 1980, Foreword of Ewald Schams' book, Gesammelte Aufsätze, Munich : Philosophia Verlag
      • English translation in 1992 by Grete Heinz, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp166-168

    • 1980, 1980s Unemployment and the unions : essays on the impotent price structure of Britain and monopoly in the labour market, The Institute of economic affairs, Hobart Paper, n°87

    • 1981, Foreword of Ludwig von Mises' book, Socialism : an economic and sociological analysis, Indianapolis ind, Liberty classics, ppxix-xxiv
      • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp136-143


    F.A Hayek 1982-1992

    • 1982, Two pages of fiction : the impossibility of socialist calculation, Economic affairs, april, vol 2, n°3
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp53-61

    • 1982, The sensory order after 25 years, In "Cognition and the symbolic process", vol 2, Walter B. Weimer et David S, eds, Palermo, Hillsdale N.J : Lawrence Erlbaum, pp287-293

    • 1983, The Austrian critique, The Economist, 11 June, pp45-48
      • Reprinted in 1984, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp43-50

    • 1983, Die wiederentdeckung der Freiheit -Persönliche erinnerungen, In "Produktivität, Ergenverantwortung, Beschäfttigung, für eine wirtschaftspolitische vorwärtsstrategie", edited by Verein Deutscher Maschinenbau-Anstalten (VDMA) and Institut der deutschen wirtschaft (IW), Cologne : Deutscher Instituts-Verlag,
      • English translation in 1992 by Grete Heinz, The rediscovery of freedom : personal recollections, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp185-195

    • 1983, Knowledge, Evolution and society, Londres, Adam Smith Institute

    • 1983, Our moral heritage, Washington DC, The Heritage foundation

    • 1983, Evolution und spontane ordnung, Zurich : Bank Hoffman, july

    • 1984, In Honour of Professor Mises, In "My years with Ludwig von Mises, Margit von Mises", Cedar Falls, Iowa, Center for Futures education, 1984, pp217-223
      • Reprinted in 1992, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich A. Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp129-136

    • 1984, Reflections on constitutional economics, In "Constitutional economics", McKenzie RB, ed, Lexington, MA : Lexington books

    • 1984, Money, capital and fluctuation : early essays, R. McClougry, ed, University of Chicago Press

    • 1984, The origins and effects of our morals : a problem for science, In "The essence of Hayek", Nishiyama C. et K. Leube, eds, Hoover Institution press, Standford University, pp318-330

    • 1984, The future monetary unit of value, In Money in crisis, The Federal reserve, the economy and monetary reform, Siegel Barry N., ed, Pacific Institute for public policy research, San Francisco, California, pp323-336

    • 1984, The rules of our morality are not the conclusions of our reason, In "Absolute values and the new cultural revolution", Commemorative volume of the 12th International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, Chicago, 1983, New York : International Cultural foundation Press, pp35-42

    • 1986, Market Standards for Money, Economic Affairs, vol 6, pp4, pp8-10
      • Reprinted in 1990, In "Economic Freedom", London, Basil Blackwell, pp237-243

    • 1987, Toward a free market monetary system, In JA Born et AJ Schwartz, eds, pp383-390

    • 1988, The presumption of reason, International journal on the unity of the sciences, vol 1, n°3, fall, pp255-265

    • 1988, The fatal conceit : the errors of socialism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol 1, edited par W.W Bartley III, London : Routledge,
      • Reprinted in 1989 , Chicago : University of Chicago press
      • French translation by Raoul Audouin and Guy Millière in 1993, La Présomption fatale, les erreurs du socialisme, Paris, Presse Universitaire de France, Collection Libre échange

    • 1988, Conoscenza, mercato, planificazione, Bologna, Il Mulino

    • 1990, Economic Freedom, IEA masters of modern economics ser, Basil Blacwell
      • Reprinted in 1991, London : Basil Blackwell

    • 1991, Foreword in Murray Rothbard's book , Economistes et charlatants, Paris, Les Belles Lettres

    • 1991, The trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol III, edited by W. W. Bartley III et S. Kresge, London : Routledge

    • 1991, On being an economist, In "The Trend of Economic thinking", The collected works of Friedrich Hayek, vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp35-48

    • 1991, Genesis on the gold standard in response to english coinage policy in the 17th and 18th centuries, In "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp127-154

    • 1991, First paper money in 18th-century France, In "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp155-176

    • 1991, The period of restrictions, 1797-1821, and the bullion debate in England, In "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III et S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp177-215

    • 1991, The dispute between the currency school and the banking school, 1821-1848, In "The Trend of Economic thinking, The collected works of F. A. Hayek", vol III, Bartley WW III and S. Kresge, eds, London : Routledge, pp216-244

    • 1992, The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek, vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge

    • 1992, The economics of the 1920s as seen from Vienna, In "The fortunes of Liberalism, The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek", vol IV, edited by P.G. Klein, London : Routledge, pp19-38

  • Hayek, F.A., "Carl Menger (1840-1921)" in The Collected Works of F.A Hayek, Volume IV: The Fortunes of Liberalism: Essays on Austrian Economics and the Ideal of Freedom. Ed.Peter G. Klein (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1992), p.62.
