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Meet Monkey D. Luffy, a flexible pirate who embarks on a journey to find the legendry treasure of One Piece. Where most heroes are blessed with turbo-charged power moves, super-human strength or X-ray eyes, Monkey D. Luffy is simply made of rubber. But don't underestimate the benefits of this super-stretchy, durable material in favour of the ability to fly, rubber is very, very tough and offers flexible benefits that stretch beyond being used as a human elastic band. However, there is a down side. Rubber is pretty heavy and has a tendency to sink, not a particularly helpful trait for a pirate who spends the majority of his time at sea and is likely at some stage, to be forced to walk the plank.
Fortunately for Luffy his strange mixture of pals, including a crafty thief, a liar, a cook and a sword fighter are always willing to come to the rescue, especially as there is a share of the loot in it for them.
Toonami show ONE PIECE
A one-armed pirate named Shanks took Monkey D. Luffy under his wing when he was a mere chimp to coach him in all things piratey.

When his parrot-on-the-shoulder, shiver-me-timbers training was over Shanks gave Luffy his signature straw hat and a pirate was born.

After eating a mysterious Devil's Fruit, Luffy turned into rubber. Capable of stretching, inflating and bouncing back attacks, Luffy puts his amazing flexibility to good use to combat evil as he strives to find the treasure of One Piece and become the next Pirate King.

Toonami character MONKEY D. LUFFY