Tuesday, June 07, 2005

::in a world bound by tradition::

(in your best movie trailer voice) the diary of three days in a 2.5 foot square shower are not pretty. i love our lodgings here in the n-y-c. and the fact that they're so rockin' cheap contributed to us being able to make the trip in the first place. and the wi-fi simply rocks pants to the nth degree for the purpose of blogging and checking email (which i have been trying to do as little as possible--i much prefer writing in my travel journal and being oblivious to the world). but this shower, i tell ya, these muggy days have made that thing the bane of my existence. trying to shave under my arms resulted in uneven results (the hair at the base of my underarms looks suspiciously untouched, possibly the victim of an unsuspecting mullet-shave). as for consistent temperature, watch the back and elbow, as bumping into the nudge-sensitive water-temperature-control-thingy (aka handle) results in a blazing hot or freezing cold exclamation. but at least this shower is in our room and not shared with the other folks who are staying here. in other news, so what if i had to shave my legs one at a time in the sink. also, proudly, we're still on west coast time. more to come, but it's more important to get out of this room before the walls close in on us and experience the city.