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About LF
is a resource for people making the difficult and often painful journey away from conservative Christianity. It can be a time of confusion, hurt and frustration, but it's important to know that you are not making the journey alone. Thousands of others have been right where you are today.

While the author remains a Christian, it is the aim of the site to offer support and encouragement to anyone trying to find a way out of fundamentalism, whether they choose to remain within a Christian tradition or leave Christianity altogether. To find out more about the site, read the FAQs. 


Cool things to do: Meet the Editor - View or sign the Guestbook - Read the Disclaimer - Email Dave

Submissions: If you have a suggestion for an article, or would like your own writing to appear on LF, drop Dave an email. Submissions should be in RTF format, and ought to include your name, a brief bio (2-3 lines) and a link to your website if applicable.

LeavingFundamentalism.org © David L Rattigan 2005


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This site was last updated 11/12/05