
OpEd Index @ Applelust

The OpEd section of Applelust contains both editorials and opinion columns. What's the difference? Well, it may be only semantic! Otherwise, editorials are on general topics including event and news driven topics, and as a rule are more just "speaking one's mind" pieces. Opinions usually are more thematic. Here a writer develops an idea over a longer period of time (maybe even years), or looks at a single topic from several perspectives. Either way, we think that the broad range of thought represented in this section will appeal to to most anyone. Please note: You can find the full archives, biographies, and column purpose statement on each writer's home page. Click on the title bar to go there.

This is written by Joe C. Carson. You see, Joe likes to play watchdog on the PC world and catalog its woes and worries, as well as uncover it ... well, less than truthful assertion. Joe seems to spend all day reading news about the computer world and he digests it here. He is known for his well-linked articles.

Pierre Igot is a Canadian who is a linguist and translator. In this column Pierre explores the more technical side of using a Mac. He also writes about his personal experiences with his Mac, as well as other topics as the Mac Muses determine.

We distinguish between "editorials" and "opinion" pieces in a very simple way, though we admit the distinction is hard to maintain sometimes. This section includes more general kinds of articles ranging from thoughtful, philosophical pieces about the Mac Web, reports on Apple news and products, and just about anything a writer wants to write about that does not fit into his regular column. It also includes more event and news driven pieces than a regular opinion column does. We also have guest writers submit articles here too. If you want to write one and think you got the right stuff, let us know.

It's hard to describe Joel Davies and his column. Joel is a designer, an artist, and educator, and this makes his work very broad-ranging indeed. In an entertaining and informative style Joel ads not only insight from building many web sites, running university Mac networks, and teaching others to do the same, but he does so with a great deal of humor, something any web site can use.

This is the place where David Schultz, a philosopher by profession, training, and temperament, attempts to apply his philosophical craft to issues surrounding the Macintosh Computer and Community. In fact it has been called "Mac philosophy": Taking something people love anyway, the Mac, and using it as a basis for thinking and writing about much larger issues, both philosophically (like Descartes did) and socially. In fact, what is emerging is a kind "development of the Apple world view," if there is such a thing (which is an open question). So join David as he seeks to truth, if there such a thing, about "this Mac thing of ours."

Taking old Macs and making them useful, in all kinds of ways, is Pat St-Arnaud's specialty! he will also be starting a Q & A article to help you out with that old (and new) stuff. Old Mac never die, they adapt.

If it's about OS X it'll be here. We have a team of writers writing for this section, and they cover simple issues from dealing with the transition to OS X, to programming for OS X, and other items. You will find advice on such things as UNIX and opinion pieces about the operating system itself. You can find reviews of OS X software, and articles from opinion pieces about Os X, crossed-linked to this page as well. Written by Mike Vanndorsdel and others.

Formally "SyncDifferent," this is Charles Sorgie's musings on a wide range of topics from Macs, to Palms to whatever catches his attention. It's different, as in "Thinking Different," but always interesting and entertaining.

Skewed Mac is the online outlet to the endless (we like "endless," infinite things here), observations and musings of Dean Browell. Best read with your favorite libation, a grain of salt and a clear view of the outdoors.