Bonobo (Pan paniscus)
 Also known as: Pygmy chimpanzee

Bonobos mutual grooming
© Martyn Colbeck / OSF /

Status:  Classified as Endangered (EN A2cd) on the IUCN Red List 2002, and listed on Appendix I of CITES.


Together with the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), the bonobo is man's closest living relative. Although a similar size to the better-known chimp, the bonobo is often referred to as the pygmy chimpanzee due to the more slender body shape of this species. Like chimpanzees, bonobos have longer forearms than legs, long fingers and mobile shoulder joints. The coat is black although it may turn grey with age and, in contrast to chimpanzees, the face is black, and the hair on the crown projects sideways, as opposed to backwards.

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Bonobo - overview
Bonobo - overview
© BBC Natural History Unit
© BBC Natural History Unit
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Bonobo infant chews on twig
Bonobo infant chews on twig
© Konrad Wothe / OSF /

Bonobo female with 2 year old offspring
Bonobo female with 2 year old offspring
© Martyn Colbeck / OSF /
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