Pangbourne population approx. 3000.
The village of Pangbourne lies on a bend of the River Thames where it meets the River Pang and, like many of the villages on the banks of the Thames, Pangbourne has a long history. The first recorded mention of it is in a Saxon charter of 844 although signs of Roman occupation have been uncovered on Shooters' Hill. Pangbourne means 'Paega's People's Stream', indicating that it was the home of an early Saxon chief and his retinue.
The village, which although small, has a good range of shops as well as pubs, small cafes and restaurants. Notable past residents include eighteenth century dramatist Thomas Morton, popular writer William Tufnell LeQeuex, actor George Arliss and of course author of Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame. Another notable resident was D.H.Lawrence, who with his wife stayed at a house in the Reading Road called The Myrtles.
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