Goeldi's monkey (Callimico goeldii)
 Also known as: Goeldi's marmoset and Goeldi's tamarin

Goeldi's monkey portrait
© Tony Heald / naturepl.com

Status:  Classified as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List 2003 and listed on Appendix I of CITES.


Goeldi's monkey is a small, rare inhabitant of the Amazon. Adults are blackish brown with thick, soft hair and a mane draping from the neck and the shoulders. When threatened, Goeldi's monkey takes an arched posture and raises its bristles in defence to look larger. The head and dorsal surface may be spotted with white flecks, and the tail may have two or three light coloured rings at the base. Juveniles are similar in appearance, though they lack these tail rings and the draping mane around the neck and shoulders.

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Goeldi's monkey - overview
Goeldi's monkey - overview
© BBC Natural History Unit
© The British Library Sound Archive
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Goeldi's monkey infant
Goeldi's monkey infant
© Rod Williams / Auscape International

Male Goeldi's monkey
Male Goeldi's monkey
© Jurgen & Christine Sohns / www.flpa-images.co.uk
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