Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
 Also known as: Rhesus monkey

Rhesus macaque in tree
© Bernard Castelein / naturepl.com

Status:  The rhesus macaque is classified as Lower Risk – near threatened (LR/nt) on the IUCN Red List 2004 and is listed on Appendix II of CITES.


With an expressive face and active lifestyle, the rhesus macaque is a charismatic species. Its coat is pale brown above and fades on the underside, but the naked face and rump are bright red in adults. It has large cheek pouches which it uses to store food when foraging. Audebert, who named the rhesus macaque, did so after the Greek King of Thrace, Rhesos, but emphasized that it had no special relevance. Since, the name rhesus has been extended to the hereditary blood antigen ‘Rh-factor' which was discovered on the red blood cells of rhesus macaques and was also found to be present in humans.

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Rhesus macaque - overview
Rhesus macaque - overview
© Cicada Films
© BBC Natural History Unit
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Rhesus macaque with young
Rhesus macaque with young
© Belinda Wright / OSF / Photolibrary.com

Rhesus macaque carrying suckling infant
Rhesus macaque carrying suckling infant
© Mike Birkhead / OSF / Photolibrary.com
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