Daniel Hatadi has been a musician, a petrol station attendant, and a software engineer in the poker machine industry. All great fuel for a career as a writer of crime fiction.

Driven by the urge to corrupt his own name, Daniel decided to write a PI novel.

The main character is Danny Hawaii, PI-in-training, and he's working on the case that will make or break his license application.

The novel is called Loving The Law.

With the first draft of his first novel complete, Daniel Hatadi is in training too.

Taking it upon himself to inject a measured dose of reality into his creation, Daniel has been attending Certificate III in Investigative Services - the course that all licensed PIs in NSW have to complete.

Daniel Hatadi is a member of the NSW Writer's Centre. He also has a degree in Computer Science from the University of NSW that doesn't help his writing career one bit.

© copyright Daniel Hatadi 2005