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The text of the exhibits is in both pdf format and as web pages. Some people had difficulty reading such a large pdf file; those might try the suggestions in the help section if they want to stick with the pdf files. Otherwise, read the exhibits in the web format as listed here.

This index lists all the exhibits. The items that are bulleted are not found in the pdf file, they were graphics that went with the exhibit and made the pdf file too large. Thus, they can be accessed only as web pages. It is sometimes handy to open a second browser, so the graphics can be read side by side with the text of the exhibit.


Exhibit VF-1 -- Brief History and Background of the F14
Exhibit VF-2 --Review of Project Initiation

Exhibit VF-3 -- TFX - F-111A/B Source Selection; Record of
Exhibit VF-4 -- F-111B Status
Exhibit VF-5 -- F-111 Design Review
Exhibit VF-6 -- Lessons from the F-111 Program
Exhibit VF-7 -- Lessons Learned in the Management of the F-111 Program Exhibit VF-8 -- Navy Fighter Modernization Program Exhibit VF-9 -- Navy Fighter Program
Exhibit VF-10 -- Statement on the Fighter Prototype Program Exhibit VF-11 -- Statement on the F-18 Program to Senate Appropriations
Exhibit VF-12 -- Statement on the F-18 Program to Senate Armed Services
Exhibit VF-13 -- The VFAX/ACF Program - A Review
Exhibit VF-14 -- Statement on NACF and Lightweight Fighters
Exhibit VF-15 -- The Fighter Study Dilemmas
Exhibit VF-16 -- F-18 High Cost/Low Capability Exhibit VF-17 -- Dissents - F-18 and General

Exhibit V-1 -- XFV-12A Review

Exhibit V-2 -- Model XFV-12A - Program History (1971 -72)
Exhibit V-3 -- Navy V/STOL Program -- Comments
Exhibit V-4 -- Overview -- Navy V/STOL Aircraft -- Rationale Against

Exhibit A-1 -- Navy Aircraft Acquisition Process
Exhibit A-2 -- Naval Aircraft Source Selection

Exhibit A-3 -- Aircraft Proposal Evaluation Methods
Exhibit A-4 -- Remarks Concerning Procurement
Exhibit A-5 -- Program Analysis and Evaluation Exhibit A - 6 -- Letter to Russ Light at Boeing re: the Acquisition Process
Exhibit A - 7 -- Weapon Acquisition Cycle - Overview Exhibit A-8 -- Multi-Service Aircraft Procurements
Exhibit A-9 -- Cheap Fighters - The Impossible Dream
Exhibit A-10 -- High-Low Mix -- Solution or Problem?
Exhibit A-11 -- Hi:Lo = Cost:Capability
Exhibit A-12 -- Aircraft Acquisition -- Management Malpractice
Exhibit A-13 -- Naval Aviation Planning A Retrospective View
Exhibit A-14 -- Why the Country Cannot Afford OSD: A Case in Point