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The eBulletin of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is a fast, convenient way to stay informed about parliamentary involvement in international affairs. Its main ambition is to bring parliamentarians closer to global issues by sharing information and analysis from the perspective of the IPU. The newsletter is published every two months in English and French.
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Each edition of the newsletter includes an update on IPU activities, interviews with leading politicians and links to selected upcoming events. Please choose an article from the list below.

   Issue No.4, 30 September 2006
buttonEntry page
buttonIPU delegation praises UN but finds key reforms still needed
buttonThe role of parliaments in the good governance of least developed counties
buttonIPU joins UN in promoting a new convention on the rights of people with disabilities
buttonAsian parliamentarians call for a new security architecture to deal with emerging security threats
buttonCapacity-building for parliaments on sustainable development
buttonInterview with the IPU President, Mr. Pier Ferdinando Casini

   Issue No.3, 6 July 2006
buttonEntry page
buttonBuilding up a parliamentary dimension of the WTO
buttonIPU and US Congress say more needs to be done to strengthen parliamentary institutions worldwide
buttonAfrica's development needs are dramatically illustrated during IPU Assembly in Kenya
buttonParliamentarians organize against HIV/AIDS during major UN meeting
buttonLearning lessons from the past, setting standards for the future

   Issue No.2, 27 April 2006
buttonEntry page
buttonUN reform opens prospects for more structured cooperation with parliaments
buttonForthcoming IPU Assembly to focus on African continent
buttonIPU and UNDP join hands to boost capacities in newly established Afghan parliament
buttonParliamentary meeting highlights the politics of water
buttonStrengthening parliamentary oversight of the security sector in Moldova
buttonSeeking to shed light on the murder of a prominent Mongolian MP
buttonInterview with the President of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Jan Eliasson

   Issue No.1, 15 March 2006
buttonEntry page
buttonIPU at the United Nations: Standing up for women
buttonIPU assists new Burundian parliament
buttonCurbing the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons
buttonNew edition of groundbreaking publication on free and fair elections
buttonWomen politicians make inroads worldwide
buttonMs. Ann Clwyd: Testimony on the human rights of parliamentarians

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