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In awe of the Amish
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - It’s hard to believe the Amish, and those of us who also profess to be Christians, are working from the same instruction manual, isn’t it?...

You’re kidding ... aren’t you?
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - It has been some time since this column visited the county commissioners....

She has luck of the Irish
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - Congratulations to Judy Loeb, who correctly guessed in the Sunday News contest that Notre Dame would defeat Penn State and that the total number of points scored would be 58....

A good day for big hug
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - Today in your Sunday News, you’ll find 52 pages full of pictures of people, young and old, smiling at you....

Breaking the bank
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - Back in 2002, the Rev. Debra Davis, then the pastor at Pearl Street United Methodist Church, decided her congregation should operate a uniform bank for pupils in the School District of Lancaster....

Just a little off the sides
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - You probably didn’t notice, but today the width of the printed images on our pages is narrower than it was last Sunday....

These changes aren’t remote
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - When my predecessor, Dave Hennigan, spoke at his retirement luncheon, he looked directly at me, and before those assembled to honor him, gave this piece of advice:...

This Cup is only half full
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - The World Cup has come and gone. Fans who follow the world’s most popular sport have retired to lives of quiet desperation over the status of soccer in the United States....

Confession of a good man
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - I read in a recent newspaper article that a group got approval from the state to erect one of those roadside markers near Coatesville to remember the horror of the last lynching in Pennsylvania....

A column is one’s opinion
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - “I would sincerely appreciate a reply to a very basic question. Do you and the rest of the Sunday News management fully endorse the views and opinions that Gil Smart expresses in his ‘Smart Remarks’ column? Perhaps a better way to ponder the question would be to ask would Marv Adams (editor) and [co...

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