Recitation of mantras has magical healing effects.


          Friday, November 3, 2006


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Vedic WISDOM – VIII ::
Significance of purity

God has taught us the significance of purity. Purity is not simply a question of celibacy. The soul has to become completely free of any thought that is even slightly tainted with body consciousness. If you learn to focus completely on soul consciousness and spirituality you attention will automatically be drawn to God. If someone has understood that they are a child of God, everything about them will change; their walking, food, drishti (vision) - everything. Ask yourself; 'What am I studying at this time?' The study is such that the mind and sense organs become quiet. It doesn't matter how long you have been in gyan, you need to check that you are experiencing this. If you don't have this incognito interest your eyes will just wander around.

With the awareness of God I receive the power to have dharna. With the power that comes from having good dharna, there is no need to ask how any task that needs to be done will happen. Yesterday I went into God's room and had a sweet conversation with God. My sweet brothers and sisters I want to tell you this; whatever the situation sit with God for 5 minutes and have a conversation. Never become lost in confusion, instead simply tell God everything. He will make you quiet and fill you with love. If you think too much, worry and confusion will be visible on your face. Whatever the situation, God will put it right. It may take time; it may even take years but let me not waste that time in thinking. We have to clear our karmic accounts not increase them by worrying.

The ones who think about others are clearly visible. They are the ones who fall asleep in yoga (remembrance of God). Your ears will be open the rest of the time to listen but in yoga your eyes will close. What attention do we need to have now? Only the concern to clear our karmic accounts and not create any more accounts. If you have only this concern, your head will become light. Heaviness comes when you have many thoughts. Problems and situations then appear as huge boulders. While walking, if a little stone comes into your shoe won't you stop immediately and remove it? If you keep it in there, it will cut your foot and there will be a lot of pain.

In what way should I react if someone insults me? When someone insults Dadi, she listens well and corrects herself. God has spoken to us clearly about these things; He says that even if someone says something very bitter to you, don't let your face change. Immediately take the strength from Him to maintain your sweetness. What do people in the world like? They like to listen to something good being said about them. However, what will a gyani (Knowledgeful) soul do? They won't hear things that are of no use to them. Look inwards, and tell yourself, 'I am a soul, God is with me and helping me move along with signals.'

In fact, we listen to a lot of gyan but how much do we really accept? Are you attentive throughout the day? Are you sweet and do you interact with sweetness throughout the whole day? If you listen with attention in the morning, you will feel a lot of help from his words. As a result we will be able to take strength from God and won't blame others for our situations and feelings. By applying God's versions you develop tolerance and you will have strength not to be affected when someone tests you by saying something. You will then be free from the influence of old sanskars (habits).

One who is careless cannot take God's help. If you can't feel His help then ask yourself why that is. In fact, God has told us not to make mistakes because He then can't help. One mistake is to get trapped in the name and form of others, another is to trap them in your name and form. Two more mistakes that don't allow us to receive God's help are attraction and confusion.

Understand that maya has many, many forms and yet God has only one form. Maya in the form of luxuries, false systems of society and ego has ruled us for many lives. Under these illusions we have done many wrong actions. Now is the time to have the courage and an honest enough heart to do the right thing. Dadi can tell you many things but who are the ones who have to do them?

Actually, what do we have to do? We have to do everything God says. We don't have to think too much. Now learn this simple phrase 'Don't think!' There is great happiness in not thinking. Experience the joy of swinging in the swing. God knows what his work is! God tells us to just be quiet and let Him do his work. If there is a task to do God will find the people to get it done. God wants us to have enough peace to donate. We may feel we have done so much yet really who is getting everything done? Now learn to remain quiet and peaceful and then God will bring souls to help.


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