Richard M. Riss

Brief biography of Richard and Kathryn Riss

This home page serves as a source for information
bearing upon Revival and Christianity in general.
Please direct your questions, comments,
or suggestions to


Revival Resources

Anyone who has studied the history of revivals or who is aware of their characteristics knows that there have been remarkable divine visitations at various times throughout the history of the Church. It happens that we are experiencing such a divine visitation right now!

*The Purpose of Revival

*A brief history of the current awakening

*Letters in defense of the present-day outpouring of the Holy Spirit

*The Awakening List

*Other Internet Resources On Revival

Christian Resources

One of the reasons that I am a Christian is that there is a huge body of evidence for the Christian claims.

*Selected Sermons NEW!

*The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

*Christian Evidences, Part I (Available divided into chapters or as one large file)

*Christian Evidences, Part II (Available divided into chapters or as one large file)

These pages added on June 23, 1995
Format changed on November 26th, 1996
Last modified on November 29th, 1998
Maintained by Jenni Baier,

© 1996,1997,1998 Richard M. Riss

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