11.2     Neon


Until recently, neon was the most problematical of the rare gases. Of its three isotopes, 21Ne and 22Ne are nucleogenic and their variations are well understood. In contrast, 20Ne is non nucleogenic, and the causes of its variation in the Earth were hotly debated. However, the resolution of this debate has now made neon isotopes a kind of ‘Rosetta Stone’ for understanding the behaviour of the other rare gases in mantle sources.



11.2.1  Neon production


The principal nuclear reactions which generate neon isotopes are n, " reactions on 24Mg and 25Mg, which produce 21Ne and 22Ne respectively. Subsidiary pathways are ", n reactions on 18O and 19F which produce 21Ne and 22Na, the latter undergoing $ decay to 22Ne. The ", n reaction on 17O to yield 20Ne is unimportant, due to the low abundance of the parent. All " particles are derived from the U-series decay chains, while the neutrons are mostly produced by secondary reactions from " particles.


            These reactions were first studied by Wetherill (1954), and have been refined in subsequent work (e.g. Kennedy et al., 1990). The net result of these reactions is to yield a trend towards lower 20Ne/22Ne and higher 21Ne/22Ne ratios which is most clearly seen in uranium-rich rocks such as granites. Figure 11.17 shows isotopic data for gas wells from Alberta, Canada, plotted on the commonly used neon three-isotope diagram. The data form a linear array which was attributed to mixing between atmospheric and nucleogenic neon. This is consistent with helium isotope data for these gases, which show a strong radiogenic signature with no mantle-derived component.

Fig. 11.17. Neon three-isotope correlation diagram showing well gases from the Alberta basin on a mixing line between atmospheric and nucleogenic neon. After Kennedy et al. (1990).


            Isotopic analysis of exposed terrestrial rocks has also demonstrated the cosmogenic production of 21Ne (Marty and Craig, 1987). This isotope is produced by spallation reactions on Mg, Na, Si and Al, generating a sub-horizontal array on the three-isotope plot. By analysing all three isotopes, the cosmogenic component can resolved from trapped (magmatic) neon and nucleogenic neon. Graf et al. (1991) applied the cosmogenic neon method to quartz separates from Antarctic rocks which had previously been dated by 26Al and 10Be (section 14.6.2). They demonstrated coherent behaviour of 21Ne with these other cosmogenic isotopes, suggesting that neon will be a useful tool in determining cosmic exposure ages of surficial rocks.


11.2.2  Solar neon in the Earth


The first evidence for non-atmospheric neon in the mantle was presented by Craig and Lupton (1976) from samples of MORB and volcanic gases. These are enriched in 20Ne, as well as nucleogenic 21Ne, relative to 22Ne contents. Subsequently, Harding County well gas was also found to have a composition well removed from atmosphere (Phinney et al., 1978). These 20Ne-enriched components were attributed to exotic primordial rare gas components in the Earth, possibly representing solar neon. In contrast, Kyser and Rison (1982) speculated that 20Ne enrichment in the analysed samples might be due to mass fractionation of neon from an original mantle composition similar to that of the atmosphere. They compared a compilation of mantle-derived neon analyses with neon data from geothermal gases in Japan (Nagao et al., 1979). These gases display a mass-fractionation trend (Fig. 11.18) which is explained by preferential diffusion of light neon through the soil to the sampling sites.

Fig. 11.18. Comparison of mantle samples ( ! ), and mass-fractionated geothermal gases ( " ), on a neon three-isotope diagram. After Kyser and Rison (1982).


            Elevated 20Ne abundances were also found in diamonds (Fig. 11.19) by Honda et al. (1987) and Ozima and Zashu (1988; 1991). These analyses disproved the 20Ne ‘enrichment’ model of Kyser and Rison, since diamonds represent in situ solid samples of the mantle. Therefore, Ozima and Zashu reversed the mass fractionation argument of Kyser and Rison, suggesting that diamonds sample a solar neon reservoir in the Earth, whereas the present-day atmosphere has been depleted in 20Ne by mass fractionation. They argued that bombardment of the early Earth by radiation caused the massive blow-off of a primitive solar-type atmosphere, leaving a residue enriched in heavy neon.


            Fractionation of the proposed magnitude between mantle and atmosphere should be accompanied by fractionation of the non-radiogenic isotopes of argon, krypton and xenon. Therefore, it should be possible to test the atmospheric fractionation model by isotopic analysis of the heavy rare gases. However, two factors make such tests difficult to perform. Firstly, the heavier rare gases respond to fractionation effects to a lesser degree; and secondly, the heavy rare gases are more likely to be recycled back into the mantle, masking the effect of any mantle–atmosphere fractionation of such gases. This subject will be re-examined below.

Fig. 11.19. Neon isotope data for diamonds compared with the composition of other solar system components. (The solar-wind composition was determined by analysis of Lunar soil). For data sources, see text.


            Additional insights into terrestrial neon systematics have been sought from the analysis of submarine basaltic glasses. Sarda et al. (1988) demonstrated the existence of a MORB correlation line passing through the atmosphere point, which has been confirmed by several subsequent studies (e.g. Marty, 1989; Hiyagon et al., 1992; Moreira et al., 1998). This array (Fig. 11.20) can be explained by three-component mixing of solar-type, atmosphere-type and nucleogenic neon, as discussed below.

Fig. 11.20. Compilation of MORB neon data ( ! ) on a 3-isotope plot. A and B represent the ‘planetary’ neon compositions seen in some meteorites. After Hiyagon (1992).


            Sarda et al. (1988) also determined neon isotope ratios in several Loihi glasses which fell within error of the atmospheric composition. They believed that these signatures represented a genuine primordial mantle signature, consistent with this reservoir being the principal source of atmospheric neon. However, subsequent analyses of submarine basalt glasses from Loihi and nearby Kilauea revealed a wider range of neon isotope ratios, stretching from the atmospheric composition towards 20Ne-enriched compositions (Honda et al., 1991; Hiyagon et al., 1992). The enriched end of this array approaches the solar wind composition, but the array has a slope intermediate between the pure mass-fractionation line and the MORB correlation line (Fig. 11.21). In order to explain these results, Honda et al. and Hiyagon et al. attributed all neon in the Earth’s interior to mixing between solar and nucleogenic isotopes. The sloping arrays of MORB and OIB were then attributed to variable atmospheric contamination of this solar plus radiogenic mantle neon, whereas the Loihi neon samples originally analysed by Sarda et al. (1988) were attributed almost entirely to atmospheric contamination.

Fig. 11.21. Compilation of Hawaiian neon data on a three-isotope plot. ( " ) = Loihi; ( ! ) = Kilauea. After Hiyagon et al. (1992).


            Allegre et al. (1993) attempted to reinstate the ‘planetary model’ for neon in the deep mantle by invoking a new mechanism to explain high 20Ne/22Ne ratios of solar type in the earth’s mantle. They attributed these signatures to the subduction of cosmic dust particles accumulated in deep-sea sediments. These dust particles become implanted with neon from the solar wind during their exposure in space. Analysis of this material in the atmosphere and in deep sea sediment reveals 20Ne/22Ne ratios which span the range between atmospheric and solar compositions (e.g. Nier and Schlutter, 1990). Matsuda et al. (1990) suggested that these particles could survive the ‘noble gas subduction barrier’ and deliver cosmic (solar) neon to the deep mantle. This could explain the high 20Ne/22Ne ratios of submarine glasses without having to invoke solar-type primordial neon in the Earth. However, experimental studies by Hiyagon (1994) suggested that neon would be completely extracted from cosmic dust within three years at 500 oC, which is insufficient to sustain this model.


            Ozima and Igarashi (2000) also rejected the ‘solar neon’ model. Their argument was based on the distribution of data in a histogram of 20Ne/22Ne ratios from MORB, OIB and diamonds (Fig. 11.22). They argued that since the distribution tailed away to nothing at the solar wind composition, solar neon could not be a major component of the terrestrial rare gas inventory. However, it should be noted that the tailing effect in Fig. 11.23 is mainly due to OIB data. The MORB distribution is essentially flat, indicating relatively equal mixing of solar and atmospheric neon in these samples. The distribution of OIB data in Fig. 11.23 is mainly a historical artefact, representing the great difficulties encountered in excluding atmospheric contamination in earlier work. However, improved methods to combat atmospheric contamination have gradually been developed, as seen in recent data presented by Harrison et al. (1999) while the paper by Ozima and Igarashi was under revision. These new neon isotope data from Iceland reached 20Ne/22Ne ratios above 13.5 for the first time, overlapping with the solar wind composition.

Fig. 11.22. Histogram of neon isotope data for MORB (hatched); diamonds (stipple) and OIB (clear) to show the distribution of data between the atmospheric and Solar Wind values. After Ozima and Igarashi (2000).


            Further evidence from Iceland in support of the Solar Neon model was provided by Dixon et al. (2000) and Moreira et al. (2001). For the first time, these studies revealed a correlation steeper than the L–K line on the three-isotope plot, falling within error of the mass fractionation line between atmospheric and solar neon (Fig. 11.23). This discovery provides important support for the two-reservoir model for terrestrial noble gases (section 11.1.4), because it implies that the Earth does contain an essentially primordial neon reservoir.

Fig. 11.23. Neon three-isotope plot showing new Iceland data, some of which lie within error of the mass fractionation line between atmospheric and solar neon. ( ! ) = olivine; ( " ) = glass. After Dixon et al. (2000).



11.2.3  Neon and helium


Following widespread acceptance of the solar neon model for the Earth, neon and helium isotope data can now be placed in a unified model. This is because helium does not suffer significant atmospheric contamination, while atmospheric contamination of neon can be corrected using the three isotope plot. Relationships between neon and heavy rare gases will be discussed in the next section.


            One way of correcting for atmospheric neon contamination is to calculate the slopes of data arrays on the three-isotope plot by forcing a regression line through the atmosphere composition. The gradient of this regression line is then equal to the ratio *20Ne/*21Ne. Poreda and Farley (1992) used this notation to compare the neon compositions of various mantle sources, categorised according to 3He/4He ratio (expressed as R/RA). The results of this analysis are presented in Fig. 11.24. In addition to data from Loihi and MORB, new data were obtained from ultramafic xenoliths from Reunion and two different localities in the Samoan islands, which were found to define neon isotope arrays with slopes intermediate between those for Hawaii and MORB (Staudacher et al., 1990; Poreda and Farley, 1992). Overall, the data suggest a correlation between neon and helium isotope ratios, which can be explained by the addition of a nucleogenic)radiogenic neon)helium component to a variably degassed primordial component.

Fig. 11.24. Correlation of neon and helium isotope signatures in mantle sources, expressed as histograms of  *20Ne/*21Ne, categorised by R/RA ratio. Different OIB samples are distinguished by hatching. After Poreda and Farley (1992).


            An alternative way of correcting for atmospheric neon contamination is to project data away from the atmosphere point to the solar 20Ne/22Ne ratio, whereupon the neon data are presented as normalised 21Ne/22Ne ratios. Porcelli and Wasserburg (1995b) used this notation to compare neon and helium data for depleted mantle, lower mantle plumes, and meteorites (representing the initial Earth). These reservoirs form an approximately linear growth curve on a diagram of 21Ne/22Ne against 4He/3He. This is consistent with the common progenitors U and Th, which produce radiogenic helium and nucleogenic neon. Porcelli and Wasserburg (1995b) also argued that the linear Ne–He growth curve is consistent with a steady state model for mantle rare gases.


            The atmospheric contamination model successfully explains the neon isotope arrays in submarine glasses, but it brings us back to the problem of explaining the origin of the atmospheric neon signature itself. Most workers now support the hypothesis that neon fractionation occurred during the burn-off of an early terrestrial atmosphere of solar composition (as proposed by Ozima and Zashu, 1988; 1991). This question was re-evaluated by Pepin (1997), who argued that a giant impact in the early history of the Earth would have fractionated all rare gas isotope ratios, including those of neon and the heavy rare gases. Nevertheless, he argued that atmospheric burn-off powered by extreme ultra-violet solar radiation was still necessary to explain the observed atmospheric neon signatures. An alternative model proposed by Marty (1989) is that the atmosphere was formed by late accretion of gas-rich meteorites with planetary neon (e.g. neon A in Fig. 11.20). These could have been accreted to the surface of the Earth subsequent to the formation of the mantle with a solar neon budget.





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