var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); function adtag_place_ad_here(sz) { adtag_place_ad_here_with_url(sz, document.URL); } function adtag_place_ad_here_with_url(sz, url) { var tags = adtag_calculate_tag(sz, url); var tagline = ''; document.write(tagline); } function adtag_calculate_tag(sz, url) { // alert('url :: ' + url + " :: size :: " + sz); var sysparams = adtag_calculate_sysparams(sz); // alert("sysparams :: " + sysparams); var preprocessed_url = adtag_preprocess_url(url); // alert("preprocessed_url :: " + preprocessed_url); var tag_with_no_sysparams = adtag_parse_url_to_tag(preprocessed_url); // alert("tag_with_no_sysparams :: " + tag_with_no_sysparams); var tags = adtag_assemble_tags(tag_with_no_sysparams, sysparams); // alert("tags :: " + tags); return tags; } function adtag_calculate_sysparams(sz) { if (typeof condenetads_ord == "undefined"){condenetads_ord = Math.round(Math.random()*10000000000000000);} if (typeof tile_num == "undefined"){ tile_num=1; } else { tile_num++; } var sysparams_template = 'sz=' + sz + ';tile=2;ord=116138112'; _sysparams = sysparams_template.split(';'); re_tile = /(tile=)[0-9]*/; re_ord = /(ord=)[0-9]*/; sysparams = _sysparams[0] + ';' + _sysparams[1].replace(re_tile, '$1') + tile_num + ';' + _sysparams[2].replace(re_ord, '$1') + condenetads_ord; return sysparams; } function adtag_preprocess_url(myurl) { // get rid of the possible extra space or '/' at the end of the url string while ((myurl.charAt(myurl.length -1) == '/') || (myurl.charAt(myurl.length -1) == ' ')) { myurl = myurl.substring(0, myurl.length - 1); } var pp_pieces = myurl.split("/"); var num_of_ppp = pp_pieces.length; // case-by-case processing if ((num_of_ppp == 5) && (pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase() == "wireservice") && ( (pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase().substring(0, 13) == "headlines.php") || (pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase().substring(0, 9) == "story.php"))) { // handle cases for myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + pp_pieces[3]; var bbb = pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase().indexOf("section="); if (bbb > 0) { var eee = pp_pieces[4].indexOf("&", bbb); if (eee < 0) { eee = pp_pieces[4].length; } var mytopic = pp_pieces[4].substring(bbb + 8, eee); myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + pp_pieces[3] + "/" + mytopic; } } else if ((num_of_ppp == 5) && (pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase() == "services") && (pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase() == "blogs")) { // handle case for myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + pp_pieces[4]; } else if ((num_of_ppp == 5) && (pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase() == "archive") && (pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase() == "index.html")) { // handle case for myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + pp_pieces[3]; } else if ((num_of_ppp == 5) && (pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase() == "support") && (pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase() == "blogs.html")) { // handle case for myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + "blogs"; } else if ((num_of_ppp == 5) && (pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase().indexOf(".htm") > 0)) { // handle case for - get rid of the suffix var mytopic = pp_pieces[4].substring(0, pp_pieces[4].toLowerCase().indexOf(".htm")); if ((pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase() == "support") && (mytopic.indexOf("_instructions") > 0)) { var underbar_index = mytopic.indexOf("_instructions"); mytopic = mytopic.substring(0, underbar_index) + mytopic.substring(underbar_index + 1); } myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + pp_pieces[3] + "/" + mytopic; } else if ((num_of_ppp == 4) && (pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase().indexOf(".htm") > 0)) { // handle case for etc - get rid of the suffix var myzone = pp_pieces[3].substring(0, pp_pieces[3].toLowerCase().indexOf(".htm")); myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + myzone; } else if (pp_pieces[2].split(".")[0].indexOf("blog") >= 0) { // handle cases for if (num_of_ppp < 4) { myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + "blogs"; } else { myurl = pp_pieces[0] + "/" + pp_pieces[1] + "/" + pp_pieces[2] + "/" + "blogs" + "/" + pp_pieces[3]; } } return myurl; } function adtag_parse_url_to_tag(myurl) { var dc_tag = ""; var dc_constant_kw = "abr=!webtv;dcopt=ist"; var url_pieces = myurl.split("/"); var num_of_url_pieces = url_pieces.length; // start to calculate if (num_of_url_pieces < 4) { dc_tag = dc_tag + "homepage"; } else { var myzone = url_pieces[3]; if (num_of_url_pieces < 5) { dc_tag = dc_tag + myzone + ";page=index"; } else { var mysection = url_pieces[4]; dc_tag = dc_tag + myzone + ";kw=" + mysection; } } dc_tag = dc_tag + ";" + dc_constant_kw; return dc_tag; } function adtag_assemble_tags(tag_with_no_sysparams, mysysparams) { return tag_with_no_sysparams + ";" + mysysparams; } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:53:05 Jan 05, 2007 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 03:21:29 Apr 30, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 0.569 exclusion.robots: 0.064 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.057 cdx.remote: 0.05 esindex: 0.009 LoadShardBlock: 82.893 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 126.763 (4) load_resource: 112.157 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 49.27 */