George Phillies for PresidentGeorge Phillies for President

Phillies addresses the LP New Hampshire State Convention. NEW! Video of the speech and the Q&A following it!
New Policy Statement Peace with Iraq
The Message: Open Letter to former National Convention Delegates
Now The National Campaign Staff

Why Do We Need a Libertarian for President?

America is in real trouble, and most Americans know it. The great majority of Americans agree: We are on the wrong track. Things are getting worse, not better. If you don't believe me, look at your paycheck.

  • This year, the budget deficit is over $700 billion. The trade deficit is over $800 billion. We are selling our grandchildren into de facto debt slavery.

  • American civil liberties are collapsing. The President believes he can ignore any law. Illegal warrantless wiretaps and searches of our homes are widespread. The President believes that there is no right to trial by jury, so Jose Padilla was thrown into a military prison for years without trial or access to lawyers.

2008 is Too Late
The Democratic and Republican parties spent 150 years developing their support base and campaign organizations. Their 150 years is too much for a Libertarian to overcome in a 150 day campaign. To build a successful Libertarian Party, we have to start now in 2006, not procrastinate until 2008.
My campaign is already delivering sensible Libertarian solutions to real problems that concern our fellow Americans. My campaign has already started to organize, state by state. In 2007 and 2008, we will mobilize volunteer manpower to amplify our message.

Read more about why I am running. Read my remarks to potential delegates. Learn more about my campaign plans.

Advanced Technical Means

My campaign will be doing real video advertising. The first internet-level video ad has just gone up on our web pages. Before the final ads are made, we'll also release 'concept videos' that show the the look and feel of the campaign message. See the concept videos as they go up.

We are also doing radio ads: Ads that the campaign's supporters can borrow. Ads useful for any libertarian, that all libertarians are welcome to use. (That's party building.)

Be nice to someone who respects third parties: Doug Daniels' The Next Prez web site extensively covers the Libertarian Presidential campaign. This December, show your appreciation. Visit his site and vote in his polls.

We're the Libertarian Party.

The Libertarian Message: Peace, Liberty, Prosperity

A Good Life for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren