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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"That's why I hired him. He's a eunuch."
5007 members | you are not logged in | 01 January 2007


carinson's profile

Member since: 02 January 2006
carinson has posted 0 links and 4 comments to WHEDONesque.

Nora, Sweden

I'm just a girl from Sweden who's addicted to everything Joss has done.

Recent comments by carinson

posted on... in reply to...
20/03/2006 16:39 CET   9833. Sam Loeb and (a bunch of) The 26. 
05/03/2006 16:14 CET   9722. Rest In Peace, Chocky. 
05/03/2006 16:05 CET   9694. Joel Silver gives latest update on Wonder Woman movie. 
02/01/2006 22:39 CET   9103. Guest Columnist Joss Whedon Eyes the Future of TV. 

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